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Introduction to Organizations

Introduction to Organizations. 1) Mark of a “skilled leader” is: 2) Metaphors: comparison between two ideas (often one is symbolic, the other literal) in order to generate meaning about the ideas. Purpose of metaphors for this class Caveat about metaphors for this class.

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Introduction to Organizations

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  1. Introduction to Organizations

  2. 1) Mark of a “skilled leader” is: • 2) Metaphors: comparison between two ideas (often one is symbolic, the other literal) in order to generate meaning about the ideas. • Purpose of metaphors for this class • Caveat about metaphors for this class

  3. Resource 21: Org Theory • 1) Evolution of Organizations (how the messy truth about reality gets in the way of our minds that want to rationalize) • A) Forces of Darkness: Scientific Management and the “machine” • B) Forces of Light – HR (Barnard); shared responsibility. • C) Bureaucracy • D) Politics, Conflict and Power

  4. Mindstretchers: • 1) What is capitalism in its basic form? • 2) How is capitalism organized in U.S. society? • Given the general goal, construct societies that organize themselves around capitalism in different ways. • What keeps us from thinking imaginiatively?

  5. Limited Imaginations • The mark of an innovator is not letting the “truth” stand in the way of imagination……..Einstein. • What values, rituals and rationalisms prevent us from using our imagination

  6. 2) “Cognitive Limits of Rationality” • People are attracted by “what works” rather than innovation. • How does bureaucracy affect the above? How do you create innovation? • 3) Organizations are complex and change with their environments.

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