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Minnesota’s Let’s Beat the Bug! Campaign. Dr. Stephen A. Kells Associate Professor. Amelia Shindelar Community Health Coordinator. Updates. What is happening on the bed bug scene? New things you should know about bed bugs “Let’s beat the bug! campaign ”: what is available to help you.
Minnesota’s Let’s Beat the Bug! Campaign Dr. Stephen A. Kells Associate Professor Amelia Shindelar Community Health Coordinator
Updates • What is happening on the bed bug scene? • New things you should know about bed bugs • “Let’s beat the bug! campaign”: what is available to help you
The Bed Bug Scene • Where are we in this pandemic? • Specific numbers have been difficult to obtain • But here are some indications… 89% of Midwest PM companies saw increased bed bug services over last year (Potter et al. 2013. Pestworld) (Potter et al. 2011. Bed bugs without borders: survey of the pest control industry)
The Bed Bug Scene • Where are we in this pandemic? • bedbugs.umn.edu 89% New visitors
The Bed Bug Scene • Where are we in this pandemic? • bedbugs.umn.edu 407% increase in visitors!!! Still 89% New visitors!
The Bed Bug Scene • 407% increase?!? • Why are we not seeing panic in the streets?!? • Where is the media, what’s happening?!? • WELL… • The media cannot get past the “ick factor” story, plus there are other stories… • The outrage has passed: no more sensational stories like Holister, Abercrombie, Nike town, Victoria Secret, Cineplex, Etc, Etc • Proactive work by companies, especially movie theaters, hotels, etc have limited bed bugs in public places
The Bed Bug Scene • Anecdotally, hotels (etc.) have become less of a factor: lawsuits and negative publicity (Trip Advisor, Bed Bug Registry, etc) • But, bed bugs are imbedded in multifamily housing, especially places where: • resources are scarce • education is limited • tenants and / or landlords keep silent • In addition to suffering they cause, the other problem is they become a societal reservoir
The Bed Bug Scene • As a societal reservoir, bed bugs have the opportunity to feed back into society • Libraries • Homeless shelters • Schools • Public transit • Hospitals, medical offices • Other Public Services: Police, EMS, Fire, Social Services • Other support organizations: Goodwill, etc. • Not just a personal cost, but public cost • Workplace health and safety
New things you should know… Homeowners are not usually effective in getting rid of bed bugs • They lack the experience • They lack the tools • They underestimate the time required to completely control a situation • The majority of OTC products have active ingredients to which many bed bug populations are resistant • E.g., Pyrethrins and permethrin, etc
New things you should know… There is a tendency for people with Limited English Proficiency to struggle with bed bug issues • They may not recognize them • They may recognize them and not care (squish them by hand) • They may be reluctant to report for concern of • Being charged for the control services • Eviction • Trouble with immigration or another authority • They may think after a (poor) service that they have to wait for control measures to work • They are reluctant to complain that there are still bed bugs after a treatment • They feel by moving they can move from the problem
Snopes.com Prlog.org
Introduction--the methyl parathion story: a chronicle of misuse and preventable human exposure. • Rubin C, Esteban E, Hill RH Jr, Pearce K. • Source • National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. crubin@cdc.gov • Abstract • In the fall of 1994, Lorain County, Ohio, became the site of the first investigation of several large-scale incidences in which the organophosphate pesticide methyl parathion was illegally applied to private residences. • This article describes the initial investigation of 64 homes in Ohio • CDC rapid investigation led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to declare the contaminated homes in Lorain County a Superfund cleanup site. • From EPA.gov “…using methyl parathion illegally indoors as a treatment for cockroaches because some have found it to be effective against these pests; it is a relatively inexpensive …and it persists
Pesticide Misapplication in St. Cloud, Mn • Use of malathion against bed bugs • Person received the product information from brother in another State • ~ $22K in damages • Getting proper information to people will result in: • more effective and lasting treatments • better prevention and earlier detection • less costs in the long-run
Bed Bugs Are Back! New things you should know… I wonder what they look like? Article: “Threat and Efficacy uncertainty in news coverage about bed bugs: Information seeking and avoidance…” Goodall and Reed 2013. Health Communication “Uncertainty of a bed bug threat and people pay attention” “Uncertainty about how to control bed bugs and people avoid the issue “it could discourage people from protective actions” They’re resistant! No guarantees you can get rid of them! !
New things you should know… We are dealing with much misinformation… • 1. Cincinnati2. Chicago3. Detroit (+1)4. Denver (+2)5. Los Angeles (+20)6. Columbus, Ohio (-3)7. Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas (+43)8. Washington, D.C. (-3)9. New York (-2)10. Richmond/Petersburg, Va. (+6)11. Houston (-1)12. San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose, Calif. (+35)13. Cleveland/Akron/Canton, Ohio (+1)14. Boston (+4)15. Dayton, Ohio (-7)16. Las Vegas (-1)17. Honolulu (+55)18. Baltimore (-6)19. Raleigh/Durham/Fayetteville, N.C. (+9)20. Philadelphia (-9)21. Atlanta (+24)22. Lexington, Ky. (-13)23. Syracuse, N.Y. (+25)24. Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (+27)25. Colorado Springs/Pueblo, Colo. (+19)26. San Diego (+13)27. Seattle/Tacoma, Wash. (-3)28. Omaha, Neb. (-11)29. Buffalo, N.Y. (-16)30. Pittsburgh (-3)31. Indianapolis (-12)32. Milwaukee (+6)33. Charlotte, N.C. (+13)34. Phoenix (+19)35. Louisville, Ky. (-3)36. Hartford/New Haven, Conn. (-16)37. Grand Junction/Montrose, Colo. (+30)38. Knoxville, Tenn. (+4)39. Grand Rapids/Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, Mich. (-17)40. Nashville, Tenn. (+15)41. Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto, Calif. (+24)42. Des Moines/Ames, Iowa (-13)43. Salisbury, Md. (+46)44. Albany/Schenectady/Troy, N.Y. (-23)45. Cedar Rapids/Waterloo, Iowa (-22)46. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. (-20)47. Lincoln/Hastings/Kearney, Neb. (-17)48. Salt Lake City (-8)49. Charleston/Huntington, W.Va. (-13)50. West Palm Beach/Ft. Pierce, Fla. (+6) The top 50 lists: Based on raw sales data not corrected for company market share! Marketing at its finest!
The Goal of Our Program • To develop a knowledge base for a pest that was forgotten • Develop information delivery mechanisms to promote understanding of and actions against this pest
Research Projects • Basic Research
Bed Bug Aggregation(Joelle Olson, Ph.D. Candidate) How are bed bugs responding to the pheromone? Attractant or arrestant? How are they detecting the pheromone? Are there other concerns with this pheromone and their behavior? Funded by EcoLab
Attractant?orArrestant? Thigmotaxis Autotaxis
How are they detecting the pheromone? Blinded Proboscis Partial Complete Intact Olson et al., 2009. J. Insect Physiol. 55(6) 580-587
The bed bug’s “nose” is not just here!
* * Starvation Decreases Aggregation! Starvation Time
A Residual Human Host Kairomone? (Corey McQueen, Ph.D. Candidate) • Human Host Kairomone • a chemical released by humans thatbenefits bed bugs • Residual • The chemical is left on a surface and attracts the bed bug despite the human no longer being around Funded by MGK
What’s that smell? • >8 Hours Host Conditioned Disk
Summary 1. Directed movement 2. Longer residency time 3. Less movement post-contact
Research Projects • Applied Research
Cold Treatments • A freezer is required • 0° F for 4 days • Joelle Olson, Ph.D. Candidate Hour
When Using Insecticides Only Missed areas / cut corners will bite you! DO NOT use only 1 product You need 3 formulations at least Residual, short acting, dust No Foggers/ULVs (with 1 exception) Resistance problems! Thorough applications to the fullest extent of the label!
When using heat treatments • 120°F for 90 minutes or • Immediate kill at 122°F • Delivery temps will be higher at 130°F - 150°F • Perimeter insecticide treatments are recommended(with residual insecticides and dust in wall voids)
Other treatment options? • Laundering / drying especially with insecticide applications • Need thoroughness! • Other non-mainstream controls depending on situation • Steam / cryonite (Rapid freeze) are direct contact killing methods • Vacuuming for reducing population • Squashing bed bug by hand
Program Goal • To develop a knowledge base for a pest that was forgotten • Develop information delivery mechanisms to promote understanding of and actions against this pest
How are you affected by bed bugs? • “Terrified of them. Manage an apartment building and emergency shelter. Trying to balance the welfare of all with the invasiveness of prevention. Cannot allow people fleeing from trauma to be further traumatized by having to stay in a place infested with blood sucking bugs, but don’t want people to feel like I suspect them of being ‘dirty’ ” • “I work as a social worker in low income housing complex. There are many residents that have bed bugs and come to me for help. It is difficult for them to deal with bed bugs.” • “Singles and families are becoming homeless due to an infestation. They then enter a Ramsey County Shelter which can cause an outbreak in shelters. This puts all residents at risk.” • “I have them in the building I manage and it scares me when I go into a unit for inspections. I am also scared that I could and would bring them home.”
Bed Bug Information Line • Established in October 2011 • 612-624-2200 or 1-855-644-2200 or bedbugs@umn.edu • A resource for individuals who have questions about bed bug prevention and control. • Common questions include: • How do I know if I have bed bugs? / Is this a bed bug? • How to get rid of bed bugs? • Tenant Rights? • Does X product work? • Where can I get help getting rid of bed bugs?
Task Sheets • 19 tasksheetsdesigned to be easily accessed by the general public. • Covering a wide range of topics from bed bug basics to specific “how to’s” for bed bug control. • Available in Arabic, English, Hmong, Somali and Spanish • All available via bedbugs.umn.edu in easily printable PDFs
Prevention and Control Kits • A quick list of tools and documents that are useful for bed bug prevention and control • Firefighters • Home Visitors • Hotels • Police Officers • Property Owners • Retail • Schools
Bed Bug ID Card • A business card with bed bug identification information • Designed to be carried with you to provide easy access to information on bed bugs, where and when you need it.