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Walt Disney. Zack O’Brien 11/18/09. By Marie Hammontree. Introduction.
Walt Disney Zack O’Brien 11/18/09 By Marie Hammontree
Introduction I did Walt Disney Because I was expired by his Cartoons, and his theme parks. Walt Disney is a hero in my eyes. He showed nothing can crush your dreams or your imagination. Birth- December 5,1901 in Chicago Illinois. Death- December 15,1966 in ST.Joseph’s Hospital. After he died Scientist foze him in a block of ice. Walt was most famous for his cartoons and his theme parks. He touched kids around the world from his expiring movies and cartoons.
Childhood Walt Disney grew up with 4 sisters and one brother. Walt moved to Marceline Missouri when he was 4. Walt always loved Animals, and mostly wildlife. Infect Walt got expired to become an artist by his pet pig named porky. Walt loved porky so much. He would dress him up and ride him. Walt had such an imagination when It came to porky. Walt would draw every living thing he saw. He loved to draw mice, and mostly animals on the farm. One time he saw a tiny little mouse and thought what would he look like if he was warring cloths. He drew so many drawings. He didn’t always wanted to be involved with drawing animations and cartoons. Walt always wanted to be a solider and fight for his country. His dad didn’t support the whole artist thing because Walt would draw on every thing he saw like his brothers and sisters home work one time he even drew a picture of porky on the side of the house with tar. So Walt decided to work for his other dream to become a fighter in the war. Walt never really had an exiting childhood he lived just like a normal boy.
Adolescence When Walt was 16 he finally for filled his dream and signed up for the draft. When the military finally responded Walt was rejected because he was under the age of 16. After that, Walt signed up for red cross. Walt got sent over seas to help and drive ambulances. He loved helping people in so many ways. When he was 19 he came home and took up on his acting. As much as he loved that job he always wondered of going back to his art. When his hit 20 he picked up on his art, but he had to pick to be an artist or and actor. When Walt finally made up his mind he chose acting and art for awhile. He loved doing magic shows and vaudeville shows.
Adulthood In 1923 Walt left Chicago to set off for Hollywood Walt owned his on company for cartoon animation. On July 13th, 1925 Walt fell in love and married one of his employees named Lillian bounds. Walt had 2 beautiful daughters named Dian and Sharon. Sharon started working for her dad and became a big part of the company. As for Dian she fell in love and got married. A few years later Walt bought 43 miles of virgin land witch is twice the size of Manhattan island. It was located in the center of Florida and it was called Disney World. Disney World was a land resort with theme parks, hotel resorts and a vacation spot. It took 7 years to plan and 53 months to build it. Disney World finally opened in 1955. Walt was so proud of how nice Disney Land came out, and he was exited, but he knew Walt Disney Land was not complete because people would add on to it with there imagination. 11 years after Disney land opened Walt died. When Walt died scientist froze is whole body in a block of ice for the future. In his life time he for filled all of his dreams he went in the war, he did some acting, he for filled his art and even built his own theme park. One time he received an award in 1964 by president Lyndon B. Jonson, but there is one dream he didn’t for fill. He wanted to make a school of creative arts known as the California institute of the arts. This would be a school where people interested in any of the creative arts could study. Here they could learn to give the world the full measure of their talent and imagination. Just has Walt has done in his busy life.
President When Born Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
The Most Interesting The most Interesting thing I learned about Disney was how expiring he was. I mean he knew what little kids wanted at the time and that was cartoons. I also thought how big one animated mouse was. Mickey Mouse was one of the biggest hits the world has ever seen. Kids still watch Disney's cartoons, and they still watch that one little mouse. Mickey Mouse was never suppose to be a big hit to Disney, and the kids love him. Reading this book was the best choice I could of done for this biography.
Positive Contribution’s • He made the Walt Disney characters come to life. • Created Disney World • Touched peoples hearts with his cartoons. • He helped people in red cross. • He donated money to a lot of funs. • And lot more.
Three Questions • How Many Jobs did you have in your whole life. • Did you ask the scientist to freeze you? • Why did you become an artist in the first place?
Bibliography Hammontree, M. (1997). Walt Disney. New York: Frank Irvin.