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History of Egypt. Chapter 2, sections 2 and 3. Seven Pharaohs to Remember. Pharaohs were all powerful Egyptian kings who guided every activity in Egypt. 1- The first pharaoh is called Menes according to legend. a- ruled for about 60 years in 32 nd century B.C.
History of Egypt Chapter 2, sections 2 and 3
Seven Pharaohs to Remember • Pharaohs were all powerful Egyptian kings who guided every activity in Egypt. 1- The first pharaoh is called Menes according to legend. a- ruled for about 60 years in 32nd century B.C. b- most scholars believe his real name was Narmer. c- The first two dynasties are known as Archaic period (c. 3100- 2686 B.C.) 12-13 pharaohs total.
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 2- Khufu is the 2nd pharaoh of 4th dynasty and is the builder of the Great Pyramid a- 3rd through 6th dynasties is known as the Old Kingdom 2686- 2181 B.C. (24 total pharaohs) b- Old Kingdom was time of pyramid builders/tombs. Also one of the three periods of Egypt’s greatest strength. c- the people served the pharaohs because they believed he was also the son of Re, the sun god.
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 3- Amenemhet III (1817-1796 B.C) a- 11th of 13 pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom (2040-1786 B.C), one of the three great periods of Egyptian power. b- member of the 12th dynasty c- built a canal and the Pyramid of Hawara, with famous labyrinth
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 4- Hatshepsut (1503-1483 B.C.) a- ruled as regent, she made herself pharaoh and dressed as a male, fake beard and all. b- Her son, Thutmoses III, finally regained power, she died shortly after. c- built many monuments and temples, her son had her name removed from these monuments later. d- 5th pharaoh of 18th dynasty during New Kingdom, the last great era of Egyptian power.
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 5- Tutankhamen (1334-1325 B.C.) a- 12th pharaoh of 18th dynasty of New Kingdom. b- the boy king is more famous for the undisturbed discovery of his tomb than his actual reign. c- his armies lost a war to the Hittites during his time. d- how did he die? murder, war injury, accident, disease?
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 6- Ramses II (1279-1212 B.C.) a- 3rd pharaoh of 19th dynasty of New Kingdom b- great military leader, never lost??? c- Great builder of temples and monuments d- Best preserved mummy
Seven Pharaohs to Remember 7- Cleopatra VII (51-30 B.C.) a- the last pharaoh in Egyptian history of the Ptolemaic period (Greek pharaohs) b- had affairs with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony c- allied with Marc Antony against Octavian in Roman civil war. Both committed suicide upon defeat d- Egypt becomes province of Roman Empire
Egypt’s Religion A- Egyptians believed in many gods “polytheism” B- These deities were important because they helped to explain natural events, like floods and the movement of the sun and stars C- Egyptians believed in life after death. 1- Book of the Dead 2- At first only pharaohs and elite could enjoy afterlife 3- Mummification evolved from this belief
Six Important Gods 1- Re (sometimes Ra) was the most important god, the sun god. a- human body-hawk head with sun disk head- dress b- pharaoh considered son of Re
Six Important Gods 2- Hapi: God of the Nile and the flood *shown as a man with pot belly and water plant headdress
Six Important Gods 3- Isis: A protective goddess; most important goddess a- Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus b- shown with head-dress shaped like a thrown Protective amulet known as an “Isis Knot” Temple of Isis at Philae
Six Important Gods 4- Horus: a god of the sky, the pharaoh was considered the living Horus a- sometimes considered son of Re, other times son of Osiris and Isis b- shown as man with head of a hawk Temple of Horus at Edfu
Six Important Gods 5- Osiris: God of the Dead and ruler of the Underworld a- shown as a mummy with a cone like head- dress w/ feathers b- husband to Isis, he was also god of rebirth and fertility Temple of Osiris at Abydos
Six Important Gods 6- Anubis: God of embalming and the dead(mummification) a- pictured as man with Jackal head b- priests often wore mask of Anubis during preparation of mummies
Summary Time-Line • 3100 B.C. -2600 B.C. Archaic Period, first pharaohs and unification of Egypt • 2600-2300 B.C. Old Kingdom, age of pyramids (200 years of competing nobles follow) • 2050-1670 B.C. Middle Kingdom, capital moved to Thebes in Upper Egypt. Arts, literature, architecture thrives, • 1670-1550 B.C.The Hyksos conquer and rule Egypt
Summary Time Line • 1550-1080 B.C. New Kingdom, rulers include Hatshepsut, Amenhotep IV (single god pharaoh), Tutankhamen, and Ramses II • 1000 BC- 50 B.C. Decline of empire a- ruled by Libyans, then kingdom of Kush (Nubians), then Assyrians, then Greeks, then made a province of Rome.