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More On Op Amps

More On Op Amps. Review. The ideal op amp model leads to the following conditions: i + = i - = 0 v + = v - The op amp will set the output voltage to whatever value results in the same voltages at the inputs. Review.

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More On Op Amps

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Presentation Transcript

  1. More On Op Amps Lecture 25

  2. Review • The ideal op amp model leads to the following conditions: i+ = i- = 0 v+ = v- • The op amp will set the output voltage to whatever value results in the same voltages at the inputs. Lecture 25

  3. Review • To solve an op amp circuit, we usually apply KCL at one or both of the inputs. • We then invoke the consequences of the ideal model. • We solve for the op amp output voltage. Lecture 25

  4. + - The Voltage Follower + + vin - vout - Lecture 25

  5. What is the relationship between vout and vin? Lecture 25

  6. Why Use a Voltage Follower? Lecture 25

  7. Rs + + A/D Converter Sensor vs vA/D - - RA/D Without a Voltage Follower vA/D is not equal to vs Lecture 25

  8. + vs - RA/D With a Voltage Follower vA/D is equal to vs + + - Rs vA/D - Sensor A/D Converter Lecture 25

  9. C R - + + + Vin Vout - - An Integrator Lecture 25

  10. KCL at the Inverting Input C iC(t) R - iR(t) i- + + + vin(t) vout(t) - - Lecture 25

  11. KCL Lecture 25

  12. Solve for vout(t) Lecture 25

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