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Lisa Koc – Service Manager Workforce Development

Lisa Koc – Service Manager Workforce Development. Social Care Policy Drivers. Vision for Adult Social Care Capable communities and Active Citizens, 2010 The Health and Social Care Bill, 2011 Think Local, Act Personal, 2010

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Lisa Koc – Service Manager Workforce Development

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  1. Lisa Koc – Service ManagerWorkforce Development

  2. Social Care Policy Drivers • Vision for Adult Social Care Capable communities and Active Citizens, 2010 • The Health and Social Care Bill, 2011 • Think Local, Act Personal, 2010 Reinforces partnership working to integrate service delivery across health and social care

  3. The Seven ‘P’s Central to the personalisation agenda Prevention Protection Personalisation Productivity Partnership Plurality People Refers to the workforce which needs to deliver care and support in a skilled, innovative and compassionate way

  4. Workforce Development In order to do this and deliver wider vision a framework is set out in the Skills for Care document – Capable, Confident and Skilled: A Workforce Development Strategy for people working, supporting and caring in adult social care, (2011)

  5. What is Workforce Development? • Skills of the workforce, the ones they have now and the skills needed for the future • Plan of how we get there • Numbers, supply and demand for the future • Right people in the right place at the right time, with the right skills, at an affordable cost

  6. The nature of the workforce • One which actively enables prevention • Enables people to regain independence • Promotes independence • Promotes personalisation • Supports people to navigate through the system • Promotes good health and well being

  7. Developing the Workforce • Public sector continues to face unprecedented challenges in addressing economic situation • By 2012 LA provision likely to be very different • Increased partnerships with the private, voluntary and independent sector • Traditional job roles will blur, professionally qualified staff focus on area of expertise with care/support staff/PAs filling any gaps of function or role • Volunteers, unpaid carers will provide a range of support from hands on care to preventative and universal services

  8. Effective Leadership and Management • Transforms people and organisations • Those who understand the purpose of the organisation from the individual’s point of view – most able to encourage effectiveness of teams • Leaders who know what matters to individuals and are able to customise the system and promote appropriate working practices including identifying where processes can be improved and waste eliminated

  9. Harnessing expertise within the workforce • Experienced workers offer a rich source of knowledge and expertise • Essential to provide good support to practicing professionals to develop colleagues by providing appropriate courses, coaching and mentoring • Successful change relies on engaging and consulting the workforce

  10. Recruiting new staff • Target individuals with new skills, knowledge, interests, competences to reflect the new and emerging roles • Opportunity to undertake positive action/ rebalance the workforce, age, gender • Comprehensive induction essential – principles of care, personalisation, reablement, equality, diversity, cultural competence, safe working practices and positive risk enablement/safeguarding

  11. How can we support you? • Ensure adequacy of supply in line with demand • Programme of learning and development • Provide advice and guidance on achieving representative workforces which in turn will be able to deliver even more appropriate and sensitive services. This includes engaging with traditionally hard to reach groups • To ensure any strategies developed link clearly to health workforce issues and initiatives

  12. What are the deliverables? • Overarching: Production of a 3 year strategic workforce plan and action plan that identifies critical workforce issues in relation to the transformation and personalsation of adult social care and the remodelling of the whole social care workforce to support service redesign, with a focus on early intervention, prevention and reablement; and integrated working.

  13. www.walsallsocialcareworkforce.co.uk

  14. Who are we? Lisa Koc, Service Manager and Learning and Development Consultants Dave Parkin, Elaine Betts, Andie Oliver, Ida Bentley, Janet Lilley, Sharon Middleton, Steph Charles and Trevor Thompson

  15. Workforce Development TeamAdult Social Care & Inclusion Walsall Council 1st Floor, Room 17a Council House, Lichfield Street Walsall Telephone: 01922 655541 E-mail: workforcedevelopment@walsall.gov.uk

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