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Clothing Has Always Been An Issue

Clothing Has Always Been An Issue. If you have a daughter it is an issue. Clothing has caused strong feelings ever since people started wearing them. Joseph’s brothers jealous of his coat/ father gave him.

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Clothing Has Always Been An Issue

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  1. Clothing Has Always Been An Issue • If you have a daughter it is an issue. • Clothing has caused strong feelings ever since people started wearing them. • Joseph’s brothers jealous of his coat/ father gave him. • Marie Antoinette, 18th century French queen, hated for Lavish wardrobe, later beheaded because of her frivolous spending of the people’s money • Blogs on Celebs – Worst dressed, What not to wear

  2. Clothing Has Always Been An Issue • We dress to feel good about the way that we look. It feels good to have people look at you and complement you. • It is thrilling to have the guys attention on you. • But where is their attention………. • But those who minimize the correlation between immodesty and sexual promiscuity deceive themselves. • Sexualization of women defined as occurring when a person’s value comes only from their sexual appeal or behavior. • Negative consequences are documented…confidence and comfort with body image leading to shame and anxiety are just a few.

  3. What draws your attention?

  4. Clothing Has Always Been An Issue • Television, music video, music lyrics, video games, teen magazines • Women are used as window dressing – sexualization has set narrow standard for attractiveness….Posture, look, creates unreal expectations • Advertisers spend millions and they understand what works – photo of a woman increases length of time looking by 14-30 % • Three most common women’s health problems, eating disorders, low self esteem, depression • Young ladies are trying to measure up • Hannah Montana, Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Christina Agulara….Barbie…

  5. Height 5’4” Weight 145 lbs Dress Size 11-14 Bust 36-37” Waist 29-31” Hips 40-42” Height 6’0” Weight 101 lbs Dress Size 4 Bust 39” Waist 19” Hips 33” Speaking of Barbie… Average Woman Barbie

  6. What Men Think! • When you wear hootchie-wear, you are putting out an invitation. • If your body is not for sale, then you should not appear to be advertising it! • What is really being promoted is the idea that their bodies are for show, for the pleasure of others, not sacred temples.

  7. God made us different….. Men give intimacy in hopes of getting sex and women give sex in hopes of getting intimacy and relationships. • Men are visual, there is a difference between dressing attractively and dressing to attract. • Men are going to finish the picture, a little skin goes a long ways. • Let guys love you for who you are on the inside.

  8. What God Thinks • Modesty starts with the heart • David was to blame for his adulterous affair, but Bathsheba was also partly to blame…2 Sam 11:1-4 • Adorn yourselves with good works and righteous character! • Be a light to the world! • "Glorify God in your body and in your spirit"

  9. How to get to a Healthy Place, Start with a Heart Check… • What statement do my clothes make about my heart? • In choosing what clothes to wear today, whose attention do I desire and whose approval do I crave? • Am I seeking to please God or impress others? • Is what I wear consistent with biblical values of modesty, self-control and respectable apparel, or does my dress reveal an inordinate identification and fascination with sinful cultural values? • Who am I trying to identify with through my dress? Is the Word of God my standard or is the latest fashion? • Have I asked other godly individuals to evaluate my wardrobe? • Does my clothing reveal an allegiance to the gospel or is there any contradiction between my profession of faith and my practice of godliness? Modesty Heart Check, by Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Whitacre, Kristin Chesemore and Janelle Bradshaw

  10. Hottie, not a Hootchie • Our dress is a reflection of who we are – if your personality is conservative, you will dress conservative; if you’re outgoing, your dress will be “louder”. • Teens are no different, except theirs is primarily based on their level of self-confidence. • Be an encourager, not a discourager, be careful the way you speak! • Change has to come from the inside out • we cannot change them, only God can, so we need to PRAY • we need to FOCUS pouring on constant encouragement and positive words into their lives • If you “don’t like” their dress/style, but it is modest, just get over it and tell them they are beautiful. Their taste WILL be different than yours, and that’s ok! Let her be herself, not you!

  11. DIFFERENT can be OK! • Is it YOUR style, probably not, but is it modest, YES, so get over it! Most phases pass, so be patient! • They’re NOT you! • Be a YES mom whenever possible! (Don’t be a “because I said so” mom!) • Don’t major on the minor!

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