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Cosmetology . Cosmetology. By: Kaylee Ottoson . By: Kaylee Ottoson . Why did I choose this topic?. Interesting Fun. What I researched . History Present . How I applied my research to my product . hairstyles from the 21 st century. How my product grew . Tremendously . Product .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cosmetology Cosmetology By: Kaylee Ottoson By: Kaylee Ottoson

  2. Why did I choose this topic? • Interesting • Fun

  3. What I researched • History • Present

  4. How I applied my research to my product • hairstyles from the 21st century

  5. How my product grew • Tremendously

  6. Product • Hairstyles changing • Step by step tutorials

  7. Job Shadow-April 17th • Class • Basics class • Manikin • Floor • Hair color

  8. What I learned • How to create different hairstyles. • How different the hairstyles have changed from the past till now.

  9. New skills I have acquired • Hairstyles.

  10. Future • Cosmetologist • Black Hills Beauty College.

  11. What it taught me • Organization. • Procrastinate. • Dead lines.

  12. How do I feel now? Excited.

  13. What would I do differently? • Schedule • Work • Stay on task • Dead lines

  14. questions?

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