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Learn critical skills for managing teams at major events. Enhance your communication, stress management, and problem-solving abilities. Develop action plans and coping strategies for various scenarios.
Introduction • Welcome • Emergency procedures • Domestics • Workshop • Last of 3 workshops • Activities & resources • Log Books, CPD – SWOT and Action plans
Team Manager Development Pathway • Workshop 1 • The foundations of effective team management Workshop 3 managing National teams at Major events Workshop 2 managing teams during overnight stays & overseas
During this module you will: • Explore the key elements of your role and responsibilities at major events • Discuss your communication strategy and identify appropriate action within a variety of ‘real life’ scenarios • Identify your personal stressors and explore effective coping strategies • Compare current methods with best practice and identify action to continue development
Roles & Responsibilities Activity 1 - Groups Performance = Potential – Interference Your role is to… …reduce the Interference To increase the teams potential for optimum Performance
But what if... One of your athletes reports a breakage to a key piece of equipment. • What do you do now? • What are the pros and cons of carrying spares? • Who will be responsible for additional pieces of kit and equipment? • How will these be secured: • When you are travelling • When you are at the event
Communication & Relationships Activity 2 - Groups You have been tasked with organising the most cost effective and efficient methods of communication with your team at the games and with home base (for you and the rest of your team)
Communication & Relationships Activity 3 - Groups Promoting good behaviour How would you deal with…?
But what if... One of your team is pulled by doping control for a random drugs test. • Who will accompany the athlete? • Who looks after the rest of the team? • What are the correct procedures and protocols? – does everyone on your team know them? • How would the situation be dealt with if you were engaged elsewhere
How do you perform under pressure? HSE definition of stress The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand on them
What’s your response? Rate your response to: • Being late for a team event • Dealing with the media following a drugs issue • Chairing a team meeting • Dealing with a serious first aid incident • Writing a report for the NGB following an event • Dealing with an irate performer or parent • Making a mistake • Being undermined by the coach in front of your team • Finding out a player has forgotten their passport • Constant changes to the order of play
Typical Causes • Accumulative or prolonged pressure • Feeling you lack control • Confusion over or unreasonable demands of others • Uncertainty • Inflexible conditions e.g. Long working hours • Conflict • Lack of understanding • Lack of leadership • The job itself • Physical conditions/environment • Excessive time away from home and family
Your thoughts influence your feelings and your behaviour ‘People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them’ Epictetus – 1st Century Philosopher ‘..there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so’ Shakespeare - Hamlet
Your Coping Strategies Activity 4 - Individual Share some of the coping strategies you have used to deal with potentially stressful events or challenging behaviour
You may not be able to change events…but you can change your perception of them It may take an attitude adjustment • The meaning of your communication is the response you get • Every behaviour has a positive intention • Genuine understanding only comes with experience • There is no failure, only feedback • The person with the most flexible behaviour will control the outcome of the situation • People do the best they can with the resources they have available NLP presuppositions What might be different if you believed these were true?
How resourceful are you? My resourceful ‘states’ Humorous Creative Competitive My Challenge Fair minded Reflective Pragmatic
“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behaviour”Stephen R Covey YOU Role Play Before you judge another person walk a mile in their shoes! The other Person Independent Position
But what if... On the eve of a major competition you trip on the stairs and break bones in your foot and ankle. You are put in a heavy plaster caste and have to make arrangements for your return home just as the competition starts. • How can you ensure the team will be able to complete the competition without a Team Manager? • What could you have done prior to leaving for the competition to minimise the impact that your loss has on the teams’ performance?
From what you have learned today, what action will you take? When? With Whom? How will you do that? Action
Where next? CPD • IT skills • Nutrition in sport • Performing under Pressure • Media Relations • Make contact with key people • Attend CPD • Get managing! • Get a buddy!
Useful Contacts • Effective Team Management online resource and appendices • www.coachingwales.com • www.sports-council-wales.org.uk • www.100percentme.co.uk • www.fco.gov.uk • www.disabilitysportwales.org • www.cpsu.org.ukcpsuwales@nspcc.org.uk • www.justaminute.com
Did we meet our objectives? • Explore the key elements of your role and responsibilities at major events • Discuss your communication strategy and identify appropriate action within a variety of ‘real life’ scenarios • Identify your personal stressors and explore effective coping strategies • Compare current methods with best practice and identify action to continue development
Thank You Now - TAKE ACTION