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Chapter Objectives

Chapter Objectives. After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Understand the events that began the Civil War Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South Describe key happenings and battles of the Civil War Describe the events that concluded the Civil War.

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Chapter Objectives

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  1. Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Understand the events that began the Civil War Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South Describe key happenings and battles of the Civil War Describe the events that concluded the Civil War

  2. 15.4- The Two Sides SWBAT… Describe the impact of the Election of 1860 and events at Ft. Sumter on Compare & Contrast - Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South in terms of resources, strategies and war aims. ESENTIAL QUESTION: What important role did the border states play in the Civil War?

  3. 15.4 - Election of 1860 VIDEO REVIEW: The South Seceeds – The War Begins 19mn • 1860 Pres Election highly divisive • N. Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas for President • For Popular Sovereignty • S. Democrats nominated John Breckinridge • who wanted Slavery • Repub’s nominated Abraham Lincoln • maintain slavery only where it already existed

  4. Presidential Election - 1860

  5. Start of the Civil War • Repub. Lincoln won the Presidecy. • caused great anger in the South • Southerners felt Lincoln wouldn’t protect South’s rights (remember the Dec. of Indep) • S.C. – holds a special state convention • December 20, 1860 – S.C. secedes • Early 1861, TX, LA, MS, AL, FL, and GA seceded • Meanwhile – Lincoln would not be officially president until – March 4, 1861. • Lincoln’s Inaugural Address: • Tough - Secession is illegal; I will hold federal property in the south. • Peace – p. 452 (speech quote)

  6. April, 1861 - Fort Sumter, S.C. • Confederacy began taking over S. forts • Lincoln wants control doesn’t want to provoke a war • Ft. Sumter – running low on supplies • What does he do? • sent unarmed troops with supplies • Confederate President – Jefferson Davis • Orders attack on Ft. Sumter

  7. April, 1861 - Fort Sumter, S.C. Cont.. • Who Fired The First Shot? • North is unified by the attack • Lincoln can now act with justification. • Lincoln issued a call-up of 75,000 troops, officially beginning the war • In Response: VA, NC, TN, AK joined the Confederacy (11 total)

  8. The Confederacy – April 1861

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