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Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for CNNC/ China

Explore CNNC/China’s uranium business model canvas, activities in exploration, mining & processing, key resources, partners, and value propositions for nuclear fuel & power plants. The model focuses on sustainability, innovation, and cost-efficiency.

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Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for CNNC/ China

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sustainable Uranium Resources Development Business Model Canvas for CNNC/China Presented by Dr. LI Ziying

  2. Infrastructure • Key activities • Activities in U exploration Exploration Types: • Sandstone-hosted uranium deposit • Granite-related uranium deposit • Volcanic-related uranium deposit • Black Shale uranium deposit • Intrusive uranium deposit

  3. Infrastructure • Key activities • Activities in U exploration Exploration projects: • U resources potential evaluation • Regional geological survey and mapping • Airborne Gama-spectrometer & magnetic survey • Target selection • Drilling programs in different scales……

  4. Major progresses in both S. and V. U-deps Infrastructure

  5. Infrastructure • Key activities • Activities in U exploration Some Exploration Activities outside China: Australia Canada Namibia Niger Zimbabwe Mongolia…

  6. Infrastructure • Key activities • Activities in U mining & processing Seven Mines: • Benxi Chongyi • Fuzhou Lantian • Shaoguan Tongliao • Yining • Mines in Niger,Namibia

  7. Infrastructure • U mining operation • Open pit • Underground • In situ Leaching • U Processing & Recovery Conventional Heap In-situ Leaching Ion Exchange Solvent extraction

  8. Infrastructure • Key resources-Human Resources • Exploration Sector:5500 Employees • Mining sector: 6950 Employees

  9. Infrastructure • Key resources-Physical resources • Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology • Geological Exploration Units No.: 208, 216, 243 • Local Research Institutes No.: 203, 230, 240, 270, 280, 290 • Airborne Radiometric Survey 703

  10. Infrastructure • Key resources-Financial • Annual Budget for Exploration:Ca. 130 Million US$ • Central & Provincial Governments • State-owned Companies • Annual Budget for Exploitation:Ca. 12 Million US$ • State-owned Company (CNNC) • Intellectual: • Patents,Technical Data and Docs & Maps.

  11. Infrastructure • Key partners • Partner ministries • China Atomic Energy Authority • Ministry of Land & Resources • China & Provincial Geological Survey • Organizations • Chinese Academy of Science • Chinese Academy of Geoscience

  12. Infrastructure • Key partners • Companies • China Guangdong Nuclear Corporation (CGN) • State Nuclear Power Corporation(SNPC) • Universities • East China Institute of Technology • Southern China University

  13. Infrastructure • Key partners • Regional partners • Provincial Exploration & Exploitation institutions • International partners • IAEA, Overseas collaboration partners in Australia, Namibia, Niger…

  14. Value Propositions • Innovation: Technical & New Discovery • Performance: Medium • Customization: Nuclear Power Plant • Design: Using new technology • Status: Active • Price: Market & Reference to Intern. price • Cost reduction: Labour and management efficiency • Employment: Stable

  15. Customers • Customer Segments • Nuclear Fuel & Power Plants (CNNC, CGN, SNPC) • Channels • Internal agreement within CNNC and sales agreement with partners • Customer Relationships • Direct meetings • Steering Committees • Win-Win Cooperation

  16. Finances Cost structure • Cost driven: Price orientation, Variable costs (Labour, Engineering, Power & Fuel etc), Scale… • Value driven: Technical Innovation, Management Efficiency • Revenue streams • How do you get funding: National Budget & Market • Funding from other sources: Partnership

  17. The Uranium Business Model Canvas for CNNC/China

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