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  1. EVALUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH EFFECTS OF TCDDS AN DPCDFS ON REPRODUCTION OF MUNICIPAL WASTE INCINERATION OPERATORS OUTCOMESKheirkhahRahimabad K.1,2 , Imen Z.1, Ghafouri M.1 1 .Department of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran,Iran2 . Iranian Association for Environmental Assessment E.mail: kave.kheirkhah@gmail.com Objectives Results the past 45 years; and various birth defects of the male reproductive system have increased 2- fold to 4-fold during the same period. Thus breast cancer, testicular cancer, and defects of the male reproductive system. Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds. Also, a balanced diet (including adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and cereals) will help to avoid excessive exposure from a single source. This is a long-term strategy to reduce body burdens and is probably most relevant for girls and young women to reduce exposure of the developing fetus and when breastfeeding infants later on in life. However, the possibility for consumers to reduce their own exposure is somewhat limited. Municipal waste incineration are one of the largest resources of 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (TCDDs) and Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) from incineration ends up in water and food cycle are taken up by fish and etc. Dioxins and furans present a special problem for the incineration industry. They formed from chlorine and chlorinated products, which are present in larger volums in municipal waste.Poorly controlled combustion processes can entail the production of dioxins, another class of compounds that include two families of chemicals, polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Excluding occupational exposure, diet is the main route of dioxin contamination by accumulation along the food chain; newborns in particular are exposed through breast-feeding. The major result was that the cancer risk form TCDDs emissions from the MWI was extremely low, i.e., about 1000-fold below that calculated for PCDFs emissions from other resources in the same area. The TCDDs emissions were reported to be in the range of 18.32 ng I-TEq/m3.The study does not contain any data on the levels of TCDDs in ambient air, soil or in the blood or adipose tissue derived from residents of the various areas or from cancer patients.The major conclusion was that the cancer risk form PCDD/F emission from the MWI was extremely low,i.e.,about 1000-fold below that calculated for PCDD/F emission from other sources in the same area. The dioxin emissions were reported to be in the range of 16.3 ng I-TEq/m3 which led the authors to the suggestion that dioxins were the causative agents.The study does not contin any data on the levels of dioxins in air, soil or in the blood or adipose tissuederived from residents of the various areas or from cancer patients.If a dioxin exposure was suspected to cause these disease, this hypothesis could have been easily tested by such analysis. References Methods Abbasik , K. B. and E.M. Sorvik (1973) on the thermal degradation of poly (vinyl chloride). I. An apparatus for investigation of early stages of thermal degradation. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 17, 3567-3576. polychlorinated dibenzoOp-dioxins (PCDDs) from the pyrolysis of chlorobenzenes Chemosphere, 8, 415-424. Buser, H.R., H.P. Bosshardt, C. Rappe, and R. Lindahl (1978). Identification of polychlorinated dibenzofurans isomers in flyash and PCB pyrolyses. Chemosphere, 7, 419-429. Bowman, RE, Schantz, SL, Weerasinghe, NCA. 1989b. Chronic dietary intake of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) at 5 and 25 parts per trillion in themonkey: TCDD kinetics and dose-effect estimate of reproductive toxicity. Refereesk;l Conclusions The study was carried out to compare SPSS ver 16., and Arc GIS, to put emphasis on the effects of residing in proximity to several municipal resources. The risk seems to be greater for human who worked near incinerators though it is very difficult to discriminate between the effects of the indoor air and those of other resources of municipal pollution. We conclude thatmen who worked in indoor waste terminals have sperm counts less than half as highas their grandfathers had at the same age. Inaddition, the occurrence of cancer in the testicles has increased 3-fold to 4 fold during

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