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Understanding Sensory Receptors and Muscle Function in Biology

Explore the intricate world of sensory receptors and muscle function in organisms, from the eyes of insects to the muscles of vertebrates. Learn about chemoreceptors, photoreceptors, locomotion, and more in this educational guide.

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Understanding Sensory Receptors and Muscle Function in Biology

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  1. Figure 49.0 Bat locating a moth

  2. Figure 49.x1 Chemoreceptors: Snake tongue

  3. Figure 49.2 Sensory transduction by a taste receptor

  4. Figure 49.3 Sensory receptors in human skin

  5. Figure 49.4 Mechanoreception by a hair cell

  6. Figure 49.5 Chemoreceptors in an insect: Female silk moth Bombyx mori releasing pheromones; SEM of male Bombyx mori antenna

  7. Figure 49.6bx Beluga whale pod

  8. Figure 49.6 Specialized electromagnetic receptors: Rattle snake with infrared recpters, beluga whale pod

  9. Figure 49.7 Eye cups and orientation behavior of a planarian

  10. Figure 49.8 Compound eyes (a)

  11. Figure 49.8x1 SEM of compound eye

  12. Figure 49.8x2 Insect vision: A black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) as humans see it and in ultraviolet light as visible to an insect

  13. Figure 49.9 Structure of the vertebrate eye

  14. Figure 49.10 Focusing in the mammalian eye

  15. Figure 49.11 Photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina

  16. Figure 49.12 Effect of light on retinal

  17. Figure 49.13 From light reception to receptor potential: A rod cell’s signal-transduction pathway

  18. Figure 49.14 The effect of light on synapses between rod cells and bipolar cells

  19. Figure 49.15 The vertebrate retina

  20. Figure 49.15x Photoreceptor cells

  21. Figure 49.16 Neural pathways for vision

  22. Figure 49.17 Structure and function of the human ear

  23. Figure 49.18 How the cochlea distinguishes pitch

  24. Figure 49.19 Organs of balance in the inner ear

  25. Figure 49.20 The lateral line system in a fish

  26. Figure 49.21 The statocyst of an invertebrate

  27. Figure 49.22 An insect ear

  28. Figure 49.x2 Salmon follow their noses home

  29. Figure 49.23 The mechanism of taste in a blowfly

  30. Figure 49.23x Sensillae (hairs) on the foot of an insect

  31. Figure 49.24 Olfaction in humans

  32. Figure 49.25 The cost of transport

  33. Figure 49.x3 Swimming

  34. Figure 49.x4 Locomotion on land

  35. Figure 49.x5 Flying

  36. Figure 49.26 Energy-efficient locomotion on land

  37. Figure 49.27 Peristaltic locomotion in an earthworm

  38. Figure 49.28a The human skeleton

  39. Figure 49.28b The human skeleton

  40. Figure 49.29 Posture helps support large land vertebrates, such as bears, deer, moose, and cheetahs

  41. Figure 49.30 The cooperation of muscles and skeletons in movement

  42. Figure 49.31 The structure of skeletal muscle

  43. Figure 49.31x1 Skeletal muscle

  44. Figure 49.31x2 Muscle tissue

  45. Figure 49.32 The sliding-filament model of muscle contraction

  46. Figure 49.33 One hypothesis for how myosin-actin interactions generate the force for muscle contraction (Layer 1)

  47. Figure 49.33 One hypothesis for how myosin-actin interactions generate the force for muscle contraction (Layer 2)

  48. Figure 49.33 One hypothesis for how myosin-actin interactions generate the force for muscle contraction (Layer 3)

  49. Figure 49.33 One hypothesis for how myosin-actin interactions generate the force for muscle contraction (Layer 4)

  50. Figure 49.34 Hypothetical mechanism for the control of muscle contraction

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