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REGIONAL WORKSHOP FOR THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY. Mainstreaming statistics and sectors by Prof. Ben Kiregyera AfDB Senior Consultant 14 October, 2013. Scope National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Mainstreaming statistics

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  1. REGIONAL WORKSHOP FOR THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY Mainstreaming statistics and sectors by Prof. Ben Kiregyera AfDB Senior Consultant 14 October, 2013

  2. Scope • National Strategy for the Development of • Statistics (NSDS) • Mainstreaming statistics • Mainstreaming sectors in NSDS

  3. 1. The National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) New benchmark in Statistical Planning (Conceptualized in 2004)

  4. What is NSDS? • Framework to strengthen statistical capacity across the entire National Statistical System • (next slide) • A medium-term framework for responding to key user needs • A robust, comprehensive and coherent framework to: • address statistical challenges • mobilize & prioritise the use of • resources • integrate statistics within national policy & planning processes • introduce & manage change (no • longer business as usual) National strategy and action plan A catalyst for change & building confidence through ownership 4 4

  5. Statistical value chain 5 5

  6. 2. Integrate (mainstreaming) statistics within national policy & planning processes What is being done Mainstreaming National Development Plan National Development Plan Statistics Statistics

  7. 3. Mainstreaming sectors in NSDS

  8. Why mainstream sectors into the NSDS? • a lot of development data are collected/compiled by sectors (Agriculture, Health, Education, Labour, etc.) (next slide) • sectoral issues and concerns not been given sufficient • attention in national statistics • statisticians from line ministries been largely isolated & inadequately involved in discussion on capacity building • sectoral component of NSS tends to be under- resourced & is in need of more voice in sectors and in NSS

  9. Monitoring Development Challenges: improve and coordinate /combine data from different sources 9

  10. Bottom-up (sectoral) approach to NSDS NSDS SPS (Edn. ) SPS (NSO) SPS (Agric) SPS (Health) SPS - Sector Plan for Statistics • started in Uganda in 2006 • since become to be regarded as “best practice” • AfDB & PARIS21 Guide on mainstreaming sectors 10

  11. Resulting NSDS will: • include a synthesis of Sector Statistics Plans • buy-in by sectors • ownership – one of prerequisites for effective • plan implementation • Cross-cutting & emerging issues “People support what they help to create” • promote policies that lead to greater harmonization across sectors • lead to truly integrated National Statistical System

  12. Partially coordinated National Statistical System Agriculture etc Health NSO Transport Labour Education

  13. Fully coordinated National Statistical System Agriculture etc Health SB Transport Labour Education

  14. Assessment of state of sectoral data

  15. Example of power of mainstreaming NSDS in Uganda Covers 22 sectors, 10 local governments Before NSDS After NSDS Police Department 04 Statisticians 22 Statisticians Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 02 Statisticians 18 statisticians

  16. Thank You

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