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MBA Capacity-Building Mini-Grant Webinar. What is this Grant’s purpose?. Expand capacity and sustainability of MI Bridges Navigation Partners in high-need communities to provide bundled benefit access services using the Point of Integration model.
What is this Grant’s purpose? • Expand capacity and sustainability of MI Bridges Navigation Partners in high-need communities to provide bundled benefit access services using the Point of Integration model. • Promote effective and convenient bundled benefit access services that will empower clients to overcome typical obstacles, such as transportation, child care or employment responsibilities.
What is the Point of integration model? • Encourages all agency staff to collaborate on benefit access service provision, which… • Enables clients to receive bundled benefit access services in tandem with other vital services agency provides
What are the Key Components of POI ? 1. Whole staff decision-making on how the agency will provide effective bundled benefit access services to clients 2. Identification of “The Point” at which all agency staff/volunteers feel would be best to integrate benefit access services into the agency’s existing client intake process to most effectively screen for, explain, and provide bundled benefit access services to clients 3. Ensure agency staff/volunteers from a variety of agency departments and who fulfill diverse agency roles successfully complete the MBA/MI Bridges Navigation training to ensure clients are able to receive benefit access services in tandem with any other services they are receiving at your agency
What are the Key components of Poi? 4. Communication networks among all staff regarding bundled benefit access services provision—such as what bundled benefit access services are, how & when the agency will provide such services, updates on MI Bridges, troubleshooting tips, sharing of best practices, etc. 5. Through the above steps, reach whole staff collaboration on and ownership of the agency’s actual bundled benefit service delivery so that such services are fully integrated into the organization
What does POI look like in action? Find the key components! • Example: • A client comes to a food pantry to receive a food distribution. The intake staff screens the client for benefit access services, and discovers that the client could benefit from one-on-one assistance applying for benefits. The intake staff schedules an appointment with one of the agency’s benefit access services providers, informs the client of the helpful documentation to bring to the appointment, and asks if the client needs assistance with child care for or transportation to the appointment. • When the client comes for his/her appointment, the benefit access service provider explains the multiple benefits the client can apply for, assists the client in using MI Bridges to apply for the benefits he/she needs to achieve economic stability, and asks the client if there are any other resource needs the client has for which she could provide a referral.
What are Bundled benefit access services? • Allows clients to use MI Bridges to apply for multiple public benefits through one application submission
What is the grant amount? • Up to $10,000 for one year grant cycle Intended to jumpstart a sustainable bundled benefit access provision program and promote the use of the Point of Integration model to provide clients with effective and convenient bundled benefit access services
Who Can apply? • Non-Profit Organizations who have completed the application process to become a MI Bridges Navigation Partner and have received a Memorandum of Agreement from DHS • For-Profit Organizations may apply, but they must provide a compelling case that justifies their financial need and they must certify that the agency will not financially benefit from providing assistance with MI Bridges applications.
What are the grant requirements? • Registered and approved MI Bridges Navigation Partner with MDHS (Please see the MI Bridges Navigation Partner application checklist on the Mini-Grant READ ME Instructions for more information) • Serve high poverty community • Commitment to: • 1. Sustaining MI Bridges Navigation Partner services • 2. Aligning MBA with mission • 3. Offering bundled benefit access services to every client.
Grant Requirements, Cont. • If your agency submitted a MI Bridges Navigation Partner application, but you have not received your agency’s Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), please email bstjohn@uwmich.org to inquire about your agency’s MI Bridges Navigation Partner application status prior to completing a mini-grant application.
Grant Requirements, Cont. • Completion of the following activities for a one-year commitment: • 1. Using provided POI materials/tools to integrate bundled benefit access effectively into agency’s existing service model • 2. Providing one-on-one MI Bridges assistance and community resource navigation • 3. Providing regular data reports to the MBA Integration Coach and participating in interviews by the MBA Integration Coach as necessary • 4. Participating in ongoing MBA partner meetings, trainings, webinars, site visits, etc. • 5. Participating in final grant evaluation activities to enhance future benefit access service programs state-wide.
What support will grant recipients receive? • POI Training/Support • Access to outreach, marketing, and assessment tools • Data collection and reporting tools/user instructions • Networking opportunities with other MBA Navigation Partners • Individualized MBA support as needed
What are the grant evaluation criteria? • The 6 Components of the Grant Application Are: • Title Page (5 points) • Organizational and Program Overview Chart (10 points) • Organizational and Program Overview Narrative (20 points) • Proposed Model Narrative (30 points) • Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative Spreadsheet (30 points) • Form W-9 (5 points)
Grant application instructions-Organization and Program Overview Chart
Grant application instructions-Organization and Program Overview Chart
Grant application instructions-Organization and Program Overview Narrative • 1.
Grant application instructions-Organization and Program Overview Narrative
Grant application instructions-Organization and Program Overview Narrative • 3. Describe how your agency disseminates benefit access information to staff/volunteers and how staff/volunteers make decisions regarding how they provide benefit access services to clients. • 4. Describe your agency’s current ability to leverage additional funding streams for MBA activities • 5. Describe your agency’s current ability to leverage existing community partnerships with support service providers and other stakeholders to achieve integration of benefit access. • 6. Describe any capacity-building strategies/resources your agency currently employs to maximize benefit access service potential and sustainability, such as volunteers, interns, client education programs, etc. • 7. If your agency has a data recording system for benefit access services provided to clients, briefly describe this system for tracking clients’ service outcomes.
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • Describe at least three overall goals your organization has for using mini-grant funding to build capacity to provide effective integrated bundled benefit access services to your clients. Please be sure your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. (Please see the following web site for more information and a SMART Goal template: http://www.hr.virginia.edu/uploads/documents/media/Writing_SMART_Goals.pdf. • Also, please see the Mini-Grant Completion Support Materials for further explanation and examples of Mini-Grant SMART goals.)
Grant application instructions--SMART Goal Tips • Possible benefits access service areas to address in your agency’s SMART Goals include: service delivery (including MI Bridges kiosk set-up and development of the following: client educational materials, follow-up procedures, and data tracking systems), outreach strategies, strategies to overcome target population’s barriers to benefits access, intra-agency communication methods for MBA information, and capacity-building strategies to sustain MBA activities beyond the grant cycle year. Please do not include any goals regarding staff/volunteer training as the Michigan Association of United Ways provides all training related to MI Bridges one-on-one assistance and MBA integration. • Here are two SMART goal examples: • By September 30, 2014 our agency will offer to provide bundled benefit access services to 100% of the clients who receive services at our agency. 100% of clients who would like to receive benefit access services will be screened for such services and 100% of those clients who are eligible for benefits will be offered the following assistance options to apply for bundled benefits: one-on-one MI Bridges assistance by a trained staff/volunteer or access to an appropriate agency computer and a confidential area to use MI Bridges independently. • By September 30, 2014, our agency will expand our services by 25% by purchasing the technological equipment necessary to provide one-on-one MI Bridges assistance on case management visits to home-bound clients. These materials include: a laptop, Internet HotSpot Hardware (not including the subscription service), and a portable scanner. These resources will enable our mobile case managers to offer MI Bridges one-on-one assistance to 100% of our home-bound clients (a total of 100 clients) who represent 25% of our total client base.
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • 2. Answer the questions below to describe how you will use Mini-Grant funding to fully integrate bundled benefit access services throughout your agency to improve clients’ ability to connect to benefits. Please be as specific as possible in your responses (include the number, type, etc. of materials that will be purchased to achieve your proposed goals above): • How will your agency improve your current outreach methods for your target population to effectively “get the word out” that your organization is providing bundled benefit access services? For additional explanation for this question, please see the Mini-Grant Completion Support Materials document. • For example, if your agency’s target population includes those who are homeless, have limited English proficiency, and/or are home-bound, ensure your outreach methods are tailored to effectively reach these groups by including strategies such as: placing flyers in agencies that serve homeless populations, creating flyers that are translated into multiple languages, and creating flyers that will accompany case managers on visits to home-bound clients.
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • b. If your agency will use mini-grant funding to purchase MBA outreach/promotional materials, please list: • 1. The specific outreach/promotional items your agency will purchase and the amount of such items (ie 5 reams of cardstock) • 2. What these items will be used for (ie to create MBA postcards to place in locations our target population frequents) • 3. How these items will enable your agency to effectively provide outreach to your target population to “get the word out” that your organization is providing bundled benefit access services • Example: These MBA Postcards will enable our agency to provide eye-catching and informative promotional materials in locales our target population frequents, such as: laundromats, grocery stores, bus stops, etc.
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • c. What new strategies and/or services will your agency implement to improve your target population’s ability to overcome current barriers to accessing benefits? For additional explanation for this question, please see the Mini-Grant Completion Support Materials document. • For example, if one barrier your agency's target population faces is language--speaking and reading in English--one strategy your agency may develop is to recruit bilingual volunteers/interns who will be able to provide translation services in addition to one-on-one MI Bridges assistance.
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • d. If your agency will use Mini-Grant funding to purchase items that will assist your clients in overcoming barriers to benefits access, please list: • 1. The specific items your agency will purchase and the amount of such items (ie 2 Dell Inspiron laptops) • 2. What these items will be used for (ie to provide mobile benefit access services to home-bound clients) • 3. How these items will enable your agency to improve your target population’s ability to overcome current barriers to accessing benefits • Example: These laptops will enable our agency to connect clients who are home-bound or who have insecure transportation with benefit access services so that they can apply for the benefits they need to become financially stable in a convenient, efficient, and confidential manner
Grant application instructions-- Proposed Model Narrative • e. What, if any technological changes/purchases will your agency make to improve clients’ ability to access benefits? (If items will be purchased, please include the type, amount of items to be purchased, and how these items will improve clients’ ability to access benefits.) Make, model; What agency will be able to do with new technology that your agency hasn’t been able to do previously, in terms of benefit access services; What percentage increase in the number of clients your agency will be able to serve with addition of new technology, etc. • 3. With the addition of mini-grant funding to your agency’s current budget, what percentage increase do you expect to have in the number of clients to whom you provide benefit access services and the number of MI Bridges applications submitted at your agency? • 4. Describe any plans your agency has to build capacity for sustained MBA outreach and service delivery activities throughout your community, such as: staff trainings, staff responsibilities/roles reassignment or expansion, volunteer/intern recruitment and training, etc.
Grant application instructions-Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative spreadsheet
Grant application instructions-Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative spreadsheet
Grant application instructions-Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative spreadsheet Sample
Grant application instructions-Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative spreadsheet Sample, Cont.
Grant application instructions-Budget Line Item Detail & Narrative spreadsheet Sample, Cont.
Grant application instructions-general • A. Entire grant application should be no longer than 14 pages • B. As it states on the Title Page: “incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted or reviewed” • C. Must be typed using 10 pt. font or greater • Adhere to length requirements for each section • Please assume mini-grant reviewers are not familiar with benefit access services and fully explain any terminology, concepts, acronyms, etc. specific to your agency’s service provision. • F. Submit electronically to bstjohn@uwmich.org • G. Grant is due on: Friday, November 8,2013 • H. Grant recipients will be notified by: December 20, 2013 • I. Questions: Contact Beth St. John at: bstjohn@uwmich.org or 517.371.4360 x2813
Any questions? • Contact Beth St. John at: • bstjohn@uwmich.org • OR • 517.371.4360 x2813 • OR VISIT: • http://mibenefitsaccess.org/partners/become-a-partner/
Possible Mini-grant Outreach strategies • Step 1: • United Way Members and AmeriCorps Community Resource Navigators (CRNs): Receive email from me with list of MI Bridges Navigation Partners in your county and their contact information, contact information for AmeriCorps CRNs in your county, and the original Mini-Grant Posting Alert • DHS Community Resource Coordinators (CRCs): The Navigation Partner list will be added to your SharePoint site as soon as possible
Possible mini-grant outreach strategies • Step 2: • United Way Members: • Contact local AmeriCorps CRN to discuss how you will collaborate to complete mini-grant outreach efforts • AmeriCorps CRNs: • Contact DHS CRCs to discuss how you will collaborate to complete mini-grant outreach efforts
Possible Mini-grant outreach strategies • Step 3: Complete mini-grant outreach efforts, which could include: • -Forwarding Mini-Grant Posting email to your local MI Bridges Navigation Partners with your own personal note that: • -Encourages Partner to apply for mini-grant • -Offers your support through the application process and your contact information • -Highlights the benefits of applying for mini-grant: receive funding to effectively integrate benefit access services into existing service model and build capacity for service provision long-term, POI Training/Resources, Access to Additional Outreach/ Promotional/Service Delivery Materials; Ongoing support from MAUW, Networking with other MI Bridges Navigation Partners who are Mini-Grant Recipients to share best practices, troubleshooting tips, etc.
Possible mini-grant outreach strategies • -Following up with a Phone Call to your local Partners to ensure they received the email, answer any questions they may have, and provide personalized encouragement to apply for the mini-grant • -If you learn multiple Partners are applying, connecting the Partners to provide one another with application completion support • -Send an email or make a phone call on Nov. 4, the Monday of the week the mini-grant is due, to offer more encouragement and support