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Packet Classification on Multiple Fields

Packet Classification on Multiple Fields. Pankaj Gupta and Nick McKeown Stanford University {pankaj, nickm}@stanford.edu. September 2, 1999. Multi-field Packet Classification.

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Packet Classification on Multiple Fields

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  1. Packet Classificationon Multiple Fields Pankaj Gupta and Nick McKeown Stanford University {pankaj, nickm}@stanford.edu September 2, 1999

  2. Multi-field Packet Classification Given a classifier with N rules, find the action associated with the highest priority rule matching an incoming packet. Example: A packet (,, …, TCP) would have action A2 applied to it.

  3. Performance Metrics of a Classification Algorithm • Data structure storage requirements • Packet classification time • Preprocessing time • Incremental Update time

  4. Background Grid of Tries (V. Srinivasan et al [Sigcomm 98]) Bit-level Parallelism (D. Stiliadis et al [Sigcomm 98]) Hierarchical Cuttings (P. Gupta et al [Hot Interconnects 99])

  5. Space-time tradeoff Point Location among N non-overlapping regions in k dimensions: either O(log N) time with O(Nk) space, or O(logk-1N) time with O(N) space Need help: exploit structure in real-life classifiers.

  6. Our Dataset • 793 classifiers from 101 ISP and enterprise networks with a total of 41505 rules. • 40 classifiers: more than 100 rules. Biggest classifier had 1733 rules. • Maximum of 4 fields per rule: source IP address, destination IP address, protocol and destination port number.

  7. Structure of the Classifiers 4 regions R3 R2 R1

  8. {R2, R3} {R1, R2} {R1, R2, R3} Structure of the Classifiers 7 regions R3 R2 R1 Our dataset: 1733 rule classifier = 4316 distinct regions (worst case is 1013 !)

  9. One-Step Classification

  10. Recursive Flow Classification (RFC)

  11. Chunking of a packet Chunk #0 Source L3 Address Destination L3 Address L4 protocol and flags Source L4 port Destination L4 port Chunk #7 Type of Service Packet Header

  12. Reduction 16 8 14 Combination 16 8 16 8 16 128 64 32 16 Packet Flow index action Header Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

  13. Example Classifier

  14. Formation of regions {20-21, HTTP, > 1023, *} 0 20 21 80 1024 65535

  15. Reduction 0 11 11 20 00 21 00 16 2 index eqID 80 01 1023 1024 10 10 65535 10

  16. Combination 16 2 L4 port 4 3 16 2 Protocol

  17. Regions/Equivalence Classes Successive reduction + combination: final action

  18. Packet Flow Reduction 16 8 16 8 16 8 index action Header Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

  19. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of phases = P = 4 11 memory acceses Choice of Reduction Tree 0 1 2 3 4 5 Number of phases = P = 3 10 memory accesses

  20. Storage Requirements Memory in Mbytes Number of Rules

  21. Preprocessing Time Time in seconds Number of Rules 333Mhz Pentium-II with 96MB RAM running Linux.

  22. Classification Time • Pipelined hardware: 30 Mpps (worst case OC192) using two 4Mb SRAMs and two 64Mb SDRAMs at 125MHz. • Software: (3 phases)1 Mpps in the worst case and 1.4-1.7 Mpps in the average case. (average case OC48) [performance measured using Intel Vtune simulator on a windows NT platform]

  23. Larger classifiers Memory in Kbytes Number of Rules

  24. Conclusions • Difficult to achieve both high classification rate and reasonable storage in the worst case. • Real classifiers exhibit structure and redundancy. • The proposed classification scheme, RFC, seems to be of practical use where classifiers do not change very frequently.

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