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Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad

Learn about Morocco's transition towards gender equality, addressing demographic shifts, social roles, economic vulnerabilities, and legal reforms impacting women. Explore gains made, risks faced, and government interventions promoting gender rights.

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Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad

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  1. Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad Women of Morocco, Initiation of a Formal Equality towards aSubstantive One Pr. CHIKHAOUI NaïmaFaculty of Arts and Humanities/ Rabat-Agdal CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  2. Morocco under transition: a lesson to draw: "By nature, any transitional gains are fragile and susceptible. Actors are called upon to persistently consolidate these gains and preserve transition from the risks of regression" Summary of the Report on 50 Years of Human Development and Perspectives to 2025 CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  3. First: a demographic transition to be controlled: The 2004 General Census of Population and Housing / Socio-demographic profile suggests large disparities and challenges Continuous decline in the rate of population growth, 1.4% between 1994 and 2004/ stereotyped and segregationist social roles of gender... Increase in life expectancy at birth for women to 70.8 years in 2004/ High maternal mortality (227 deaths per 100,000 live births), reproductive health linked to social status of women "feminization of AIDS (STD being 53%, with 111,507 cases of cervicitis among women: 33%, 39% of cases of AIDS discovered in 2008) ... Singles for the 20-24 age group of women are up to 61.3% against 92.1% for the same age group of men, with a notable decline of early marriage / Traditional marriage, socio-cultural stereotyping ... Increase of the population aged 60 years (8.1% in 2004) / What culture of the 3rd age for women living in a disadvantaged social status... 75% of illiteracy among rural women / What human development? Social vulnerability and poverty, with a poverty rate rising to 14.2% / What remedies for the gender and economic vulnerability ... Number of people of working age (18 to 59 years) will rise from 16.3 million in 2004 to 22.6 million in 2030/ What competitive jobs opened in equity beyond the sexual stereotyping ... Difference in wage and non-recognition of some jobs considered as auxiliary family work / What economic future for the so-called heads of households, what status of the so-called domestic workers... Unemployment of graduates (25.6% in 2004), which increases among women (reaching 28.4% in 2004 and 29.7% in 2006) / What fate for the potentials of the elite or female intelligentsia..., etc CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  4. Secondly, a transition in a family law with double references to decide about A half secularized family code: Extending the scriptural interpretation and that of "Shariah" to other skilled people than Ulemas (Muslim scholars) (including women).... The adoption of the family law in 2004 by the parliamentary secular institution and therefore by the people through their representatives! The inclusion of new values -standards- [formerly considered as assimilationist]: equality, decision-making autonomy, freedom of choice (spouse ...), acquisition of legal identity for woman and children... The final arbitration of "Amir Al Mouminin "(Unlike other laws : penal, civil,...) CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  5. A transition reinforced with gender rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  6. A transition reinforced with gender rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  7. A transition reinforced with gender rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  8. A transition reinforced with gender rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  9. A transition reinforced with gender rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  10. A promising transition thanks to NGO activists who are organized: CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  11. A democratic transition innervated by "feminist" and activist dynamics • Raising the political issue of Islam/religion of the state- while completing the foundations "modern" state: overall and full institutional secularization, including that of family ... • Moving the issue of "authentic cultural identity" from the private space, responsible for protecting traditions, to other political areas of debate, (Islamist discourse in the media, partisan ..) • Consideringthe logic of political democracy and the rule of law in terms of reference, institutional democracy, including that of family ... political parties, • Laying bare the national intellectual elite, not addressing the issue of secularism and secularization • Putting emphasis on the saturation of the specific spirit of agreement, (Recap: failure of the "nahdaoui“ reform project) • Discursive inflation about scope (in terms of potential and principles) of a "secular Islam, egalitarian Islam, islamisation of human rights, timeless Islam capable to cross modernity, Islam open to the "Jihad for gender equality (" Islamic feminism","feminist Jihad "...). CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  12. A promising transition thanks to government actions • A series of measures: • National Strategy for Fighting Violence Against Women in 2002 • Operational plan for the implementation of National Strategy for Fighting Violence Against Women in 2004 • National Charter for Improving the Image of Women in the Media in 2005 • National Strategy for Equity and Gender Equality by integrating the gender approach in policies and development programs, 2005 • MDGs “gendered” • Gender budgeting, etc.. CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  13. A transition with points of weakness Points of weakness: Lack of gender sensitivity among government policy makers and technicians in addition to the parliamentary partisan body Dependence on financial support from donors and international NGOs Recklessness of macroeconomic policies and development strategies on gender A not yet effective gender-sensitive budgeting (parallel reports...) Fragmented implementation with no real monitoring and evaluation The oscillation between the progress of law and regressive movements in some areas, particularly in terms of gender equality at the political level Government statements of good intent backed by little affirmative political actions as regards gender equality, contradictory with Royal speeches and actions, visibly aiming to improve the lots of women CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  14. Indicators showedit! • Macroeconomic policies and development strategies: • 29 measures under the Beijing Platform, for example: : • Review and modify, with the full and equal participation of women, macroeconomic and social policies • Women are also required to ensure the follow-up and assessment of these policies • Restructure and target the allocation of public expenditures to promote women's economic opportunities • Equal access to productive resources • Address the basic social, educational and health needs of women, particularly those living in poverty • We are far from meeting our commitments at thislevel !!! CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  15. Indicators showedit! • « Governments should make efforts to systematically review how women benefit from public sector expenditures; adjust budgets to ensure equality of access to public sector expenditures, both for enhancing productive capacity and for meeting social needs and achieve the gender-related commitments made (…)” • Recommendation from the Beijing Platform for Action CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  16. A transition supported by insufficiently effective government actions • Example of gender equality in political participation: • MDG, target 135: “Reach one third of women's representation in the leading bodies of legislative, executive and judicial powers and other decision-making bodies” • The 2003 communal elections: 127 elected women at the rate of 0,53%, two elected women heads of communes out of 41 communes • Government political positions: two portfolio of Secretariat of State in 2000 and 2004. An exception of naming three women as ministers: 2002 and seven in 2007, 2 party affiliates and 5 technocrats). • Adoption in December 2006 of the 22-06 law, modifying and completing the organic statute N 31-97 on the House of Representatives will cancel out the effect of the principle of positive discrimination (Quota 10%) under the same law • Elected women by political parties at the local level: 0,2%!!! • No effective implementation of Article 22 of the Law on political parties stipulating that they should include in their statute the proportion devoted to women and youngsters at the level of leading bodies • Regression: chart of honour and 12% in 2008!!!? CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  17. “I call on both the government and Parliament to co-operate effectively in order to suggest efficient mechanisms for ensuring that a greater number of women stand as candidates and are elected to local councils” • Speech by King Mohammed VI at opening of parliament fall session, in October 2008 (Communal elections will be held on June 12, 2009) • Chart of honour!! • 12%!! • Postponing: • Improvement in gender-related human development index • Structural element of democratic transition • Implementation of a recommendation of the Beijing Platform CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  18. A strong transition with a new perspective I have sought to make human rights - and their role in ensuring a dignified life for all Moroccans - the pillar of my system of governance. (…) Therefore, putting that slogan into effect on the ground requires strong commitment, active involvement and sincere action in order to carry out the reforms and changes needed in a bold, albeit wise, manner. Message of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  19. Significant and long-awaitedleap “There is, first, the consolidation of political and civil rights, especially gender equality. This has been illustrated by the Family Law.” Message of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Bringing national legislations into compliance with international conventions in the field (reservations about Articles 9, 2, Paragraph 2 of Article 9, Paragraph 4 of Article 15, Articles 16, 29) “To further promote this course of action, I hereby announce that the Kingdom of Morocco is withdrawing its reservations concerning the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women. Given the advanced legislation adopted by our country, the said reservations are now obsolete.” Message of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  20. A projectwith major delays “However significant our achievements may be, political and civil rights would fail to have a real impact unless they were supported by the promotion of economic, social, environmental and cultural rights, which, incidentally, are given priority in our public policies” Message of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  21. Gaps to befilled in A mere Secretariat of State in charge of Family, Children and the Disabled (1998), reduced to a Directorate of Women, Family and Children (2007)!! Without a budget up to the challenges raised Weak as regards human resources In wait for an equal and productive partnership with civil society Call for creating a national mechanism working towards the promotion of women’s rights on June 2, 1996, following the revision of the constitution Message to the Late Hassan II from 6 associations with clear claims: Embodying the principle of gender equality in the Constitution and setting up a high council for women to ensure: coordination between various government departments and bodies in the field of promoting women’s rights drawing up a national strategy for the promotion of women’s rights and improvement of their conditions at all levels Revival of the idea/project of creating a high council (March 12, 2007)!! Civil society insists always on the autonomy of this council CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  22. A momentum to strenghten The ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on October 6, 1999 (Resolution A/RES/54/4), comes to reinforce the Convention with regard to Article 1: “A State Party to the present Protocol ("State Party") recognizes the competence of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women” Article 2 of the CEDAW highlights that punitive and preventive measures in case of discrimination against women should be taken by the state party. Optional Protocol: possibility to conduct an investigation (Articles 8 and 9) CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  23. A momentum to be strenghtened • MDG Target 14: « Eliminate all discriminatory judicial disparities and withdraw reservations on the CEDAW » Achieved in wait for the overall harmonization with national laws, the applicability of laws acquired and the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the CEDAW (proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on October 6, 1999 (Resolution A/RES/54/4) CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  24. Gap to befilled in • Three major shortcomings in three areas: • Lack of effectiveness of the national mechanism in charge of the gender issue (having been in place since 1998) • Inadequate women’s rights in the fields of health, education, access to political positions, and positions of responsibility and decision-making • Persistence of social injustice against the disadvantaged women, mainly those from the rural areas and poor or the poorest classes, the so-called domestic workers, young girl “maids” (female vulnerability, feminization of poverty, STD/HIV/AIDS, illiteracy, lack of school enrolment among rural girls...) CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  25. In addition to the formal equality, recognized and partly acquired, a substantial equality should be gained • To establish the gender equality as a national priority for building a democratic Morocco based on law, institutions and human development, a substantial equality should be: • Embodied in the constitution • Institutionalized through a department with strong political decisions and a budget up to the projects to mark and build • Ensured through a political representation of women in the high government, local and party positions • Completed by implementing laws guaranteeing social and economic rights (Expropriation and inheritance, equal pay, unequal access to resources), the right to security and dignity (stereotypical media images) • Strengthened by filling in legal gaps in gender equality • Ensuring it by establishing mechanisms for monitoring the application of laws and protection of rights through a global reform of the sector of Justice (Corruption, poor governance...). CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

  26. Thankyou CCME/Chikhaoui/2008

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