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Let the fire fall. 2012 Rite of confirmation (r.o.c.) program St. Francis Xavier catholic church 2 Xavier Circle/Birmingham, al 35213 (205)871-1153 Fax: (205)871-9831 sfxroc@gmail.com. Confirmandi Orientation Meeting. Spirit night Orientation August 31, 2011.
Let the fire fall 2012 Rite of confirmation (r.o.c.) program St. Francis Xavier catholic church 2 Xavier Circle/Birmingham, al 35213 (205)871-1153 Fax: (205)871-9831 sfxroc@gmail.com
Confirmandi Orientation Meeting Spirit night Orientation August 31, 2011
Confirmand’s PrayerThomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude Prayer Adapted from Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
R.O.C. terms to Know • Confirmation – Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation in which the bishop or a delegated priest confers Confirmation through the anointing of chrism on the recipient’s forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, while saying, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”. (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults) • Confirmand – (singular) a candidate for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Used interchangeably with the term “candidate”. • Confirmandi– (plural) candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Used interchangeably with the term “candidates”. • R.O.C. – acronym for Rite of Confirmation • Spirit Night – an evening set aside for a mandatory confirmation class meeting • “Mandatory” - when the word “mandatory” is used, it means that attendance at a particular event is required…it means that attendance is as “mandatory” as we can possibly make it. Absences must be approved prior to the event.
2012 R.O.C. Curriculum Combination of: • Oneight: Life Teen’s Confirmation Program • For more information about this program, go to www.store.lifeteen.com/oneightdvd.aspx. Click on VIDEO PREVIEW to preview this program. • Presentations developed specifically for SFX confirmandi by SFX Confirmation Catechists The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states that “preparation for Confirmation should aim at leading the Christian toward a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit - His actions, His gifts, and His biddings - in order to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. To this end catechesis for Confirmation should strive to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church as well as the parish community.“ (paragraph #1309)
The Oneight Program takes its name from Acts 1:8… “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses…” (Acts 1:8)
Confirmationwhat’s it all about? • What is Confirmation? Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation in which the bishop or a delegated priest confers Confirmation through the anointing of chrism on the recipient’s forehead, which is done by the laying on of the hand, while saying, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”. (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults) • Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity who builds up, animates, and sanctifies the Church and her members. (United States Catholic Catechism for Adults) • What are the effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation? Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seals and confirms the baptized in union with Christ and calls them to greater participation in the worship and apostolic life of the Church. Confirmation invites us into a deeper stewardship relationship to Christ and responsibility in participation in the mission of Christ and His Church.(United States Catholic Catechism for Adults) Confirmation strengthens the gifts of the Holy Spirit first received in Baptism, so that we can grow even stronger in our calling to be Christ’s disciples.
Confirmation is not about becoming an adult in the Catholic Church but rather about becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church.
The CCCstates that, “Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the ‘sacraments of Christian initiation,’ whose unity must be safeguarded. … the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For ‘by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.’ “(CCC, # 1285)
Expectations (what’s expected of the confirmandi) • Attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation • Attend PSR classes regularly, if applicable • Attend all Spirit Nights • Notify Julie McLean prior to any anticipated Spirit Night absence(s) or asap after unanticipated absence • Complete “make-up” work in a timely manner • Attend the “Blessing of Confirmation Candidates” on December 4, 2011 • Attend the Confirmation Retreat • Take your Memory Workseriously • Complete Saint Essay – due November 16, 2011 • Complete Stewardship Journal – due May 2, 2012 • Participate in a minimum of 2 Group Service Activities/Projects prior to Confirmation • Complete a minimum of 30 Individual Service Hours as required, prior to Confirmation • 10 “Church” Service Hours • 10 “Community” Service Hours • 10 “Family” Service Hours • Make a real and firm commitment to nurture your relationship with God through prayer • Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least 6 months prior to Confirmation (there will be an opportunity to do so at the Confirmation Retreat) • Continue to live your life as a witness to Jesus Christ through prayer, service, and worship throughout your preparation for Confirmation and long after you’ve been confirmed.
Pledge of Commitment Please take a few moments to read your “Pledge of commitment”. Sign and take to the Fatima Statue for tonight’s closing prayer. You will have the opportunity to “formally” commit to your journey towards Confirmation during this evening’s closing prayer service. **If you missed the Orientation Meeting, your “Pledge of Commitment” will be given to you at the September 14th Spirit Night Meeting.**
Spirit nights! • The confirmandi will typically meet every other week, 2 or 3 times per month • Arrive as early as 5:45pm for dinner • Lecture begins around 6:30pm • Late arrivals – fix dinner plate and eat with small group • Meetings typically conclude with comments on the Saint of the Day/Week, Bible Verse of the Week, intercessory prayers, closing prayers, etc. • Dismissal at 8:00pm
Date of Confirmation • to be determined by Bishop Baker • most likely in April or May 2012 • you will be notified of the date of Confirmation shortly after Father Bob notifies Julie of the date
Her Choice Birmingham Women’s Center • Her Choice is a women's health clinic which offers alternatives to abortion • Located in downtown Birmingham, Alabama • We will visit Her Choice on February 15, 2012, prior to the start of our Baby Bottles Boomerang Campaign. • The BBB Campaign is our primary Group Service Project and all confirmandi get to participate! • Over the past 2 years, the SFX Confirmandi have raised close to $14,000 for Her Choice.
First Light Dinners • First Light is a homeless shelter for women and children…it’s located in downtown Birmingham • Each candidate is expected to make a sincere effort to participate in the preparation and serving of one of the available First Light Dinners • Candidates will plan the meal, provide the food, prepare, and serve the meal to the women and children of First Light • Fulfills one of your Group Service requirements
Confirmation Retreat • Saint Francis Xavier’s Confirmation Retreat, Called by Name, is a once-in-a-lifetime weekend retreat opportunity for the confirmandi. As such, attendance is mandatory. • The retreat will most likely be February 10-12, 2012 @ Hargis Retreat in Chelsea, Alabama More information to follow…
Memory Work • “Write” a prayer upon your heart and it becomes yours for life! What a wonderful blessing! • Must be taken seriously! • Names will be drawn at each Spirit Night. If your name is drawn, your entire small group will stand and recite the evening’s memory work with you. • The person whose name is drawn will have the opportunity to recite the Bible Verse of the Week • HONOR SYSTEM – after recitation of memory work, all who, on their honor, recited from memory may come forward and choose a “treat” from the basket.
Remember… If you choose not to commit the Memory Work to memory, to “write” these prayers upon your heart, the only person to suffer a loss is YOU!
Saint Name • Confirmation names are a special part of the confirmation process for Roman Catholics • Tradition of selecting a Saint’s name as one’s Confirmation name dates back to pre-Vatican II times. At that time in church history, confirmation candidates were encouraged to take on the name and characteristics of a saint of their choosing…a saint with whom they identify • The Church encourages candidates to affirm their baptismal name, since part of the Rite of Confirmation calls for the Confirmandi to renew the baptismal vows that their parents made on their behalf when they were infants (assuming infant baptism). This said,you may certainly choose a different name as your Confirmation (Saint’s) Name. • Before choosing a different name as your Saint name, consider the following: • Were you named after a beloved family member? • Did that person have a Christian or biblical name? • Are you named after a loved one’s favorite saint? • If you answered “yes” to at least one of the above questions, consider affirming (keeping) your given name as your Saint Name for Confirmation.
The Bible tells us of numerous occasions when a notable change in a person was met with the adoption of a new name. • The conversion of “Abram” into “Abraham”, the “father of many nations” (Gen 17:5) was imposed upon the occasion of the covenant of circumcision and confirmed a claim to God’s special blessing of the people of Israel. • “Saul” becomes “Paul” after his radical conversion on the road to Tarsus. (Acts 22:3-16) • Even today, the reception of a new name upon entering a religious order is almost universal • Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit when discerning your Saint Name for Confirmation. Research the Saints and find the Saint who speaks to your heart. The Holy Spirit will lead you to the Saint that’s right for you. If you’re prompted to do so, do not hesitate to choose a different name as your Saint Name for Confirmation(most confirmandi do!) • Remember, the name you select as your Saint Name for Confirmation should be the name of a Saint with whom you identify. • Remember, the choice of a Saint Name is YOURS! • During your preparation for Confirmation and throughout the rest of your life, seek your chosen Saint’s guidance, protection, and intercession. He/She will be with you on your journey towards Confirmationand will remain with you on your journey towards heaven.
Saint Essay • Discern your Saint Name for Confirmation • Research your Saint • Write a one page essay on the Saint you’ve chosen for Confirmation, according to the outline you will be given • More info to come at the Sept. 14thSpirit Night • Saint Name and Essay due November 16.
Confirmation Sponsor • Choosing a Sponsor for Confirmation is a very ancient custom of the Church • The function of the sponsor is: • together with the celebrant who confirms, to represent the Church in receiving the person into the communion of the Church • to assist the confirmand in Christian initiation • According to Canon 874 of the Code of Canon Law, the Church can admit a person to the role of sponsor if he/she is: • over sixteen years of age • a Catholic who has been confirmed and already received the blessed Eucharist and lives a life of faith which befits the role to be undertaken • Neither the father or mother of the confirmation candidate • When discerning a Sponsor, seek the advice of your parents and other family members. • Although whom you choose as your sponsor for Confirmation is your choice, you need to have your parents’ blessing • Complete all necessary paperwork associated with choosing a sponsor and return by Nov. 2 • More info/sponsor forms will be given to you at the Sept. 14thSpirit Night.
Given the functions and role a sponsor exercises, a non-Catholic Christian cannot be a sponsor.
Something to Consider…(when discerning your sponsor) Given the functions and role a sponsor exercises, it is preferable that a sponsor be a mature Catholic Christian…someone who is firm in the practice and knowledge of the Catholic faith…perhaps someone who is a good bit older than the confirmand who can offer the candidate the wisdom and life experiences that only come with age. Again, this is simply something to consider when discerning your confirmation sponsor…
Living a Life of Stewardship “What return can I make to the Lord for all that He has done for me?” (Psalms 116:12)
Stewardship Journal • Each confirmand is expected to reflect upon their stewardship of TIME, TALENT, TREASURE, and TRADITION in their Stewardship Journal. • You will receive this journal at the September 14thSpirit Night. • This journal is to be returned at the May 2ndSpirit Night.
SFX Confirmandi are… • challenged to realize that all that we are and all that we have are gifts from God! • Time • Talent • Treasure • Tradition
Each confirmand is… • called to evaluate how he/she uses his/her gift of TIME: • personal prayer • family prayer • communal prayer Make an commitment to give more of your TIME to God.
In his homily at this year’s World Youth Day (WYD)in Spain, Cardinal Rouco says that “WYD inspires a new encounter with the Lord.” The same can be said of the time you spend preparing for Confirmation. According to Cardinal Rouco, “He (the Lord) is the only one who can understand you and lead you to the truth giving life that never ends, to give you happiness, true love.” You are encouraged to spend more time with the Lord in prayer and, as Cardinal Rouco says, “let yourself be found by Him”.
Each confirmand is… • called to use his/her TALENTS in service to God and others: • Minimum of 2 Group Service Projects • Minimum of 30 Individual Service Hours Use talents that you are aware of and don’t be afraid to try new things! You may uncover talents that you don’t even know you have!
Each confirmand is… • called to reflect upon the ways in which he/she uses the TREASURE that God has given to him/her • called to put into practice some new ways to give from all he/she has received
Each confirmand is… • called to develop a deeper understanding of the TRADITIONS that permeate the Catholic Church • called to embrace the Church’s TRADITIONS with an enthusiasm that belongs only to our youth
Service Requirements SFX’s let the fire fallConfirmation Program requires that each confirmand participate in a minimum of the following for Confirmation: • 2 Group Service Projects • 30 Individual Group Service Hours • 10 “church” hours • 10 “community” hours • 10 “family” hours Stay up-do-date on the service opportunities offered by SFX by reading the weekly bulletin and emails from Julie McLean and Meghan Snow. SFX’s bulletins may be found online at the parish website: www.sfxbirmingham.com.
Candidates will receive their Stewardship Journal at the Sept. 14thSpirit Night. This journal contains: • everything you need to know about being a good steward of your time, talents, treasure, and tradition • a place to record your reflections upon being a good steward of the 4 “T’s” • info about group and individual service requirements and opportunities • your Stewardship Log – the form you will use to document service hours/projects/activities as you complete them
Pope Benedict xvi has this to say about Stewardship & Teenagers… “My appeal to you, today, young people…is this: do not waste your youth. Do not seek to escape from it. Live it intensely…You, young people, are not just the future of the Church and of humanity, as if we could somehow run away from the present…The Church needs you, as young people, to manifest to the world the face of Jesus, visible in the Christian community. Without this young face, the Church would appear disfigured.” Pope Benedict XVI to Youth in Brazil, May 2007
Some thoughts on World youth day
World Youth Day (the following is taken from wikipedia.org) • World Youth Day is a youth-oriented Catholic Church event. While the event itself celebrates the Catholic faith, the invitation to attend extends to all youth, regardless of religious convictions.World Youth Day is not associated with International Youth Day or any of the international observance days. • World Youth Day (or in short 'WYD') was initiated by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1985. It‘s celebrated at the diocesan level annually, and at a week-long international level every two to three years at different locations. The international level events attract hundreds of thousands of youth from almost every country on the planet. It is a major part of the upsurge in Catholic Youth Work in some countries over recent years. For example, the Director of Catholic Youth Services for England and Wales has said of the event that it would have far-reaching effects, not restricted to those who attended. • The Patron Saint of World Youth Days is Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Since his beatification, Pope John Paul II, who started the event, has become its co-patron.
2011 World Youth Day • August 15-21, 2011 • Madrid, Spain • Hosted by Pope Benedict XVI “These will be days you will never forget, days of important discoveries…that will be decisive for your future.” Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, to the crowd of youth assembled in Madrid for WYD The same can be said of the time you spend preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
2011 WYD Theme “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith.” (Col. 2:7)
“Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith.”(Col. 2:7)What does this mean? According to Cardinal Rylko, “Faith is like a root that is nourished by the lifeblood of the word of God and the sacraments…It is the foundation, the rock on which life is built, the dependable compass that guides our choices and gives clear direction to our lives.” Cardinal Rylko goes on to say that, “this (verse, theme) is very demanding because it contains a definite life plan for each one of us.”
So, what exactly does Cardinal Rylko mean by his statement, “Faith is like a root that is nourished by the lifeblood of the word of God and the sacraments…It is the foundation, the rock on which life is built, the dependable compass that guides our choices and gives clear direction to our lives”? • As Cardinal Rylko says, it is through the Bible, “the lifeblood of the word of God” and through the sacraments, (efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us by the work of the Holy Spirit [United States Catholic Catechism for Adult]), that we have “the foundation, the rock upon which life is built.” • The “dependable compass that guides our choices and gives clear direction to our lives” is what we find in the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. • According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “the task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him.“ (CCC, #100) • As Catholic Christians, we have the Magisterium of the Church, Cardinal Rylko’s “dependable compass” to, as he says, “guide our choices and give direction to our lives”. • For more information, refer to the CCC, paragraphs #84-100
Want to learn more about World youth day events? As usual, WYD events do not receive a great deal of coverage in the mainstream media. You are encouraged to Google World Youth Day to learn more about this vibrant movement of the Catholic Church that is influencing the lives of millions of youth throughout the world. You Tube has some great videos of this year’s WYD, as well as past WYD events.
Spirit night orientation’s Closing prayer
Confirmand’s Prayer(author unknown) O Holy Spirit of God; Take me as Your disciple. Guide me, illuminate me, Bind my hands, That they may do no evil. Cover my eyes, That they may see it no more. Sanctify me. Sanctify my heart, That evil may not dwell within me. You are my God. You are my guide. Whatsoever You forbid me, I will renounce. And whatsoever You commend me, In your strength I will do. Lead me then Unto the fullness of Your truth. Amen.
Are you ready? “Lord, send the rain Pour out your spirit Let the fire fall Heal us one and all fall fresh on me” (chorus “Let The Fire Fall”, by Carman)