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New Times

New Times. College English. Book 1. Listening and Speaking. Unit 1 Introduction. New Words. humorous [ 5hju:mErEs ] a . 幽默的,诙谐的 introduce [ 7intrE5dju:s ] vt . 介绍;引进,传入 major [ 5meidVE ] n. 专业学生,主修科目 vi. (in) 主修,专攻 department [ di5pB:tmEnt ] n. 部门,系.

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New Times

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  1. New Times College English Book 1 Listening and Speaking

  2. Unit 1 Introduction

  3. New Words • humorous [5hju:mErEs] a.幽默的,诙谐的 • introduce [7intrE5dju:s] vt.介绍;引进,传入 • major [5meidVE] n.专业学生,主修科目vi. (in) 主修,专攻 • department [di5pB:tmEnt] n.部门,系

  4. Useful Expressions and Patterns • What’s the hurry? 急着干什么去呀? • What’s your nationality? 你的国籍? • How do you like…? 你认为……怎么样? • Nice/Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 • Would you like to introduce … to … 你能把……介绍给……吗? • It’s a pleasure to meet you. 见到您很荣幸。 • There you are! 原来你在这儿啊! • I would love to. 我很乐意。 • My name is…/ I am… 我是…… • I haven’t seen you since… 从……起就没再见。

  5. Part A Listen and Repeat  Part B Listen, Repeat and Write  Part C Understand the Statements  Part D Listen and Write  Part E Conversational Practice

  6. Part A Listen and Repeat You will hear one word read from each group. Listen carefully and underline the letter beside the word you hear. Pay special attention to the difference of the vowels(元音). After you have chosen the best answer, repeat what you hear. Each word will be read twice.

  7. Part A Listen and Repeat √ • 1. a. beat b. bit c. bet • 2. a. eat b. it c. ate • 3. a. seat b. sit c. set • 4. a. meet b. miss c. mass • 5. a. boss b. bought c. boots • 6. a. top b. talk c. tall • 7. a. god b. gone c. goose • 8. a. shock b. short c. shoot √ √ √ √ √ √ √

  8. Part B Listen, Repeat and Write In this part, you are going to hear seven statements and a short dialogue three times. Repeat each statement you hear. Then listen again and write the statement down. Check your answer when you hear the statement for the third time.

  9. Part B Listen, Repeat and Write • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. • 6. • 7. • 8. I am a freshman in the Biology Department. We need to work hard to get a better grade. I prefer Mr. Brown’s class because he is quite humorous. This is Jane Lee from Hong Kong. I am going to the library to borrow some books. Is this the first time you have left your hometown? I enjoy the friendly people here. — What's the hurry? — We're going to be late for the class.

  10. Part C Understand the Statements You will hear six short statements. After you hear one, read the three choices quickly and choose the one which is closest in meaning to the statement. Each statement will be spoken only once.

  11. Part C Understand the Statements √ What’s new? • A. How are you recently?B. How can you do that?C. What news have you brought us? • A. How are you?B. When were you born?C. May I know your name? • A. Do you need my help?B. Can you do me a small favor?C. I want to help. √ How old are you? √ Can you help me?

  12. Part C Understand the Statements • A. What are you doing here?B. Is it really you?C. Where are you from? • A. What’s your job?B. What are you doing?C. What do you have? • A. How do you come here? B. Do you like it very much? C. What do you think of the place? What’s your nationality? √ What do you do? √ How do you like it here? √

  13. Part D Listen and Write You are going to hear three dialogues. Each of them will be read twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Pay attention to the expressions and sentence structures people use when they make the introductions.

  14. Dialogue 1 2207 • David: Excuse me. Is this Room ______? • Helen: Yes, ______________. Are you coming for the English class? • David: Yes. • Helen: Ah. Then, we are classmates. My name is Helen Jones. _________________. • David: I am David Washington. Nice to meet you, too. I think so Nice to meet you

  15. Dialogue 2 • Ann: Hi, Ted. Do you still want to meet our English teacher? • Ted: Yes, ____________. Would you like to introduce me to her? • Ann: Yes. I think she is free now. Let’s go! • (After several minutes.) of course

  16. Dialogue 2 • Ann: ___________________, Ms. Smith! • Ms. Smith: Good morning, Ann. • Ann: Ms. Smith, this is Ted. __________________________. Ted, this is Ms. Smith, our English teacher. • Ted: ________________________, Ms. Smith. • Ms. Smith: Nice to meet you, Ted. Are you and Ann classmates? Good morning We are from the same city It’s a pleasure to meet you

  17. Dialogue 2 • Ted: No. I am a P. E. major. • Ms. Smith: I see. I think you will practice a lot. • Ted: Yes, that’s true. • Ms. Smith: Well, my class will begin in ten minutes. I am afraid ______________. • Ann: Bye-bye, Ms. Smith. • Ted: Very nice meeting you, Ms. Smith. Good bye. • Ms. Smith: Bye. I must go now

  18. Dialogue 3 • Henry: Hi, Tom, there you are! • Tom: Were you looking for me? • Henry: Yes. Have you heard that our department is going to_______________ for the freshmen? • Tom: Really? That would be fun. • Henry: Yes, a lot of people will be ____________________ at the party. I know you are a wonderful singer. So, would you like to sing an English song at the party? have a party singing and dancing

  19. Dialogue 3 • Tom: Yes, ______________. When is the party? • Henry: Next Saturday evening, on September 20. It will begin at 7:00 p. m. • Tom: ______________. I will be there. But I need a few days to decide which song I will sing. • Henry: OK, I will call you next Monday. Do you think you will be ready by then? • Tom: Yes, sure. I would love to No problem

  20. Part E Conversational Practice • 1.Directions:You are required to work in pairs to make a dialogue for the following situation, using the words, expressions and patterns given below.

  21. Part E Conversational Practice • Situation: It is your first day at school. You just enter your dormitory and find another student who has already been there. You want to get to know each other. Make brief self-introductions. • Reference: Hi, my name is… Glad to meet you! I am from… Where do you come from? I come from… to get along well

  22. Part E Conversational Practice • 2. Directions:It’s acting time. Play the roles for the following situation, using the words, expressions and patterns given below.

  23. Part E Conversational Practice • Situation: This happens in a supermarket. Judy is buying something with her classmate Nancy, who is also a freshman in college. A friend of Judy’s parents, Mr. Lin, happens to be there, too. They haven’t met for a long time and they both are very happy to see each other. They greet each other and then Judy introduces Nancy to Uncle Lin. • Reference: Fancy meeting you here! I haven’t seen you since… Are you shopping alone or …? I am with… This is… Glad to meet you!

  24. Fun Time • English Song:I swear lyrics

  25. Fun Time • Video Clip: Family Album U. S. A. Questions: 1. What is Family Album U. S. A.? 2. Richard introduces his family to Alexandra when they are looking at the photos. Can you tell me something about Richard’s family?

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