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Scottish Improvement Skills Workshop 3

Scottish Improvement Skills Workshop 3. Housekeeping. Workshop 3. By the end of the workshop, you will have: identified opportunities to engage, sustain interest, share learning and celebrate success drafted a routine report on your improvement project

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Scottish Improvement Skills Workshop 3

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  1. Scottish Improvement Skills Workshop 3

  2. Housekeeping

  3. Workshop 3 • By the end of the workshop, you will have: • identified opportunities to engage, sustain interest, share learning and celebrate success • drafted a routine report on your improvement project • planned other communications, taking into account a range of media options, and appropriate content and design for different audiences.

  4. Workshop 3: Content • Project review and achievements • Purpose of communications • Who to communicate with • Key messages to communicate • Routine reporting • How to communicate • Visual impact • Planning and drafting communications

  5. Projects: 3 things in common

  6. Achievements What’s gone well? What are you most proud of? What have you learned as an individual? What have you learned as a team?

  7. System of Profound Knowledge Deming 2000

  8. Planning communication: why, who, what? • By the end of this session you will be able to: • Describe 3 overarching reasons for communications • Identify the potential benefits of communications at the current stage in your improvement project • List key content areas to consider for all communications on improvement projects • Identify specific content required for a routine internal report • Create a routine report drawing on standard project documents.

  9. Planning communications Why? Who? What? How? When? Who?

  10. Planning communications Why? Who? What? How? When? Who?

  11. Celebrating and sharing achievements Sustaining interest Engaging the right people Purpose of communications

  12. Planning communications Why? Who? What? How? When? Who?

  13. RACI matrix: example 1

  14. RACI matrix: example 2

  15. Planning communications Why? Who? What? How? When? Who?

  16. Key features Why this project Changes Results Lessons learned Next steps

  17. Routine reporting: framework • Project aim • Project stage/activity • Measures • Data • Learning points • Plan for next month

  18. Project work: routine report • Communications plan – complete for 1 or 2 routine reports • Select one of these • Draft report using the template provided • Exchange reports and provide feedback.

  19. Planning communication: why, who, what? • 3 reasons for communication • Stakeholder analysis • 5 key content areas • Routine reporting

  20. Planning communication: how, when, who? • Print and web based options • Maximising visual impact • When to communicate • Who is responsible for the communication?

  21. System of Profound Knowledge Deming 2000

  22. Planning communications Why? Who? What? How? When? Who?

  23. How could you communicate? • By the end of this session you will be able to: • Identify opportunities to engage, sustain interest, celebrate success and share achievements, drawing on different media • Prepare a detailed communications plan for a range of stakeholders • Select appropriate mediaand content

  24. Improving the patient experience in ICU

  25. Benefits of Twitter

  26. IHI Twitter BBC https://mobile.twitter.com/TheIHI?p=s https://mobile.twitter.com/BBCScotlandNews?p=s

  27. Networking, Sharing, Promoting @NHSScotland @jasonleitch @PAG1962 @EYCollaborative @NESoptometry @carolineslamb @girfec https://mobile.twitter.com/nhshem/status/638950773833994240/photo/1#nhshem

  28. Twitter Clinic

  29. Planning communications Who Why What When • How Who

  30. Visual Impact • By the end of this session you will be able to use an appropriate visual approach in communications about your improvement project.

  31. System of Profound Knowledge Deming 2000

  32. Poster gallery • Considering visual impact: • What features of these posters are helpful? • How would you improve them? • What are the features of a good poster?

  33. Planning communication: how, when, who? • Print and web based media options • Maximising visual impact • When to communicate • Who is responsible for the communication?

  34. Sharing success: project work • By the end of this session you will have drafted a communication to share your project success, including selecting appropriate • media • content • visual approach

  35. System of Profound Knowledge Deming 2000

  36. Planning communications Who Why What When • How Who

  37. Project work: detailed planning • Select one of the lines of your communications plan and work on one or more of the following: • Draft text • List and/or ‘storyboard’ visuals • Create action plan • Twitter clinic

  38. Twitter Clinic

  39. Project work: review • Exchange and read each other’s draft/plans • What works well? • What ideas does this give you for your own project communications?

  40. Workshop 3: Content • Project review and achievements • Purpose of communications • Who to communicate with • Key messages to communicate • Routine reporting • How to communicate • Visual impact • Planning and drafting communications

  41. Workshop 3 • Identify opportunities to engage, sustain interest, share learning and celebrate success • Draft a routine report on your improvement project • Plan other communications, taking into account a range of media options, and appropriate content and design for different audiences.

  42. Next steps • Certificate of Completion • Online evaluation of the workshop • Complete and send to us one completed project communication eg poster, report, video

  43. Thank you

  44. References and other resources • Twitter tutorial for beginners • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBDYYGER5iM#t=253.400317

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