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Quality of Service Management in Heterogeneous Networks

This research explores Quality of Service (QoS) management in diverse network domains, focusing on CAC, SLA compliance, and signaling for multimedia and real-time applications. It discusses E2E paths, inter-domain link CAC, and technologies like BGP-based paths. The study evaluates EuQoS implementation and proposes an integrated NSIS solution.

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Quality of Service Management in Heterogeneous Networks

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  1. CTRQ 08 Quality of Service Management in Heterogeneous Networks F. Racaru, M. Diaz and C. Chassot {racaru, diaz, chassot}@laas.fr LAAS-CNRS - Université de Toulouse - France IST EuQoS project CTRQ July, 2008 - Bucharest

  2. Outline • Context and problem statement • QoS Management and Signalling • Evaluation Results • Conclusion and future work

  3. Multi domain QoS, and CAC Guaranteeing QoS for multimedia and real-time applications for Independent Heterogeneous Domains • Provisioning (with respect to SLA/SLS) • Invocation (when requests) • for one domain, Connection Admission Control is • Intra-domain CAC and • inter-domain link CAC : domain-to-domain link • For N domains, E2E Path and CAC • End2End Inter-domains Path with SIGNALLING CONTEXT QoS Management Evaluation Conclusion

  4. Some RelatedWork • IETF • IntServ and DiffServ • ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP • NGN, IMS • Research Projects • QBone, AQUILA, TEQUILA, CADENUS, MESCAL • EUQOS (this work done in EuQoS) CONTEXT QoS Management Evaluation Conclusion

  5. Outline • Context and problem statement • QoS Management and Signalling • Evaluation Results • Conclusion and future work

  6. Definitions • Different domains (AS) are • Best-Effort domains or • QoS domains • QoS domains are • Controlled QoS domains or • Over-Provisioned QoS domains • Then QoS guarantee needs an end-to-end path of QoS domains Context QoS Management Evaluation Conclusion

  7. End-to-end path ????? ? ? ?????? AS Access network Access network ?????????? ? ? ?????????? ? ? DOMAIN AS DOMAIN DOMAIN Access network AS ? ? ? ?? ??????? AS AS AS Access network DOMAIN DOMAIN Access network

  8. SIGNALING Path Classical solution : use a Control Plane - Define a SIGNALING path (e.g. RSVP) - Use signaling path to force data path (on-path) - and Data sent on this QoS path =>> deployment ??? b) EuQoS choice - Select a DATA path BGP-based - Introduce Extended Bandwidth Brokers called Resource Managers (RM) - Derive SIGNALING from DATA path (off-path) - Send data on the (QoS) DATA path

  9. Start from Data Path : BGP-based(in EuQoS: q-BGP, with QoS classes) BR3-x BR3-out BR3-in BR4-in AS 3 BR3-y AS 4 BR4-out BR5-in Receiver AS 5 Sender BRout BR6-in Access Network AS 6

  10. Start from the BGP-based path BR4-in AS 4 BR4-out

  11. Add a BB/RM per domain BR4-in EBB4 AS 4 BR4-out

  12. BR4-in EBB4 BR4-out and use it during the Signaling Phase

  13. Use Signaling path during Signaling Phase BR4-in EBB4 AS 4 BR4-out And Use Data path during Data Phase

  14. And finally Integrate for all Domains EBB3 BR3-out EBB4 BR4-in AS 3 AS 4 BR4-out EBB5 BR5-in Receiver AS 5 Sender BR6-in BR5-out EBB6 Data Signaling AS 6

  15. SIGNALING wrt IETF NSIS EuQoS solution : EQ-NSIS (see EuQoS drafts) • Integrated with the IETF NSIS NSIS follows classical approach ==>> path-coupled, on-path • Then EuQoS extended NSIS with : • path-decoupled, off-path signaling • using NSIS and NON-NSIS domains

  16. EuQoS Global ARCHITECTURE Application Level USER 1 USER 2 Appli Appli Application QoS-based end-to-end signaling Virtual Network Level Technology Independent Sub-layer EBB/RMs RMi RM2 RM1 RMk RMj Ressource Allocators Com Prot RA1 RA2 Com Prot RAk RAi RAj QoS Network i QoS Network k Access Network 2 QoS Network j Access Network 1 Network technology Dependent sub-layer

  17. Invocation process (CAC) AQ-SSN NSIS EQ-SAP ResCom ResCom EBB/RM1 EBB/RM2 EBB/RM3 ResCom-Ack ResCom-Ack Res-Ack Res-Ack ResCom ResCom ResCom Res-Ack Com-Ack Com-Ack Com-Ack RA1 RA2 RA3 ResCom: Reserve and Commit Message Request ResCom-Ack : Reserve and Commit Message Ack Res-Ack : Reserve Message Ack ; Com-Ack : Commit Message Ack

  18. E2E networks/domains/ASs LOOSE PATH BGP-basedLOOSEPath :resources are checked in each domain by its EBB/RM Core Access Core Access AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4

  19. Outline • Context and problem statement • QoS Management and Signalling • Evaluation Results • Conclusion and future work

  20. Current implementation • UML 2.0 spec - simulation of signaling protocol • JAVA Implementation • Deployment • Emulation platform • EuQoS European platform • Functional and qualitative tests • (VoD, Games, Streaming, Platine, …) Context QoS Management EVALUATION Conclusion

  21. Test and trial Platform • Topology : 3 domains • Sender : load tool (generate QoS requests) • Measures : • Response Time on the sender • Processing Time on each EBB/RM EBB/RM1 EBB/RM3 EBB/RM2 Context QoS Management EVALUATION Conclusion

  22. Response time on the client (RTT) EBB/RM1 Context QoS Management EVALUATION Conclusion

  23. Scalability and Deployment • 1. For Scalability : Locally in each domain : • a. Use Parallel processors, Clusters of BBs, Simplify reservation, etc • b. Aggregate the domains : Integrating Loose and Hard models : EQ-PATHS • 2. For Technologies : • Ex : Integrate MPLS first by IETF PCE (Path Computation Elements) ==>> 1.b. and 2 managed the same way

  24. PCE PCE PCE MPLS & Path Computation Element 2: Path Computation 3: Path Response PCE PCC 1: Path Request TED • PCE architecture defines • PCC (Path Computation Client) : requests the MPLS path • and PCE : compute path = F (network graph & constraints) with PCC-PCE & PCE-PCE protocol & PCE discovery • Domain PCEs collaborate to compute an inter-domain HARD path Domain 3 Domain 2 Domain 1

  25. A PCE-MPLS Hard Path AS1 AS3 AS2

  26. BGP and PCE PCE Core Access Core Access AS1 AS2 AS3 AS4 The EQ-Path with BGP and PCE BGP

  27. Outline • Context and problem statement • QoS Management and Signalling • Evaluation results • Conclusion and future work

  28. Contributions and future work • An approach for the multi domain QoS • A scalable path-decoupled loose signaling for a QoS Internet model • Improve actual implementation and extend validation • Further investigate performance and scalability • Extend solution in order to integrate the evolution of the NSIS protocol suite • Take into account mobility Context QoS Management Evaluation CONCLUSION

  29. Acknowledgements • This proposal is being developed in the European research project EuQoS (http://www.euqos.org) • The project is composed by 24 partners • The key objective of EuQoS is to research, develop, integrate, test, validate, trial and demonstrate end-to-end QoS technologies to support advanced QoS aware applications - voice, video-conferencing, video streaming, tele-engineering and medical applications - over multiple, heterogeneous research, scientific industrial and national research network infrastructure testbeds. Context QoS Management Evaluation CONCLUSION

  30. EuQoS partners • 5 Network Providers • Prime Contractor: TID • 5 Corporations • 5 SMEs • Consultants • 9 Research Institutes Context QoS Management Evaluation CONCLUSION

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