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Water Services Trust Fund The Urban Projects Concept (UPC) Implementation Workshop for WSPs and the Field Monitors Tr

Water Services Trust Fund The Urban Projects Concept (UPC) Implementation Workshop for WSPs and the Field Monitors Training Workshop Engineering Options. Defining the Project Approach &Components. Technical Approach (in context of the Objectives)

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Water Services Trust Fund The Urban Projects Concept (UPC) Implementation Workshop for WSPs and the Field Monitors Tr

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  1. Water Services Trust Fund The Urban Projects Concept (UPC) Implementation Workshop for WSPs and the Field Monitors Training Workshop Engineering Options

  2. Defining the Project Approach &Components • Technical Approach (in context of the Objectives) • In view of the present service levels in the project area, how do we improve the service level? • Where do we intend to source our water supply from? • In what quantities can we get our water supply? • Is this supply sufficient to meet the water demand of the project area? • If not are there other alternatives? Or how do we intend to address the inadequacy?

  3. Defining the Project Approach &Components • Technical Approach (in context of the Objectives) • Are there (legal) requirements to fulfill before commencing the project? • If yes, identify them and explain how you intend acquiring them? • What resources (human and equipment) do you require implement the project? • What do you estimate the project to cost? • How long do you estimate the project to take? • Etc.

  4. Technical Project Component • Off take (source) >> Please confirm: • Adequacy • Pressure heads • Water quality • Constraints • Transmission • Define the quantity to be transmitted • Define the mode of transmission • If a pipeline extension is required, please define the routing • Acquire the way leaves as appropriate • Provide route profiles and layout where necessary • Design your pipelines

  5. Defining the Project Approach & Components • Technical Approach (in context of the Objectives) • Incase where the off take and transmission exist think of the improvements required • Balancing Storage: • Is storage required? • If yes, could you size the storage required? • Outlets: • Individual connections • Water Kiosks (open, closed) • Stand taps / Yard Taps • Other (later the WSTF will include pre-paid metered taps)

  6. Defining the Project Approach & Components • Technical Approach • Operation & Maintenance • What management model do you intend to use? • What role is the Company to play in O&M in these areas? • Identify the incentives that will make you undertake above?

  7. Thank you!

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