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Fotonic ă pe siliciu. Silicon-Photonics. CIO-C13 (ultimul) 26 Mai 2008. • Can we ’siliconize’ photonics? • Can we call on the decades of research and manufacturing experience gained from the microelectronics industry and apply it to photonics ?

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  1. Fotonică pe siliciu Silicon-Photonics CIO-C13 (ultimul) 26 Mai 2008

  2. • Can we ’siliconize’ photonics? • Can we call on the decades of research and manufacturing experience gained from the microelectronics industry and apply it to photonics ? • Could silicon be used as an alternative to more exotic materials ( such as InP or LiNbO3) typically used to produce optical devices ? • Could one monolithically integrate multiple photonic circuits on a single silicon chip to increase performance while simultaneously reducing cost ? • Could one implement standardization and high-volume manufacturing techniques to reduce cost ? • Could we combine electronics with photonics to bring new levels of integration, and possibly a derivative of Moore’s law to photonics ? Aspiratii in legatura cu tehnologia ‘Fotonică pe Siliciu’ Quoting Graham Reed ‘Silicon-Photonics’, 2004, the Preface

  3. • Putem oare transfera Fotonica pe siliciu ? • Putem oare transfera experienta de cercetare si fabricatie de decenii din industria microelectronica la fotonica ? • Ar putea fi folosit oare siliciul in locul materialelor mai rare (cum sunt InP or LiNbO3) , care se folosesc de obicei pentru producerea dispozitivelor optice ? • E posibil oare sa integram monolitic multiple circuite fotonice pe un singur chip de siliciu, crescand performantele si reducand concomitent costurile ? • Va fi posibila implementarea standardelor si a tehnicilor de fabricatie in masa pentru a reduce costurile ? • Vom putea oare combina electronica cu fotonica pentru a atinge noi nivele de integrare, si eventual o lege Moore pentru fotonica ? Intrebarile legate de tehnologia ‘Fotonica pe Siliciu’

  4. Raspunsuri la intrebari / State of the Art

  5. Continuare

  6. Continuare

  7. The Goos-Hänchen Shift

  8. Si-nc = nanocristale de siliciu

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