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Horseshoe Crab Jeopardy! Worldwide Facts and Trivia

Test your knowledge about horseshoe crabs around the globe with interesting facts and trivia questions. Discover where they are found, their biology, and their significance in various regions. Have fun learning about these ancient creatures!

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Horseshoe Crab Jeopardy! Worldwide Facts and Trivia

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  1. International Horseshoe Crab Jeopardy!

  2. Where in the World … are horseshoe crabs called ‘kabutogani’? Answer:

  3. What is Japan? Back to game board

  4. Where in the World … are the southernmost populations of the American horseshoe crabfound? Answer:

  5. What is Yucatan/Mexico? Back to game board

  6. Where in the World … are the eggs of HSCs considered a dining delicacy? Answer:

  7. What is Malaysia, Thailand and/or Vietnam? Back to Game Board

  8. Where in the World … do you need to go to see the largest masses of spawning HSCs on the planet? Answer:

  9. What is Delaware Bay, USA? Back to Game Board

  10. Daily Double! Question:

  11. Where in the World … are HSCs raised by high school students for release into the wild to help rebuild populations? Answer:

  12. What is Hong Kong or Taiwan? Back to game board

  13. number of species of HSCs that exist today Answer:

  14. What is 4? Return to Game Board

  15. number of long spines on femaleTachypleus tridentatus Answer:

  16. What is 3? Return to Game Board

  17. number of pairs of legs on a horseshoe crab Answer:

  18. What is 5? Return to Game Board

  19. millions of years HSCs have been living on Earth Answer:

  20. What is 445 (or 450)? Return to Game Board

  21. years it takes an American HSC to reach adulthood Answer:

  22. What is 8-10? Return to Game Board

  23. Nobel Prizes were awarded for research carried out on this part of the HSC anatomy Answer:

  24. What are the compound eyes (or lateral eyes)? Return to Game Board

  25. Daily Double! Question:

  26. structures horseshoe crabs use for respiration Answer:

  27. What are the book gills? Return to Game Board

  28. scientific term for front section of HSC body Answer:

  29. What is the prosoma? Return to Game Board

  30. name used for the specially-modified hind legs of the HSC Answer:

  31. What are the pusher legs? Return to Game Board

  32. during spawning, eggs (in females) and sperm (in males) are released from the underside of this HSC structure Answer:

  33. What is the operculum? Return to Game Board

  34. much-valued biomedical product from HSC blood Answer:

  35. What is LAL (or TAL)? Back to game board

  36. HSC eggs on Delaware Bay provide a key resource in supporting the migration of _________. Answer:

  37. What are shorebirds (or red knots)? Back to game board

  38. Daily Double! Question:

  39. LAL makes human medicines safe to use by ensuring that they are not contaminated with _______. Answer:

  40. What are bacterial endotoxins? Back to game board

  41. from the mid 1800’s to 1900’s, millions of HSCs were harvested on Delaware Bay for use as ________. Answer:

  42. What is fertilizer? Back to Game Board

  43. In the U.S. today, large numbers of HSCs are used by commercial fisherman as __________. Answer:

  44. What is bait? (200 bonus points for denoting use in eel & whelk fisheries) Return to Game Board

  45. Daily Double! Question:

  46. the blood of the HSC appears blue because it contains _______. Answer:

  47. What is copper? Return to Game Board

  48. process by which HSCs grow in stages Answer:

  49. What is molting? Return to Game Board

  50. people have died from using HSCs in this way Answer:

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