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This IT induction provides information on the smoker's corner rules, fire drill procedures, and orientation in the library. It also includes relevant details on the IT courses, hardware, and software available in the college. Stay informed and prepared!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 18 November 2019 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Induction

  2. Smoker’s corner Orientation Library (LRC) Refectory & shop Creche/Nursery You are here Smoker’s corner

  3. Fire Drill Wednesday morning 10:00am Test bell Otherwise: Leave building by nearest exit Shut doors behind you if possible. Avoid cylinders! Go to Car Park A Stay out until told it is safe to re-enter the building.

  4. Teaching staff Mike Coakham Team leader Observations Disciplinaries Phil Smith Lecturer Terry Prosser Tom Worgan Lecturer Lecturer Specialist areas: Specialist areas: Specialist areas: • IT Support • Computer Hardware • Web & CSS • Security • Spreadsheets Computer Hardware IT Support OS Networking Information systems • Programming • Web & CSS • Security • Computer Gaming • AI • • • • •

  5. Class Rooms T202 Software Room T104 Hardware Room T208 Teaching Room Servers  Software development workstations  Software development workstations  Darth  Windows(HND) Software includes:  Windows 10  Visual Studio 2016  Dreamweaver  Games development  Dual boot computers  Office 2016 Hardware includes:  Software includes:  Windows 10  Visual Studio 2016  Dreamweaver  Games development  Office 2016 X2 Workstations Diagnostic Computers I-Mac’s Networking Equipment     Software includes:  Windows 10  Packet Tracer  Office 2016

  6. Computing Network •Computing Sign on •See next slide… •Data access •Microsoft OneDrive (via student email) 1TB •Storage 2 GB (Z:) •Access from outside •Stud share Folder (Y:) (Downloadable software) •ISO, Applications, O/S as used on college systems. •Windows 10 and Office 2016 •Wireless •No laptops to be connected to the Computing network •College email address @hlcollege.ac.uk

  7. Password Computing Sign on • Username: MIS number e.g. (OTH11081234) • Password: Password123456 • Then create your own password • Password policy (14 chars, upper/lower and special)

  8. Security • Current password for all users – Password123456 • Password policy - Password should be changed every 30 days . • Password requirements (14 Characters, 3 of the 4 character sets are to be included) • Lock computers when they are not being used (Windows key+ L) • HLC Acceptable use policy • Your account expires on 31stJuly 2019

  9. Security, Student ID • Students must have their student ID on show at all times, use lanyard • Failure to do so will result in a disciplinary. • You will need to present your ID to buy food in the canteen. • If you loose your ID please visit the student Hub. (In the LRC)

  10. IT Practitioner L2 course -progression Must achieve Merit overall Year 1 IT L3 Diploma

  11. Teaching • Tutor presentations • Practical activities • Hardware • Coding • Role plays • Guided research • Set tasks • Assignment preparation • Research • Set tasks • Practical activities • During these tutors will give formative assessment – do not waste this opportunity!

  12. How do you know what progress you are making? • Units 1 & 2 are assessed by external exams. A series of practice tests will help you to know how you are doing. • All other units are assessed by a series of assignments. • Usually 3 assignments per unit. • Each assignment may contain a combination of tasks at different levels: • Pass • Merit • Distinction

  13. How do assignments work • Teaching & preparation • Assignment issued • You are now on your own! • Meet deadline • Complete original work • Tutor cannot give further guidance or coaching or reassurance • You may ask questions • Tutor may give general guidance or clarification but cannot give individual coaching.

  14. Assignments • Each unit may be assessed by a combination of: • Reports • Tests • Presentations • Witness statement • Failure to submit assignments will jeopardise continuation on course • A review of your academic performance will commence following September’s assessments Units 1 and 2 are externally assessed – by online test. online test. Units 1 and 2 are externally assessed – by

  15. Marks Student shows knowledge and understanding of the problem PASS Shows comprehension and depth of knowledge of complex theories. Produces varied solutions MERIT Student evaluates complex concepts and makes reasoned and confident judgements. Uses analysis, research and evaluation to make recommendations. Learners will understand how and when to use their knowledge in different situations. DISTINCTION

  16. Qualification grades • Points are multiplied by the number of guided learning hours divided by 10: e.g. Unit 1 is 30 GLH - a pass is (30 hours ÷ 10) X 4 points = 12 points for the given module Qualification grade

  17. Qualification grades You must obtain a total of 24 points by adding up Unit 3 with either Unit 1 or Unit 2 U1 U2= 24 points is a level 2 pass U3 + 144 points is a pass in every unit

  18. Disciplinary Procedures • If you are accused of some wrong-doing. • Needs to be investigated • You should have a chance to ‘state your case’ • Might result in disciplinary measures • Verbal warning (gets written down) • Written warning (also gets written down) • Formal disciplinary hearing • Could result in suspension/exclusion

  19. What are valid excuses? • There are no valid excuses for not submitting work on time, however there are mitigating circumstances. • Illness – Doctor’s note • Tutors discretion for each case!!!! • If you fail to meet the deadline without prior notification you will be issued with a formal disciplinary, this may lead to withdrawal from the course.

  20. Submitting work • Assignments will be submitted electronically using Turnitin. • Further information http://wiki/doku.php?id=computing:turnitin:intro • Turnitin web address www.turnitinuk.com

  21. What is plagiarism? • Plagiarism– Passing off somebody else's work as your own. • Previous cases of plagiarism • Who is involved? • What are the consequences? – It depends on the case – Student diary provides details. • Turnitin – does an originality check. We can see who submitted similar work

  22. Referencing • Referencing acknowledges author’s work • All documents submitted must be referenced • Reference using the Harvard method • How to reference will be covered during a tutorial session, also available on the Wiki http://wiki.computing.hct.ac.uk/doku.php?id=computing:regulations:harvard_r eferencing

  23. Term 1 assignment 1 schedule Term 1 Issued week 3 Continuation of studies on level 2 BTEC ICT Course Course validation assessment w/c 17th September

  24. Looking after your work • As an Information Technology student we expect that you take regular backups of your work –therefore backup up any data that you cannot afford to lose. • Regular backups are taken of your Z: Drive Suggested methods • Memory stick or external drive • Online Docs e.g. Microsoft OneDrive

  25. Wiki • Internal & external learning resource • All course and unit descriptions • Computing department information http://wiki.computing.hct.ac.uk/ Task: 1. Find this presentation on the Wiki within the level 2 course. 2. Find your timetable.

  26. Classroom etiquette •   No tampering with college equipment. (includes plugging/unplugging peripherals) •  Please remove hoods, caps etc in class. •  No eating or drinking in any of the classrooms. No food or drink on the desks. •  Mobiles should be turned off in class unless you are using them for the lesson, e.g. ‘Evernote’. Please do not take phone calls or text messages during lessons. •  Please ask if you are uncertain of any instructions or information! Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action

  27. What should I do if I am ill /unable to attend college? Absence reporting Make a note of these numbers! • Absence hotline 01432 365388 • Text Message 07966 132377 • Email absence@hct.ac.uk Contact one of the lecturers (next slide)

  28. Contacting a Lecturer • Your main contact is your course tutor Name Email prossert@hlcollege.ac.uk worgant@hlcollege.ac.uk smithphil@hlcollege.ac.uk Telephone 01432 365477 01432 365392 01432 365489 Terry Prosser Tom Worgan Phil Smith

  29. What happens if I miss one or more lessons? • A directive on withdrawals from Jon the Assistant Principal for Technology Studies: • “If a student has not attended for three weeks, a chase up letter will be sent from the Faculty Office. A copy will be sent to Course Tutor. • If no contact is made after the letter is sent, then the student will be withdrawn at the end of 4 weeks. Withdrawal form completed by tutor. • This does not mean this is final. If you believe, on their return, they can catch up with the work missed, then you can re enrol them - this is at your discretion.”

  30. Microsoft Imagine • “What is Microsoft Imagine? • Microsoft Imagine puts some of the world’s most powerful software in the hands of students and educators. • Develop apps, games, tools and designs. “ • Wiki>computing>resources: Microsoft Imagine premium access • Tom is going to be your new best friend – he will provide you with access!

  31. Tutorial Sessions • Tutorial sessions • One-to-one talks with tutor • Course progress evaluation • Group tutorials – visiting speakers, including army, St. Michael’s Hospice, specialist advice eg interview preparation, c.v. writing. • Student Tracking System • Target setting • With your Course tutor

  32. Group tutorials • 6 sessions during the year. • You must attend. • You will cover six areas: Economic Well Being Being Healthy Being Safe Equality and Diversity (Prevent) Your Future (Meet Your Future) Your choice

  33. Maths and English • Mandatory part of the course to ensure Maths and English competence is maintained. • GCSE option • Times and rooms shown on timetable – find them: • Maths • English

  34. College facilities - Refectory • Seating area • Cash machine (now free; dispenses £5.00 notes) • COSTA Coffee self serve (downstairs) • COSTA Coffee shop (upstairs) • Shop (takes cards) • Snacks • Drinks Can also pay by card here • Hot food counter • Meal deals • Cold food counter • Baguettes • Sandwiches

  35. College facilities – Student services • Help for students at HCT • Accommodation • Financial • Academic • Personal matters • Eating • Sexual • Parents • Counselling • College Chaplin – Jason Borlase

  36. Parking (on-line application) • Parking permits are required on all vehicles • Vehicles without permits will be clamped • Parking available at the rear of the campus ONLY • Parking on Sixth Form and Art College is NOT allowed by HLC students

  37. NUS cards • Students at HLC can obtain an NUS card • Discounts in shops, restaurants and online. Full details here http://www.nus.org.uk/en/NUS-Extra/Discounts/ • Apply online http://www.nus.org.uk/en/

  38. What next? • Maths Diagnostics PODs • Then home • Tuesday • Majority • T208 14:00 for English Diagnostics • Enrolment: • Luke Cotterill • Dan Meadmore

  39. Declaration • Student Declaration. (Student Copy) • Name (block capitals)………………………………………………………………… • I have received, read and understood the contents of the course handbook. • The tutor has explained all areas covered in the course handbook and answered any questions that I have raised with him about the contents. • I have been made fully aware of the course framework and qualification that I am studying for, progression routes, assessment methods, appeals procedure, disciplinary procedure and my responsibilities for my own learning/behaviour expected by HCT. • Student • Signature…………………………………………………………………………….. • Date………………………………………

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