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Understanding Abnormal Behavior: Criteria and Criticisms

Explore different perspectives on defining abnormality, including statistical infrequency, social values, distress, disability, and unexpectedness. Critiques of these criteria are also examined, highlighting the complexities of determining abnormal behavior.

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Understanding Abnormal Behavior: Criteria and Criticisms

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  1. Abnormality

  2. What Is Abnormality? Approaches to defining abnormal behavior • Does infrequency define abnormality? • Does suffering define abnormality? • Does strangeness define abnormality? • Does the behavior itself defines abnormality? • Should normality serve as a guide?

  3. Suggested Criteria for Determining Abnormal Behavior • Statistical infrequency: • A matter of degree, a continuum. • The normal curve.

  4. Criticism of Statistical Infrequency Criterion • Statistical definitions are relative to a particular time and place, therefore can change. • One can not apply statistical method to all extremes, there are limitations.

  5. Suggested Criteria for Determining Abnormal Behavior • Social values/ morals: • Does behavior violate social norms? • Does the behavior make the observers anxious.

  6. Limitations of Social Values and Morals Criterion • Some behaviors violate social norms but are tolerated and not considered abnormal (as in mental illness)

  7. Suggested Criteria for Determining Abnormal Behavior • Distress/ suffering: • Does the behavior cause the person distress?

  8. Limitations of Distress Criterion • What about behaviors that are distressing yet infrequent? • What if the person does not see his/her behavior as causing distress? • What if the person sees his/her behavior as distressing but not abnormal?

  9. Suggested Criteria for Determining Abnormal Behavior • Disability or Behavioral dysfunction/ maladaptive: • What is the function of the behavior? • Utilitarianism: the greatest good for the greatest number. • Behavior is considered abnormal if it harms individual or society . • Less sever: considered abnormal if behavior inhibit someone from reaching full potential.

  10. Criticism of Disability or Behavioral Dysfunction Maladaptive Criterion • Same behavior can be viewed differently depending on context • Some consider activities to be inherently wrong no matter if it is beneficial.

  11. Suggested Criteria for Determining Abnormal Behavior • Unexpectedness: • Behavior is unexpected for the situation (similar to statistical infrequency).

  12. Normal Behavior • Definition: Traits that indicate emotional well-being the normal person posses to a greater degree than the individual who is diagnosed as abnormal

  13. Normal Behavior • Efficient perception of reality. • An ability to exercise voluntary control over behavior. • Self esteem and acceptance. • An ability to form affectionate relationships. • Productivity.

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