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從 iPhone & Wireless Broadband Internet 之震撼和衝擊來探討電信業的版圖 和 願景

從 iPhone & Wireless Broadband Internet 之震撼和衝擊來探討電信業的版圖 和 願景. 日期 :97 年 5 月 23 日 ( 星期五 ) 時間 : 下午一時三十分 主講人 : 羅春木博士 南方資訊股份有限公司總經理 地點 : 台北科技大學. Resume for Dr. C. M. Lo. • Name : Chun Moo Lo (羅春木) • Education :  1979 - Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

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從 iPhone & Wireless Broadband Internet 之震撼和衝擊來探討電信業的版圖 和 願景

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  1. 從 iPhone & Wireless Broadband Internet 之震撼和衝擊來探討電信業的版圖 和 願景 日期:97年5月23日(星期五) 時間:下午一時三十分 主講人:羅春木博士 南方資訊股份有限公司總經理 地點:台北科技大學

  2. Resume for Dr. C. M. Lo • Name:Chun Moo Lo(羅春木) • Education:  1979 - Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA  1976 - MS in Electrical Engineering University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA  1968 - Electronics Department of Taipei Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

  3. Resume for Dr. C. M. Lo (Con.) • Experience:  09/2003 〜 Present - President & CEO of Southern Information Systems Inc. 南方資訊股份有限公司總經理兼執行長  01/2003 〜08/2003 - President of Volktek Corp. 定揚科技股份有限公司總經理  1998 〜2001 - President & CEO of Southern Information Systems Inc. 南方資訊股份有限公司總經理兼執行長  1997 〜1998 - President of Sysgration Inc. 系統電子公司總經理

  4. OUTLINE • Telecom Business Model and its Development • The Telecom Challenges with their Impact • Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom • Broadband Service Impact • Network Neutrality Bill • Summary

  5. Telecom Business Model and its Development • Monopoly Business Model  AT&T – Long Distance/International Call  Baby Bells – Local Call • Deregulated Business Model/Liberalization  Dot-Coms - Flopping and Bubble, spring of 2000

  6. Telecom Business Model and its Development(Con.)  Telecom Melting Down – 655 Telecom companies/Broadband providers with a combined $749 billion in assets filed for bankruptcy over three years (2001-2004) • Merge and Acquisition / Telecos Consolidation  AT&T, Verizon & Comcast own Telecos infrastructures(Networks/Internet)

  7. Telecom Business Model and its Development(Con.) Operate and Compete fiercely with both rivals and new aggressive giant entrants – Web service /Internet service companies such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Amarzon, eBay & Apple

  8. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact • The Challenges with Wireless and Broadband have a significant impact on Telecom how to operate and compete • Innovation and investment in new technologies AT&T’s exclusive deal to sell Apple iPhone helped it sign up a record 2.7 million wireless subscribers last quarter of 2007

  9. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact (Con.) • Persuade customers to use their phone for more than just voice conversation and also to tap into net for maps, games and other services • Upgrade networks to offer fast internet connections and new services such as TV, game, and others

  10. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact (Con.) • For the big carriers such as AT&T, Verizon and Qwest the main challenges is to slow defections of traditional local-line customers while producing fast revenue growth in new markets such as wireless, internet services, pay TV, and advertising

  11. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact (Con.) • The carriers must overcome their reputation for being “dumb pipes” and prove they can fill their network with innovative bundle of products and services that strike a chord with customers all while battling cable operators, which poaching millions of phone customers, and fending off or making peace with aggressive new entrants such as Google, Microsoft , Yahoo & Apple

  12. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact (Con.) • Most phone and cable companies (carriers) are no longer content just to sell web access to consumers • After investing in high speed pipes, they also want to peddle more lucrative products such as internet-delivered TV programs, movies, and phone calls.

  13. The Telecom Challenges with their Impact (Con.) • But selling those extras puts the phone and cable companies (carriers) in competition with Web service/Internet service companies

  14. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom • iPhone – the slick phone/web browser/musical player/camera • AT&T’s exclusive deal to sell iPhone to helped it sign up a record 2.7 million wireless subscribers last quarter of 2007 • Apple also takes a bite out of AT&T’s margins for iPhone.

  15. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.) • Remake US cellular business ($140 billion) by determining what services consumers get and leaving the carriers out of loop. • Upending two decades of conventional wisdom about nature of competition in digital market – customer just want a great experience they don’t buy platforms.

  16. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.) • Wintel PC standard – notion of a platform is a very PC-oriented way of looking at world and thousand of vendors competed to build products on top of that platform. • Apple’s strategy: Far simple – focus on making the “best product” and rewards will follow

  17. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.) • iPhone redefine the mobile phone experience  As any Black Berry or Treo owner knows all 25 million smart phone sold in 2006 offer similar capabilities such as web browsing and e-mail, none has captured the heart of the mainstream consumers.

  18. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.)  iPhone erase myriad frustrations faced by hundreds of million phone users – from maddeningly complex menus, to the inability to find a contact while on a call  Making the complex simple  iPhone is to use natural user interface such as multi-touch screen handset

  19. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.)  Apple is head and shoulders above others in making the actual machine you use to pull up web pages, music, TV shows, movies and soon, perhaps, phone conversation  Apple are moving from a distributor – driven paradigm to a consumer-driven paradigm and Apple gets customers. And not just any customers, but those who will pay a premium

  20. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.)  Apple use the same iPod innovative business model for iPhone  Apple defined the 16 services in iPhone that are highlighted on its home pages, and users sign up for them via iTunes, not on AT&T’s homepage or in its stores.  Normally, carriers in the U.S. control how cell-phones are priced and marketed, right down to deciding whether they will turn on capabilities built into the phones.

  21. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.)  What is made the iPhone a hit is its smooth integration of hardware and software and its easy operation.  The iPhone device weaves together a wide array of computer-like functions in a way that even technophobes can master in minutes.

  22. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.)  Convert carrier CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) – oriented concept i.e. smart phone to a user-friendly/easy operation – oriented consumer product.  Apple iPod business model is attempting to shatter the so called walled-garden model of wireless companies in which they control the wireless internet gateway and the content that is featured on the handset screen.

  23. Apple iPhone Impact and its Shock on Telecom(Con.) • In summary  The key to iPhone success are: - To make the “best product” for customers - To utilize the same iPod innovative business model service via iTunes - To get customers who can pay a premium price for premium service

  24. Broadband Service Impact • The explosion of online video and the rebirth of telecom happen around the same time. • The bandwidth-hungry services such as YouTube, My Space, Video Egg are caused the global internet traffic grows at compounded annual rate of 75% a year

  25. Broadband Service Impact (CON.) • A high-speed data network suddenly makes it easier and cheaper for all kinds of workers and business men to place orders, service customers, and drum up new business. • Mainstream organizations also have knit broadband networks into the fabric of their daily operations.

  26. Broadband Service Impact (CON.) • In summary  Provide an innovative bundle of products and services to increase revenues quickly and effectively  Offer faster, speedy broadband internet connections and new services to the wire line customers  Provide internet backbone service to alliance with Web service and internet service companies to jointly develop new business such as mobile internet and broadband internet services

  27. Network Neutrality Bill • Google et al (Microsoft, Yahoo!, Amazon and eBay) fear broadband carriers (AT&T and Verizon) will tie up traffic with new tolls and controls. • The broadband carriers/the network operators could block consumers from popular sites such as Google, Amazon or Yahoo! in favor of their own or they could degrade delivery of web pages whose providers don’t pay extra - Google’s home pages might load at a creep, while a search engine backed by the network provider would zip along

  28. Network Neutrality Bill(CON.) • Broadband carriers/phone companies could tell Google or another independent web service that it must pay extra to ensure speedy and reliable service.

  29. Network Neutrality Bill (CON.) • Bill would regulate carriers would divide their networks infrastructure as public internet network and private network.  Public internet network – part of their networks is dedicated to public anything-goes internet to preserve nondiscrimination and openness.  Private network – the rest is used for controlled delivery of video content and pay a premium price for premium delivery.

  30. Network Neutrality Bill (CON.) • Could result in an internet of haves, who can afford to pay the network operators more to ensure smooth service, and have- nots.

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