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University Of Palestine. Fundamentals of Database Systems Fourth Edition El Masri & Navathe. Chapter 8 (Cont.) SQL-99: Schema Definition, Basic Constraints, and Queries. Database Management CH 8. University Of Palestine. SQL: USE OF DISTINCT
University Of Palestine Fundamentals ofDatabase SystemsFourth EditionEl Masri & Navathe Chapter 8 (Cont.) SQL-99: Schema Definition, Basic Constraints, and Queries
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SQL: USE OF DISTINCT • To eliminate duplicate tuples in a query result, the keyword DISTINCT is used • For example, the result of Q12 may have duplicate SALARY values whereas Q12A does not have any duplicate values • Q12: SELECT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE • Q12A: SELECT DISTINCT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS • SQL has directly incorporated some set operations • There is a union operation (UNION), and in some versions of SQL there are set difference (MINUS) and intersection (INTERSECT) operations • The resulting relations of these set operations are sets of tuples; duplicate tuples are eliminated from the result • The set operations apply only to union compatible relations ; the two relations must have the same attributes and the attributes must appear in the same order
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 13: Make a list of all project numbers for projects that involve an employee whose last name is 'Smith' as a worker or as a manager of the department that controls the project. • (SELECT PNAME FROM PROJECT, DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYEE WHERE DNUM=DNUMBER AND MGRSSN=SSN AND LNAME='Smith') • UNION • (SELECT PNAME FROM PROJECT, WORKS_ON, EMPLOYEE WHERE PNUMBER=PNO AND ESSN=SSN • AND LNAME='Smith')
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 14: Retrieve the name of each employee who is either a manger or as some dependent. • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN') • UNION • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 15: Retrieve the name of each manager who has dependents. • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN') • INTERSECT • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 15: Retrieve the name of each manager who has dependents. • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN') • MINUS • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 16: Retrieve the name of each employee who has some dependent and not a manger. • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN) • MINUS • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN')
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 17: Retrieve the names of non manager employees. • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE)MINUS • (SELECT FAME, MINIT, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE, DEARTMENT WHERE SSN=MGRSSN')
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • SET OPERATIONS (Cont.) • Query 18: Retrieve the name of departments that don’t have any project located in “Huston”. • (SELECT DNAME FROM DEPARTMENT) • MINUS • (SELECT DNAME FROM DEPARTMENT, PROJECT • WHERE DNUMBER=DNUM • AND PLOCATION=“Huston”)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • NESTING OF QUERIES • A complete SELECT query, called a nested query , can be specified within the WHERE-clause of another query, called the outer query • Many of the previous queries can be specified in an alternative form using nesting. • Query 19: Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the 'Research' department. • SELECT FNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE DNO IN(SELECT DNUMBER FROM DEPARTMENT WHERE DNAME='Research' )
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • NESTING OF QUERIES (Cont.) • The nested query selects the number of the 'Research' department • The outer query select an EMPLOYEE tuple if its DNO value is in the result of either nested query • The comparison operator IN compares a value v with a set (or multi-set) of values V, and evaluates to TRUE if v is one of the elements in V • In general, we can have several levels of nested queries • A reference to an unqualified attribute refers to the relation declared in the innermost nested query • In this example, the nested query is not correlated with the outer query
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • CORRELATED NESTING OF QUERIES • If a condition in the WHERE-clause of a nested query references an attribute of a relation declared in the outer query , the two queries are said to be correlated • The result of a correlated nested query is different for each tuple (or combination of tuples) of the relation(s) the outer query • Query 20: Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name as the employee. • SELECT E.FNAME, E.LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE AS E WHERE E SSN IN(SELECT ESSN FROM DEPENDENT WHERE ESSN=E.SSN AND E.FNAME=DEPENDENT_NAME)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • THE EXISTS FUNCTION • EXISTS is used to check whether the result of a correlated nested query is empty (contains no tuples) or not • We can formulate Query 20in an alternative form that uses EXISTS as Q20A below • Query 20A: Retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name as the employee. • SELECT FNAME, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM DEPENDENT WHERE SSN=ESSN AND FNAME=DEPENDENT_NAME)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • EXPLICIT SETS • It is also possible to use an explicit (enumerated) set of values in the WHERE-clause rather than a nested query. • Query 23: Retrieve the social security numbers of all employees who work on project number 1, 2, or 3. • SELECT DISTINCT ESSN FROM WORKS_ON WHERE PNO IN(1, 2, 3)
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • NULLS IN SQL QUERIES • SQL allows queries that check if a value is NULL (missing or undefined or not applicable) • SQL uses IS or IS NOT to compare NULLs because it considers each NULL value distinct from other NULL values, so equality comparison is not appropriate . • Query 24: Retrieve the names of all employees who do not have supervisors.SELECT FNAME, LNAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE SUPERSSN IS NULL
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS • Include COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN, and AVG • Query 25:Find the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary among all employees. • SELECT MAX(SALARY), MIN(SALARY), AVG(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE • Some SQL implementations may not allow more than one function in the SELECT-clause
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS • (Cont.) • Query 26: Find the maximum salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary among employees who work for the 'Research' department. • SELECT MAX(SALARY), MIN(SALARY), AVG(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT WHERE DNO=DNUMBER AND DNAME='Research'
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS • (Cont.) • Queries 27: Retrieve the total number of employees in the 'Research' department • SELECT COUNT (*) FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT WHERE DNO=DNUMBER AND DNAME='Research’
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • GROUPING • In many cases, we want to apply the aggregate functions to subgroups of tuples in a relation • Each subgroup of tuples consists of the set of tuples that have the same value for the grouping attribute(s) • The function is applied to each subgroup independently • SQL has a GROUP BY-clause for specifying the grouping attributes, which must also appear in the SELECT-clause
Database Management CH 8 University Of Palestine • GROUPING (Cont.) • Query 28: For each department, retrieve the department number, the number of employees in the department, and their average salary. • SELECT DNO, COUNT (*), AVG (SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEEGROUP BY DNO • In 28, the EMPLOYEE tuples are divided into groups--each group having the same value for the grouping attribute DNO • The COUNT and AVG functions are applied to each such group of tuples separately • The SELECT-clause includes only the grouping attribute and the functions to be applied on each group of tuples