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World Geography

World Geography. What is “Geography”? Take a few moments to record what you think this course will entail. Which NBA player shown below was a geography major in college?. A. B. C. Kobe Bryant. Michael Jordan. Kevin Love. Michael Jordan.

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World Geography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World Geography What is “Geography”? Take a few moments to record what you think this course will entail.

  2. Which NBA player shown below was a geography major in college? A. B. C. Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan Kevin Love

  3. Michael Jordan

  4. Which rapper shown below recently took to social media to call Africa a country? A. B. C. Lil Wayne 2 Chainz Rick Ross

  5. Rick Ross

  6. What country have these people gathered in the streets in? Why? Egypt. To protest an oppressive leader.

  7. What country have these people gathered in the streets in? Why? The United States. To celebrate a hockey team.

  8. In what country is this school located? India

  9. In what country is this school located? The United States


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