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DARE 2 Win. Jean Hedges. Goals. Have you ever had a goal where you knew what you needed to do, but you found yourself sabotaging your success? Health Relationships Finances Spirituality. Emotions. Emotions are the engine that run our actions.
DARE 2 Win Jean Hedges
Goals • Have you ever had a goal where you knew what you needed to do, but you found yourself sabotaging your success? • Health • Relationships • Finances • Spirituality
Emotions • Emotions are the engine that run our actions. • The programming we’ve had throughout our life ties into emotions and some of the wiring gets mixed and knotted over time. • So when you know you need to eat healthy, but end up at Wendy’s eating a cheeseburger and fries and sabotaging your health goal. There’s an emotional knot that’s not resolved.
In Stride • When we are in these emotional knots, we say we are “Out of Stride” • When we are in our productive energized state we say we are in the “ZONE”
The Zone • The DARE System keeps you on top of when you are in the ZONE vs out of stride. • Out of stride includes Depression and all of it’s ugly heads: boredom, gloom, frustration, as well as • Anxiety or Stress includes: anger, rage, nervousness, fear, paranoia
Reactions • The DARE system gives you a simple method to monitor where you are. • The biggest reason we encounter setbacks is we have no idea most of the time where are emotionally because we are so caught up in our reactions. We just know we aren’t getting the outcomes we want. • We are reacting and letting events and people pull our strings as if we were puppets!
In Your Zone • When you are in your Zone, you are acting not reacting • You are in full control of your actions and as a result, the desired outcomes follow • Part of being in the zone is understanding luck and fate will play into things, but to develop the ability to stay the course regardless of the headwinds or tailwinds life throws your way.
Monitor We use gauges to monitor many things: We have a gas gauge on the car, a speedometer, a thermostat, a scale, even a mirror to gauge our outward appearance. We use tools to gauge and measure just about every aspect of our life. Yet we don’t ever think to get a gauge on our emotional state! • DARE is a tool to gauge your emotions. Once you have a handle on exactly where you are, it’s amazing how productive you can become at getting back to your zone or holding it! The more you do it the more it becomes a habit!
Habits • Ultimately we are all products of our habits. Using the system creates new habits. • Attending a single workshop, reading a book, or dieting for two weeks isn’t going to produce meaningful, lasting change, but by constantly evaluating where we are and prioritizing where we want to be, we learn to recondition and re-pattern ourselves (re “habit”) into the person we want to be!
Program yourself for success • You have a program running your life. It is invisible but it’s there. • It started the day you were born when your parents smiled and rewarded you for “good behavior” and punished you overtly or covertly for “bad” behavior.
Conditioning • It continued when you were with peers. They accepted you for “good” behavior or ostracized you (or worse for “bad” behavior. • Then of course there’s the media hard at work 24/7 trying to get you to do what they want. After all you deserve a break today! If you break your heel, break out your Visa Card.
Whose Life is it Anyway? • Then you went to work and a whole new set of behaviors started being rewarded or punished, new friends ditto, managers ditto. So at the end of the day, or more accurately, from the time you wake up, some one or something is trying to control your behavior for “their” benefit.
He’s Ours! • I actually heard a manager at the company where my husband work gloating over a new hire that just took on a lot of debt—expensive house and a boat. He said, “That’s what we love to see. He’s ours now!”
Easy as A, B, C • The DARE System has two parts. • The first is gaining an understanding of what really puts you into your stride or Zone. We’ve been so conditioned our entire life to think in a certain way, we often have completely convoluted our true priorities. This is where depression, anxiety, aggression stem.
You Have the Power • The second phase which is done simultaneously is reprogramming ourselves with goal setting, affirmations, and flexible prioritizing to fully understand what we want. When we aren’t succeeding at a specific goal it’s because it is in conflict with another goal or program running in our subconscious. First we need to be clear whether we are responding to programmed conditioning or our own priority, then we need to prioritize what we really want and gear our actions accordingly—awareness makes this a natural process—we aren’t using willpower or fighting ourselves. • We are able to BE our true selves!
Balance • It’s about balance. True balance takes awareness and focus. This system gives you a simple tool to achieve both! • Think about how much the pharmaceutical companies and medical communities and self help industry has to lose if people learn how simple it is to get clear, and stay happy and healthy without all of their expensive advice and products. DARE empowers you to take control and walk away from all of that junk and live a full and joyous life!
For More Information • www.darejournal.com