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Foli. On the following slide, how many of the words do you ALREADY know? Based on what you ALREADY know, what do you think the root word “ FOLI” means?. Foli. unifoliate. bifoliate. exfoliate. d efoliant. trefoil. foliage. folio. f olic acid. portfolio. foil. Bifoliate.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Foli On the following slide, how many of the words do you ALREADY know? Based on what you ALREADY know, what do you think the root word “FOLI” means?

  2. Foli unifoliate bifoliate exfoliate defoliant trefoil foliage folio folic acid portfolio foil

  3. Bifoliate Having two leaves

  4. Defoliant A chemical which causes green leaves to drop off

  5. Exfoliate To strip of leaves

  6. Foliage All the leaves of a plant

  7. Folic Acid A vitamin contained in leafy green vegetables

  8. Folio Pages (leaves) of a manuscript

  9. Portfolio A portable case for carrying sheets (leaves) of paper

  10. Trefoil A three-leaf clover

  11. Foil A thin sheet (leaf) of metal

  12. Unifoliate Having one leaf

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