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Facilitating Change in ELT: How professional development can be enhanced by understanding change

Facilitating Change in ELT: How professional development can be enhanced by understanding change . Dr. Susan Barduhn Professor, SIT Graduate Institute Beth Neher Freelance Teacher Educator. PD: From a teacher’s mouth.

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Facilitating Change in ELT: How professional development can be enhanced by understanding change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Facilitating Change in ELT: How professional development can be enhanced by understanding change Dr. Susan Barduhn Professor, SIT Graduate Institute Beth Neher Freelance Teacher Educator

  2. PD: From a teacher’s mouth When I die I hope it is during a professional development session because the transition from life to death will be so seamless. quoted in Fullan 2007, p. 283

  3. Agenda • Our beliefs • An example of the process of change • Theory • Stakeholders task • Conclusions

  4. Beliefs that underlie our session • Everyone has had experience of PD • PD is part of a process of change; understanding change can help us improve PD • One problem is lack of clarity about our role as agents of change • Most of us hope for positive outcomes of PD • Most PD does not result in sustainable change • Change is the elephant in the training room

  5. Introductions Please introduce yourselves to someone sitting next to or near you. Share your context as it is related to PD and your role in the provision of PD.

  6. An example

  7. Professional Development • What is it? • What is important to understand about it?

  8. Change • What is change? • First order change • Second order change

  9. What does change involve? A process… Transition New state, new way of being, thinking, doing Initiation

  10. Successful Change What contributes to successful educational change? • Vision • Meaning and beliefs • Relationships and trust • Link to student learning and outcomes • Time, effort, support • Dialogue, reflection, collegiality and enquiry

  11. PD you are involved in Think of PD you have delivered/are delivering/will deliver. Talk about it with a partner using the following:

  12. 1. Why do you (or your school, or your government) seek change through PD? • 2. Will the change be supported? • 3. Use the bull’s eye to talk about key features of the context and culture within which the change will happen; talk about the key stakeholders involved. • 4. Take turns being active listener and speaker; listeners, make legible notes to be given to speaker; speaker, be as detailed as time allows. • 5. Record one concrete change the PD is/was intended to result in.

  13. Key Considerations in the Change Process

  14. How can we use our understanding of change to enhance PD we deliver? • Information re the change, context and culture • Articulating beliefs, motivation, practices • Clarifying the change process • Emotions • Modeling

  15. Reflection Skills • Opportunities for experimenting (with feedback) • Collegiality and community • Articulating concrete objectives for continued learning • Realistic expectations

  16. Thank you! You can’t force commitment, what you can do…you nudge a little here, inspire a little there, and provide a role model. Your primary influence is the environment you create. - Peter Senge susan.barduhn@sit.edu beth.neher@gmail.com

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