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This lesson introduces students to the role of music in our lives, the importance of service to others, and ways in which musicians can make a difference by sharing their musical skills. Students will learn how music reflects God's character of love and how they can praise God and help others with their musical gifts.
Biblically Integrated Music Lessons for Grades 7 and 8 Andrea Nagy Andrews University
Introduction—Summary of Lesson 1 This lesson introduces the first 3 components of the Visual Valet framework: • 1) ‘Reflections’: Music is God’s gift that ‘reflects’ His character of love and is also our gift of praise to Him • 2) ‘Distortions’: Satan intends to ‘distort’ God’s original plan for the enjoyment and use of Music • 3) ‘Revelations’: Students are free moral agents, created in the image of God, who can choose music that elevates the soul and allows God to restore His image in them.
Lesson Objectives • NAD Standards: • #8 Understand relationships between Music and otherdisciplines • #9 Understand Music in relation to history and culture • Lesson Objectives: • Students will evaluate the role of music in our lives. • They will evaluate the importance of service to others. • They will identify ways in which musicians could make a difference by sharing their musical skills.
Biblically Integrated Lesson objective • Using the ‘application’ component of the Visual Valet students will learn of ways in which they could praise God and help others with their musical gifts.
anticipatory set • Reflective Moment: • J. S. Bach completed each one of his compositions with the words “Soli Deo Gloria” = “Glory to God Alone!” • Read Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” • Think-Pair-Share: “What does ‘praise’ mean to you?”, “What did Bach’s words express about praising God?”, “What are some ways in which we may praise God?”
Big Ideas • Baroque composers worked in the service of various kings, patrons of the arts, and churches: • J. S. Bach worked as court musician for Duke Wilhelm Ernst and for Prince Leopold. He spent most of his career as church musician at the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. • Antonio Vivaldi worked as a composer at the Ospedaledella Pieta, a home for girls, in Venice • G. F. Handel served as court musician for the Elector of Hanover and for King George II, as well as for the Royal Academy of Music in London
Biblical integration • What are some ways in which we could praise and serve God with our gifts? Romans 12: 6-8 (NKJV): “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”
Biblical integration • Do we all have musical gifts? “God is much more interested in our availability than our ability, since He’s the one who gives us the abilities in the first place. He just wants us to be willing to be used by Him.” (Lesson 3, Q1 YB PowerPoints).
assessment Using the CORNERS Cooperative Strategy, students take a stand: 1) If I were a composer like Vivaldi I would gladly work at Ospedaledella Pieta a home for abandoned girls; 2) If I were a great composer living in the time of Handel I would serve as court musician for King George II; 3) If I were a talented composer like Bach I would gladly be a church musician; 4) If I were a musically skilled shepherd boy like David was, I would gladly serve king Saul as court musician.
Biblical integration assessment Survey: • I wish to sing in the children’s choir at church • I like to play instrumental solos at musical events • I’d like to play for elderly people at a nursing home • I would prefer playing in a big ensemble at church • I prefer helping set up the practice room/performance hall for musical events, as well as assist with musical instrument maintenance
Re-teaching—extension • “What’s in the Box” Spiritual Gifts Inventory (Troy Fitzgerald) • Students will identify practical ways for service with the spiritual gifts they recognized.
References • CIRCLE resources: Retrieved from circle.adventist.org • REBIRTH resources: http://www.ssd.org/edu/resources/rebirth/index.htm • www.gfhandel.org • www.jsbach.org • www.baroquemusic.org • Visual Valet framework: http://tinyurl.com/VisualValetGuide