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LC Training for RDA: Resource Description & Access. Relationships in RDA -- in bibliographic records and in authority records. Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress Sept. 2012. Learning Objectives for Module 4 -- Relationships in RDA.
LC Training for RDA:Resource Description & Access Relationships in RDA -- in bibliographic records and in authority records Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division Library of Congress Sept. 2012
Learning Objectives for Module 4 -- Relationships in RDA • Understand the basics of relationships in RDA • Determine the relationships that we will code here at UCSD • Express relationships correctly in bibliographic records
Outline for today • Introduction: Basics of relationships in RDA • Relationships between People and Resources • Relationships within Resources: works, expressions, manifestations, items • Relationships within People: persons, families and corporate bodies
Basics of relationships 1.What are relationships? 2.Whyrelationships? Expressing Relationships: Helps users find what they want!
Basics of relationships Entity – relationship – Entity “Name” is the creator of“Work” “Adolfo Tarango” is the creator of “Developing and Managing Electronic Journal Collections” “Work” is a commentary on “Work” “There is nothing like a Dane!” is a commentary on “Hamlet” “Corporate Name A” is the earlier name of “Corporate Name B” “Center for Music Experiment” is the earlier name of “Center for Computing and the Arts”
RDA 18.1.6 Relationship Designator The term relationship designator refers to a designator that indicates the nature of the relationship between a resource and a person, family, or corporate body associated with that resource represented by an authorized access point and/or identifier.
Entities being related Relationships between: • Resources and associated persons, families, and corporate bodies [Shi Deng is the author of Glossary of Library and Information Science, English-Chinese, Chinese-English] 2.Resources (works, expressions, manifestations, items) [The Daily Guardian is the earlier name of the UCSD Guardian] 3.Persons, families, corporate bodies [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson also published under the identity Lewis Carroll]
RDA 18.2 Functional Objectives and Principles • The data recorded to reflect relationships … should enable the user to find all resources associated with a particular person, family, or corporate body. • … the data should reflect all significant relationships between a resource and persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with that resource.
Relationships in RDA • Chapters 18-22, Appendix I • Resource and associated persons, families, corporate bodies • Chapters 24-28, Appendix J • Between resources (works, expressions, manifestations, items) • Chapters 29-32, Appendix K • Between persons, families, corporate bodies
[Screen image from the RDA Toolkit (www.rdatoolkit.org) used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)]
Relationship designators RDA appendices I, J, and K Not closed lists If needed term is missing: Identify the needed term and use it in your bib record Notify your Unit Head Unit Head will follow PCC process to have term fast-tracked through the formal JSC process to be added to the appendix and the vocabulary
Methods to express relationships 1.Authorized access point 110 2# $a Society of Linguists, $e author 2.Structured description 776 08 $i Also issued as: $t Health statistics 3.Unstructured description 500## $a Translation of the author’s novel Digital fortress
Designation of relationships in MARC bibliographic records • $e of 100-110 and 700-710 • $j of 111 and 711 • $i of 700-730 • $i of 76X-78X linking entry fields • MARC 21 coding (e.g., 780 00 “continues”; 785 00 “continued by”) • MARC 21 264 fields
Citing another resource:Authorized access points In MARC 700-730 fields: • Give the form represented by NAR* • If there is no NAR, create one (NACO catalogers) * Exception: Do not use AACR2 NAR with “Polyglot” or more than one language in subfield $l for multiple expressions.
Citing another resource: Linking entry fields In MARC 760-787 fields: • Copy and paste what is in the existing record for that resource and adjust the subfield coding as appropriate
Designation of relationships in MARC authority records • In authority records, relationships are shown in: • 500 $w and 663 • 510 $w • Optional relationships can be added in 5XX $w r $i (more on this later)
Summary • You have been recording relationships in AACR2 • There are some new concepts about relating entities in RDA • Relationships are recorded as authorized access points, notes, and linking fields • UCSD follows PCC practices
Persons/families/bodies and resources Creators and others associated with works (ch. 19) Contributors associated with expressions (ch. 20) Manufacturers, publishers, distributors associated with manifestations (ch. 21) Owners, annotator, autographer, etc. associated with items (ch. 22)
Creatorrelationships Persons/families/bodies related to works • author • compiler • filmmaker • interviewer • programmer • and others … (RDA Appendix I)
Creatorrelationships (con’t) LC catalogers will (according to LC-PCC PS 19.2): • Give first creator with principal responsibility (1xx field) • If multiple creators associated with the work are present, apply cataloger judgment to give more than the first (7xx fields) • UCSD catalogerswill follow the same practice • Also include specific $e with term from Appendix I in both 1xx and 7xx
Creator relationships in bibliographicrecords • Give as authorized access point in MARC 1XX field (and 7XX field if more than one creator or if “other” associated with work)in bibliographic record • Relationship designators from RDA appendix I.2 in subfield $e of 1XX and 7XX field • Not a closed list • Do not include $e in name authority record
Example Creatorwork relationship 110 $a Society of Linguists, $e author. 710 $a Linguists International, $e author. 100 $a Glass, Philip, $e composer. 110 $a Virginia, $e enacting jurisdiction.
Example Others associated with work Others associated with works (19.3): 710 $a U.S. Geology Society, $e issuing body. 710 $a ABC Institute, $e sponsoring body. 23
Contributorrelationships Persons/families/bodies related to expressions Translators Editors of compilations Performers Illustrators Arrangers of music Compilers
Contributorrelationships (cont.) LC catalogers: Give the first illustrator of resources intended for children as an authorized access point in a MARC 7XX field in bibliographic record, and add the relationship designator $e illustrator UCSD catalogers: Follow broader PCC practice, which strongly encourages coding the $e relationship designator for all contributors
Example 1: Contributor relationships 100 1# $a Wood, Audrey, $e author 245 14 $a The napping house / $c Audrey Wood ; illustrated by Don Wood. 700 1# $a Wood, Don, $e illustrator.
Example 2: Contributor relationships 100 1# $a Lindgren, Astrid, $d 1907-2002, $e author. 240 10 $a Pippi Långstrump. $l English 245 10 $a Pippi Longstocking / $c Astrid Lindgren ; translated by Tiina Nunnally. 700 1# $a Nunnally, Tiina, $d 1952- $e translator.
Example 3: Contributor relationships 245 $a Favorite American music / $c performed by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra with Marin Alsop conducting.. 505 $a ... 710 $a Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, $e performer. 700 $a Alsop, Marin, $e conductor.* * Could have used the more general “$e performer” for Alsop.
Relationship Designators for Bibliographic Records -- Quiz RDA Bibliographic Record: 100 1# $a Mishima, Yukio, $d 1925-1970, $e author. 240 10 $a Shiosai. $l English 245 14 $a The Sound of waves / $c Yukio Mishima; translated by Meredith Weatherby. 700 1# $a Weatherby, Meredith, $e translator. Authority records: 100 1# $a Mishima, Yukio, $d 1925-1970. $t Shiosai. $l English 100 1# $a Weatherby, Meredith
Open Metadata Registry metadataregistry.org
Relationships to manifestations Persons/families/bodies related to manifestations (RDA 21.0, Appendix I.4) Producers Publishers (e.g., broadcasters) Manufacturers (e.g., engravers, printers) Distributors (e.g., film distributor)
Relationships designators for persons/families/bodies associated with manifestations • Few terms are listed in Appendix I.4 • The terms: “producer,” “publisher,” “manufacturer,” “distributor” are separate elements (264 field) and thus are not given in subfield $e of 7XX field
Examples: Relationships to manifestations 264 #1 $a Bethesda : $b NIH, $c 2008. 710 2# $a National Institutes of Health (U.S.), $e broadcaster. 264 #1 $a St. Paul : $b West Publishing Company, $c 2011- 710 2# $a West Publishing Company.* * “Publisher” isn’t used as an RDA relationship designator because that relationship is an element (264 field).
Relationships to items Persons/families/bodies related to items (RDA 22.0, Appendix I.5) Owners Custodians Curators LC: cataloger judgment UCSD: Mostly for gifts and special collections. For now, continue to code as 790 field and use RDA relationship designator in $e
Examples: Relationships to items LC: 500 $a University Library's copy has ms. notes by author on endpapers. $5 IaH 700 $a Smiley, Jane, $e annotator UCSD: 590 $a UCSD copy has ms. notes by author on endpapers. 790 $a Smiley, Jane $e annotator
Examples: Relationships to items LC: 541 $c Gift; $a John Jefferson; $d 2011. $5 DLC 700 $a Jefferson, John, $e donor. UCSD: 790 $a Jefferson, John $e donor
Summary Work: • Code authorized access points for creators and include $e with term from Appendix I • Expression: • Code authorized access points for contributors and include $e with term from Appendix I • Manifestation: Unlikely to be needed; cataloger judgment • Item: For local gifts and special collections
Relationships between resources Relationships between works, expressions, manifestations, and items Relationships in bibliographic and/or authority records: Related works (ch. 25) Related expressions (ch. 26) Related manifestations (ch. 27) Related items (ch. 28)
Related works RDA 25.1 Common work relationships: Whole-part, e.g., Works in a compilation Chapters in a book Adaptations Supplements Sequential relationships (e.g., earlier and later serials)
Related works LC catalogers are only required to code (LCPS 25.1): • Whole-part relationships for works in a compilation • Sequential serial relationships PCC catalogers generally follow LC practice UCSD catalogers may use cataloger judgment to apply more broadly.
Whole-part relationships for compilations LC: Give MARC 505 contents note unless contents indicated in another part of the description (e.g., in MARC 245 $a because no collective title present) or unless burdensome LC: Give one MARC 7XX analytical authorized access point; cataloger judgment if additional 7XX fields for other works Don’t give analytical authorized access points for some works: anthologies of poetry, conference proceedings, hymnals, journals, interviews, etc. – LCPS 25.1
Example: Whole-part work Authorized access points for the works: 100 1# $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564- 1616. 245 10 $a Hamlet ; $b King Lear / $c William Shakespeare. *700 12 $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564- 1616. $t Hamlet. *700 12 $a Shakespeare, William, $d 1564- 1616. $t King Lear. * 2nd indicator in 700 indicates the relationship “Contains”
Example: serial related works Structured descriptions and three identifiers each: 245 00 $a TCA journal. 785 00 $t Journal of professional counseling, practice, theory, & research $x 1556- 6382 $w (DLC) 2005205756 $w (OCoLC) 55891574 245 00 $a Journal of professional counseling, practice, theory, & research. 780 00 $t TCA journal $x 1556-4223 $w (DLC) 93645762 $w (OCoLC) 26906768 785 indicators 00 = relationship “Continued by” 780 indicators 00 = relationship “Continues”
Authority record, work relationship 046 ## $k 1944 100 1# $a Chase, Mary, $d 1907-1981. $t Harvey 380 ## $a Play 530 #0 $w r $i Adapted as a motion picture (work): $a Harvey (Motion picture) 670 ## $a Harvey, 1950. 670 ## $a Wikipedia, Jan. 6, 2011 $b (Harvey; Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Mary Chase; premiered in 1944)
Related expressions RDA 26.1 Common expression relationships: Whole-part (e.g., translations in a compilation) Revisions Editions Translations Language editions Abridgements
Related expressions Like work relationships, LC limits their requirements for relationships between expressions (LC PS 26.1): • Whole-part relationships for expressions in a compilation (same policy as for works) • Sequential serial relationships
Example 1: Whole-part expression Authorized access points for the expressions: 100 1# $a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- 245 10 $a Two Norwegian novels / $c Per Petterson. 505 0# $a Out stealing horses -- To Siberia. 700 12 $a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- $t Ut og stjæle hester.$l English. 700 12 $a Petterson, Per, $d 1952- $t Til Sibir.$l English. 740 02 $a Out stealing horses. 740 02 $a To Siberia.
Example 2: serial related expression Structured description for other language edition: 130 0# $a Revista de política y derecho ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe. $l English. 245 10 $a Journal of environmental policy and law in Latin America and the Caribbean. 775 08 $i Issued also in Spanish under title: $t Revista de política y derecho ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe.
Example 3: Related expression - translation Authorized access point: 100 1# $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- 240 10 $a Digital fortress. $l French 245 10 $a Forteresse digitale. 700 1# $i Translation of: $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- $t Digital fortress.