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Benjamin Franklin: A Visionary and Virtuous Leader

Discover the life and legacy of Benjamin Franklin, a prominent figure in American history. From his early days as a printer to his significant contributions in science and diplomacy, learn about Franklin's secret to success and his enduring impact through Poor Richard’s Almanac.

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Benjamin Franklin: A Visionary and Virtuous Leader

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  1. Poor Richard’s Almanac Benjamin Franklin

  2. Benjamin Franklin • Worked as a printer for his brother’s print shop • By the time he was 16, he was writing columns for his brother’s newspaper • Moved to Philadelphia to open his own print shop • Retired at 42 • Played an important role in the drafting of the Declaration and enlisting the French to help in our war. • Responsible for inventing street lamps, lightening rod, and bifocal eye glasses and establishing the fire department and public library (among many other things)

  3. Ben Franklin’s Secret to Success • In his autobiography, he describes how he attempted to become the perfect person/citizen. • Using logic and scientific reasoning (values and elements of the time of Rationalism), he attempted to achieve perfection at 1 virtue a week, adding another virtue when he became successful at maintaining the first.

  4. 13 Virtues to Perfection • Temperance • Silence • Order • Resolution • Frugality • Industry • Sincerity • Justice • Moderation • Cleanliness • Tranquility • Chastity • Humility He made this list in a particular order, thinking that his achievement of the previous virtue would help him accomplish the next one He was not successful in achieving perfection (no one would be). However, he became a better man because he tried.

  5. Poor Richard’s Almanac • Franklin’s most popular and enduring contribution to American (literary) culture was his publication of Poor Richard’s Almanac. • Franklin published the manuscript under the pseudonym “Richard Saunders.” The character was a dull and foolish astronomer who became thoughtful, pious, and humorous over the years.

  6. What’s an Almanac? • Almanac: an annual publication containing information, observations, and advice What was in an Almanac? Practical information about the calendar Sun and moon phases Weather (from the previous year) Agricultural advice Aphorisms & proverbs

  7. What’s an Aphorism? • Aphorism: short, witty (and often humorous) homespun sayings and observations with a message about life or humanity (also known in our culture as proverbs and maxims) Example: “If you would know the value of money, try to borrow some.” • Such aphorisms were often at the top and bottom of each page of his Almanac.

  8. Directions: Part 1 • Create the following chart in your notes (choose 5 aphorisms or proverbs) See the list at your station. • Fill in the chart, discussing the interpretation of each aphorism and how it reflects the virtues Franklin valued.

  9. Directions: Part 2 • In your groups, come up with two additional aphorisms or proverbs that you have heard/referenced before. (They cannot be examples from this PowerPoint) • Choose your favorite one of the three and illustrate it in your notes. • Examples:

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