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信息权利视角的图书馆职业伦理 Library Professional Ethics: an Information Right Perspective

信息权利视角的图书馆职业伦理 Library Professional Ethics: an Information Right Perspective. 沙勇忠 Sha Yongzhong 兰州大学图书馆 Library of Lanzhou University 兰州大学管理学院 Management School of Lanzhou University. 题目的阐释. 现代信息活动知识权力结构是不平等的结构. 信息权利成为信息社会人的一项基本权利. 图书馆是消解知识权力结构中 的 不平等的重要力量 ,图书馆 伦理 是 公共信息活动职业伦理重要组成部分.

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信息权利视角的图书馆职业伦理 Library Professional Ethics: an Information Right Perspective

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  1. 信息权利视角的图书馆职业伦理Library Professional Ethics:an Information Right Perspective 沙勇忠 Sha Yongzhong 兰州大学图书馆 Library of Lanzhou University 兰州大学管理学院 Management School of Lanzhou University

  2. 题目的阐释 现代信息活动知识权力结构是不平等的结构 信息权利成为信息社会人的一项基本权利 图书馆是消解知识权力结构中的不平等的重要力量,图书馆伦理是公共信息活动职业伦理重要组成部分

  3. The Interpretation of Topic Knowledge power structure of modern information activities is a kind of inequality structure Information rights of human become essential in information society Library is an important force that clear up unequal in Knowledge power structure. Library ethics is an important part of public information activities professional ethics.

  4. Contents 现代信息活动知识权力结构 Knowledge power structure of modern information activities 1 信息权利及其伦理分析 Information rights and ethical analysis 2 图书馆职业伦理原则 Library professional ethical principles 3

  5. 一、现代信息活动知识权力结构 Knowledge power structure of modern information activities 现代信息活动知识权力结构 Knowledge power structure of modern information activities 两关键力量 Two key power 图书馆是消解知识权力结构中的不平等的重要力量 Library is an important force that clear up unequal in Knowledge power structure 社会大众 public 信息技术 IT 知识精英 intellectual elite 市场 market 契约安排contractual arrangements 专家控制 expert control 民主协商 democratic consultation 运作的三种主要模式 three modes of operation

  6. 二、信息权利及其伦理分析Information rights and ethical analysis 从伦理学哲学角度看,权利是人类行为在道德上有效力的要求,是个人拥有的和可以自由处置的所有物。 From the perspective of philosophy of ethics, right is human behavior restricted by moral requirements that there is individual ownership and free disposal of all materials.

  7. 信息权利——人在信息活动中合理地生产、组织、拥有、传播和使用信息的权利。信息权利——人在信息活动中合理地生产、组织、拥有、传播和使用信息的权利。

  8. 1、信息发布权 Information dissemination right • 人们利用信息媒体发布合法和合乎道德规范的信息的权利。 • The right of releasing the information that is legal and conformable to the moral by information media.

  9. 2、信息获取权Access to information 2000-2007年中国数字鸿沟变化趋势 The change of china digital gap, 2000-2007

  10. 3、隐私权 Privacy

  11. 4、知识产权Intellectual property rights

  12. 5、信息安全权 Information security right • 数字时代,信息安全主要面临非法入侵、信息加密、电脑病毒和信息犯罪等威胁。 • In digital era, illegal invasion, message encryption, computer viruses and computer crime threatened information security right mainly.

  13. 三、图书馆职业伦理原则Library professional ethical principles 截止2010年5月,在IFLA网站上可检索到已颁布图书馆职业伦理规范的国家和地区已有33个。

  14. 1、公共存取原则 The principle of public access

  15. 2、客观公正原则 The principles of objective and fair • 公正原则强调对“潜在的最小受惠者”的关注,使图书馆在缩小或消除现实中存在的“数字鸿沟”方面,具有尤其重要的意义。 • The principles of objective and fair emphasis on "potential beneficiaries of the minimum" attention, so that libraries in narrow or eliminate the reality of the existence of the "digital divide" have demonstrated a particular significance.

  16. 3、尊重隐私权与知识产权原则 The principle of respect for privacy and intellectual property 从读者观点看,无论读者因何目的使用图书馆,利用图书馆的文献信息,都属于读者隐私的一部分。图书馆员应尊重与保护读者使用信息内容的隐私。 From the reader‘s point of view, no matter what purpose to use the library, using literature information related to libraries, is a part of reader’s privacy. Librarians should respect and protect the privacy of readers to use information from library.

  17. 4、精益服务原则 Lean service principles 精益服务原则指图书馆员应适应信息环境变化,与时俱进地调整角色,以高度的敬业精神和专业技能为读者提供高质量的信息服务。 Lean service principles means that librarians should adapt to changing information environment, and to adjust themselves as time pass by. Provide readers high quality information services with great degree of professionalism and expertise.

  18. Fragment of the thesaurus containing vocabulary related to the police A thesaurus-based semantic library catalogue:http://www.consensualknowledge.net/semlib.html

  19. Semantic book search engine A thesaurus-based semantic library catalogue:http://www.consensualknowledge.net/semlib.html

  20. 5、人文关怀原则 The principle of humane care 人文关怀即将人当作目的,尊重人的价值,重视人的全面发展。不仅蕴含于图书馆学科精神中,也贯穿于图书馆职业精神之中,是图书馆职业的一个基本伦理原则。 Caring about people as human purpose, respect for human value to the all-round development. Humanism is not only implied in the spirit of library science, but also throughout the library professional spirit, is one of fundamental library professional ethical principles.

  21. Thank You ! shayzh@lzu.edu.cn http://pcim.lzu.edu.cn

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