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MITA Mobile Internet Technical Architecture Seminar Autumn 2003

MITA Mobile Internet Technical Architecture Seminar Autumn 2003. 1. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Anna Hosia 2. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Johnny Biström. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Contents Organization Working Process

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MITA Mobile Internet Technical Architecture Seminar Autumn 2003

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  1. MITAMobile Internet Technical Architecture Seminar Autumn 2003 1. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Anna Hosia 2. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Johnny Biström Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  2. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Contents • Organization • Working Process • Related Organizations • Mobile Internet • Internet Area • Operations and Management Area • Routing Area • Security Area • Transport Area • Latest News on Mobile Internet Work • References Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  3. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.1 Organization Areas (currently eight): applications, general, Internet, operations and management, routing, security, sub-IP, and transport area Working groups • have a Charter • founded from a BOF session • open for anybody • work handled via e-mail lists Internet Engineering Steering Group (Area Directors and the IETF Chair) Area Director WG1, WG2,… Area Director WG1, WG2,… Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  4. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.2 Working Process Internet Draft (ID) Working Group Last Call IESG Last Call Request for Comments (RFC) RFC categories: • Standards Track Proposed Standard, Draft Standard, Internet Standard • Informational • Experimental • Historical Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  5. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.3 Related Organizations Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) • formed by the Area Directors • reviews all documents before they become RFCs Internet Architecture Board (IAB) • defines the overall architecture of the Internet • provides guidance to the IESG Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) • sister organization Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  6. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.4 Mobile Internet 1.4.1 WGs (Internet Area) • ipv6 (IP version 6) • mip4 (Mobility for IPv4) • mip6 (Mobility for IPv6) • nemo (Network Mobility) • mobility of an entire network • pana (Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access) • send (Securing Neighbor Discovery) Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  7. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.4 Mobile Internet 1.4.2 WGs (Operations and Management Area) • aaa (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) • Diameter is the base aaa protocol Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  8. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.4 Mobile Internet 1.4.3 WGs (Routing Area) • manet (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) • routing in wireless networks Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  9. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.4 Mobile Internet 1.4.4 WGs (Security Area) • ipsec (IP Security Protocol) Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  10. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.4 Mobile Internet 1.4.5 WGs (Transport Area) • iptel (IP Telephony) • nsis (Next Steps in Signaling) • QoS • pilc (Performance Implications of Link Characteristics) • effects of high error rates or slow media • rohc (Robust Header Compression) • seamoby (Context Transfer, Handoff Candidate Discovery, and Dormant Mode Host Alerting) • sip (Session Initiation Protocol) Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  11. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.5 Latest News on Mobile Internet Work Next meeting (59th) • Seoul, Korea • February 29 – March 5, 2004 Three SIP-related drafts in last call Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  12. 1 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 1.6 References • MITA, Mobile Internet Technical Architecture, Nokia, IT Press, ISBN 951-826-668-9, 2002 • http://www.ietf.org • The TAO of IETF, RFC 3160, August 2001 Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  13. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Contents • IEEE role, main tasks, members • The Working Groups of IEEE • IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee • Wireless 802 Working Groups: • 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network and Enhancements • 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access • 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network 2.2 • Latest News on Wireless Working Groups • References Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  14. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Role: non-profit, technical professional association Main tasks: technical publishing, organizing conferences, standardization (esp. USA) Members: 380,000 individuals in 150 countries 2.1 Working Groups Aerospace, Broadcast, Communications, Electromagnetics, Information Technology, Instrumentation, Marine, Medical, Electrical Safety, Power Electronics, Power Energy, Quantities & Units, Reliability, Transport All standardization takes place within IEEE-SA (Standards Association) Most important from Mobile Internet perspective IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee which is under Information Technology Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  15. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.2 IEEE 802 Founded in 1980 and presented the standard for LANs 1 – 20 Mbps. The standard has been enlarged and the scope has grown to include MANs. 2.2.1 Organization Working Groups (WG), Technical Advisory Groups, Sponsor Executive Committee Active Working Groups: 802.1 802.3 802.11 802.15 802.16 802.17 802.18 Wireless Broad- Resilient High CSMA Wireless Personal band Radio Packet Level / Area Wireless LAN Regulatory Ring Interface CD Network Access MAN = Metropolitan Area Network, CSMA/CD = Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  16. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.3 Wireless 802 Working Groups 2.3.1 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network 802.11 Work started in 1990 with wireless LANs published in 1997 • Data rates: 1 and 2 Mbps • Media Access Control: Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance • Physical Layers: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum and Frequency Hopping for 2.4 GHz and IR 802.11a added by Task Group a (TGa) • Physical Layer: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for 5 GHz enabling data rates to 54 Mbps 802.11b added by TGb • data rates 5.5 and 11 Mbps by Complementary Code Keying for 2.4 GHz 802.11c and 802.11d specify other further enhancements of the 802.11 Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  17. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.3 Wireless 802 Working Groups 2.3.2 Enhancements to the Basic 802.11 Active Task Groups (TG) TGi TGe TGh TGf TGg Media Bit Rates Spectrum Creates over Access Mgmt Security Practice Function. Control 20 Mbps Capabilities for for for for IAPP QoS 2.4 GHz Europe IAPP = Inter Access Point Protocol New committee WLAN Next Generation (WNG) was founded which coordinates activities. Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  18. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.3 Wireless 802 Working Groups 2.3.3 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (TG1) Active Task Groups (TG): TG2 TGa • continues work on coexistence of FBWA in lower frequencies (below 10 GHz) • (former TG3 & TG4) works on 2-11 GHz and MAC modifications and new PHY FBWA = Fixed Broadband Wireless Access MAC = Media Access Control, PHY = Physical Layer Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  19. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.3 Wireless 802 Working Groups 2.3.4 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network 2.2 Active Task Groups (TG) TG2 TG1 TG3 TG4 • coexistence of WPAN and WLAN • standard for Bluetooth • high rate standards • low rate standards Study Group SG3a is defining a project for higher speed PHY for Imaging and Multimedia Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  20. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.4 Latest News on Wireless Working Groups • The IEEE Communications Society has launched eight online tutorials recorded at three IEEE conferences in March. The 2.5- to 5-hour long sessions are the first in a catalog that is expected to expand to upwards of 50 conference tutorials. The most interesting from wireless point of view is:The Wireless Mobile Internet - Architecture, Protocols & ServicesAbbas Jamalipour, University of Sydney, AustraliaPart 1: Introduction to Mobile InternetPart 2: Advanced Technologies to Support Mobile InternetPart 3: Quality and Security for Mobile Internet • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has begun to develop a standard that will raise the effective throughput of wireless local area networks (WLAN) to at least 100 Mbps (megabits per second), which is more than triple the current maximum IEEE 802(R) WLAN speed of 30 Mbps. Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

  21. 2 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2.5 References • MITA, Mobile Internet Technical Architecture, Nokia, IT Press, ISBN 951-826-668-9, 2002 • http://www.ieee.org/ • http://standards.ieee.org/wireless/ • http://ieee802.org/ Anna Hosia & Johnny Biström

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