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E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

Field evaluation: Short runs. Objects of interest:. Classical pulsators with periods lower than ~a few days For a mV=9: noise level in 20 days ~ 1.4ppm (gain ~100/current ground-based on same duration) d Scuti, g Dor,B Ceph, Be, … Potential classical puls.:

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E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

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  1. Field evaluation: Short runs Objects of interest: Classical pulsators with periods lower than ~a few days For a mV=9: noise level in 20 days ~ 1.4ppm (gain ~100/current ground-based on same duration) d Scuti, g Dor,B Ceph, Be, … Potential classical puls.: O,B,A, early F stars with mV<9.5 Potential Solar-like puls.: Red giants (cf de Ridder CW8) Late A and F stars with mV<7.5-8. (objects with this magnitude usually satisfy criterion 0, i.e. a S/N>=1 expected for a significant number of peaks ( cf Samadi CW6), ‘no precision on frequency guaranteed, but interesting for amplitudes.) E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

  2. Field evaluation: Short runs Proposed short runs (CW8-CW9) ‘Field around’: HD 45168 (J. de Ridder, CW8) HD 46324 + HD 46006 (J. de Ridder, CW8) HD 168797 (J. Fabregat, CW8) Be multiP V=6.15 HD 50890 (L. Gizon, CW9) HD 50747 (S. Vauclair, CW9) Am V=5.4 HD 47240 (C. Aerts, CW9) O-B V=6.2 Fields considered for long runs, but in second priority: HD 45067 ~1.2Mo end MS/off MS V=5.9 HD46558 ~1.5Mo early MS V=6.9 HD43318 ~1.3-1.4Mo end MS/off/MS V=5.6 HD 175726 ~1Mo, early MS V=6.7 HD 171234 d Scuti Mid-MS Vsini~160km/s V=7.9 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

  3. Fields let down for LR at CW4 in Marseille: HD 174532 d Scu Vsini=32km/s HD 174966 d SCu mid MS Vsini~125km/s + HD 175337 G Dor … Fields of the Long Run selection which might not be observed in LR: HD 170580 Bet Ceph HD 171834 1.3-1.4 late MS V=5.4 HD 177552 ~1.4Mo early MS V=6.5 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

  4. Field evaluation: Short runs Anticentre Field around : 1-HD 45168 (J. de Ridder, CW8) 2-HD 46324 + HD 46006 (J. de Ridder, CW8) 3-HD 50890 (L. Gizon, CW9) 3b-HD 50747 (S. Vauclair, CW9) Am V=5.4 4-HD 47240 (C. Aerts, CW9) O-B V=6.2 5-HD 45067 ~1.2Mo end MS/off MS V=5.9 6-HD46558 ~1.5Mo early MS V=6.9 7-HD43318 ~1.3-1.4Mo end MS/off/MS V=5.6 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 ESTEC

  5. A2 A4 A6 A5 A7 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk A3b A3 A1

  6. A1 HD 45168 HD44948 Ap HD45320 Ap HD44639 Mira Hip. Per.var. HD45196 d Sc HD44701 ecl. Var Hip. Per.var. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD46021 Hip. Pos var. HD45168 G9III HD45564 Ap HD45626 Be HD45583 Ap HD45762 Hip. Per.var.

  7. A2 HD 46324 HD45829Hip. Pos. var.K0.0 I, V=6.6 HD44990Hip. Pos. var.G3 I, V=6 V=4.5 Ap. HD45355Hip. uns var. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD47129Hip. uns var. HD47088 bin. HD45910 Be Hip. uns var. HD259440 Be HD46324 K5III V=8.0 Ap. HD47240 Hip. per var. HD46375 Star with planet,K1.0 IV,V=7.8 HD47359 Be HD46784 Hip. uns var. HD46612 Hip. uns var. HD46006 G7III V=7.9

  8. A3 HD 50890 &HD 50747 Am. HD50747 V=5.45 d Scu. HD50844 Hip. Unso. Var. HD50845 K0.0 ecl. Bin.HD50846 Hip per.var,B5 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk Be HD50820 ecl. Bin.HD50405 A0 G6III HD50890 Be HD50891,HD51193,HD51452 d Scu. HD50870 Bin.HD51076

  9. A4 HD 47240 AP HD47088 binary Hip unsolv. var HD47240 O-B E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD47359 Be Hip per. var HD46558 ~1.5Mo ‘early MS’

  10. A5 HD 45067 Ap. HD44785 HST guide st. (Cte) E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD45600 Hip. uns.var. bin HD44654 Hip. uns.var. HD45067 ~1.2M end MS/off HD44948 Ap HD45320 Ap HD45196 d Sc HD44639 Mira Hip. Per.var. V=4.9 HD44701 ecl. Var Hip. Per.var.

  11. A6 HD 46558 Hip unsolv. var HD47240 O-B HD47359 Be Hip per. var E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD46558 ~1.5Mo ‘early MS’

  12. A6 HD46558 ~1.5M early MS HD45901 Be. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD45724 Hip. uns.var. HD47432 Bet Ceph(phot) Ap. Ap. HD46377 Hip. uns.var.

  13. A7 HD 43318 HD43214 Hip. uns.var. Ap. HD42334 Hip. uns.var. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD291455 Ad Prog. star HD44654 Hip. uns.var. HD43318 ~1.3-1.4 M end MS/off V=5.6 HD42959 Hip. uns.var. HD44639 Mira Hip. Per.var.

  14. Field evaluation: Short runs centre Field around : 1-HD 168797 Be multiP V=6.15 2-HD 175726 ~1Mo, early MS V=6.7 2b-HD 174966 d SCu mid MS Vsini~125km/s + HD 175337 G Dor (cand) (same field as HD175726) 3-HD 171234 d Scuti Mid-MS Vsini~160km/s V=7.9 4-HD 174532 d Scu Vsini=32km/s 5-HD 170580 Bet Ceph (Principal cand.) 6-HD 171834 1.3-1.4 late MS V=5.4 (Principal cand.) 7-HD 177552 ~1.4Mo early MS V=6.5 (Principal cand.) E. Michel COROT fields evaluation CW9 12/05 Nordwijk

  15. C1 C7 C2 C2b C6 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk C8 C3 C4

  16. C1 HD169689 Hip. Per.var. G8 III-IV, V=5.65 HD 168797 Ap HD168797 Be multiper HD169577 Gam Dor (cand) E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD167766 Mira Hip. Per.var. HD169365 Hip. Uns.var. HD167654 Hip. Uns.var.

  17. C2+c2b HD 175726 HD175726 ~1Mo, early-MS HD 174966 Ap HD174936 d Scu. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD175869 Ap,Be,HgMn V=5.56 HD174966 d Scu mid-MS Vsini~125r HD175337 Gam Dor (candidate)

  18. C3 HD 171234 HD170783 Hip Uns. var HD170699 d Scu. HD170580 Bet Ceph Ap E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD171234 d Scu mid-MS Vsini~160 HD171977 d Scu.

  19. C4 HD 174532 Ap HD175615Hip Uns. var HD173198 Hip Per. var HD173925 Add.Prog * HD175640 Ap,HgMn HD173074 Hip Uns. var HD175445 Lambd Boo HD174532 d Scu mid-MS Vsini~32 HD174796Hip Uns. var E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD173819 Hip Uns. var HD174512 Hip Uns. var HD174553 d Scu Hip Uns. var NGC6705

  20. C5 HD 170580 HD171782 Ap Hip Per. var HD169577 Gam.Dor (cand). HD170782 d Scu. Ap HD171219 Be HD172189 d Scu.ecli.bin. clust HD170783 Hip Uns. var Ap HD170699 d Scu. E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD171089 Hip poss. var HD170580 Bet Ceph Ap

  21. C6 HD172171 Mira Hip Per. var V=5.4 HD172588 d Scu. HD 171834 HD171247 Ap Hip Per. var HD170780 Hip Uns. var HD171834 1.3-1.3 late MS V=5.4 E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD173158 Hip Uns. var HD170782 d Scu. Ap HD171263 Ap Hip Per. var HD171219 Be HD170783 Hip Uns. var HD172189 d Scu.ecli.bin. clust HD173072 Add.Prog* Ap HD170699 d Scu. HD171782 Ap Hip Per. var Ap

  22. C7 HD 177552 HD178359 Hip Per. var HD177441 Hip Per. var Ap HD177206 d Scu. HD177552 ~1.4 early MS HD178131 Hip Uns. var E. Michel COROT fields evaluation,CW9 12/05 Nordwijk HD177284 .ecli.bin. V=5.4

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