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Welcome. to. Jeopardy. Show Me Your Smarts Jeopardy. JEOPARDY RULES. Final Jeopardy. Round 1. Mrs. Sanchez and her awesome students!. Group 2. Group 3. Group 1. JEOPARDY. Scores. Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs. What’s my character?. Capitalization. Punctuation. Inference.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Jeopardy

  2. Show Me Your Smarts Jeopardy


  4. FinalJeopardy Round 1 Mrs. Sanchez and her awesome students! Group 2 Group 3 Group 1

  5. JEOPARDY Scores Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs What’s my character? Capitalization Punctuation Inference Context Clues 100100100100100100 200200200200200200 300300300300300300 400400400400400400 500500500500500500

  6. Final Jeopardy

  7. Final Jeopardy Category: Testing

  8. What are three things you can do to do your best on the test? Get at least eight hours of sleep every night, have a good breakfast, get to school on time, answer ALL the questions, try your hardest Scores

  9. Write the words to be capitalized: the fourth thursday in november is thanksgiving. 100 The Thursday November Thanksgiving. Scores Return

  10. Write the words to capitalize: i bought a kit-kat at target. 200 I Kit-Kat Target Scores Return

  11. Which words are capitalized: my father, dave, bought a ford expedition in modesto. 300 My, Dave, Ford Expedition, Modesto Scores Return

  12. Which are capitalized? on president’s day, i’m going to phoenix, arizona. 400 President’s Day, Phoenix, Arizona Scores Return

  13. Which are capitalized? on memorial day, my dad and i are going fishing in san francisco, california 500 On, Memorial Day, I, San Francisco, California Scores Return

  14. Which is correct? Davi’ds mom made pizza. Davids mom made pizza. David’s mom made pizza. Davids’ mom made pizza. 100 David’s mom made pizza. Scores Return

  15. Which is correct? We like juicy red yummy steak. We like juicy, red, yummy steak. We like juicy, red, yummy, steak. We like juicy red, yummy steak 200 We like juicy, red, yummy steak. Scores Return

  16. Which is right? The puppys bowl’s were dirty. The puppy’s bowl’s were dirty. The puppy’s bowls were dirty The puppys bowls were dirty 300 The puppy’s bowls were dirty. Scores Return

  17. Which is correct? At Christmas, we visited Yuma Arizona. At Christmas we , visited Yuma, Arizona. At Christmas, we visited, Yuma Arizona. At Christmas, we visited Yuma, Arizona. 400 At Christmas, we visited Yuma, Arizona. Scores Return

  18. Which is correct? My favorite book is “Little Women”. My favorite book is Little Women. My favorite book is ‘Little Women’. My favorite book is Little Women. 500 My favorite book is Little Women. Scores Return

  19. Even though Ivan had a huge pile of candy, he wouldn’t share them with his brothers Carlos and Isai. Ivan is: A-selfish B- hard-working C- unselfish D- deceitful 100 A- selfish (I’m kidding Ivan : ) Scores Return

  20. U’Titus always cleaned up the area around him, never wanting to leave a place messier than he had found it. U’Titus is: A- bossy B- imaginative C- considerate D- zany 200 C- considerate Scores Return

  21. The teacher rarely saw Roberto smile, and he didn’t joke around like the other kids. Roberto is: A- serious B- neat C- careless D- wild 300 A- serious Scores Return

  22. Marco was allowed to go to a movie as long as it wasn’t a scary movie, but he watched a VERY scary movie. Marco is: A- intelligent B- deceitful C- shy D- gentle 400 B- deceitful (: Scores Return

  23. Give Anette a group of people and she will make them laugh. Anette is: A- deceitful B- witty C- lazy D- tough 500 B- witty Scores Return

  24. He rode his bike. Who rode it? A- a boy B- a girl 100 A boy Scores Return

  25. Look at the clouds! Where should you look? A- down B- up C- in your backpack 200 B- up Scores Return

  26. I saw a thousand stars shining in the sky. What time is it? A- noon B- night C- Hammer time!!! 300 B- night Scores Return

  27. The man in the desert was absolutely parched. What should he do? A- drink something B- eat something C- play video games 400 A- drink something Scores Return

  28. Little Red Riding Hood told the wolf where she was going, even though he was a stranger to her. Red is: A- smart B- lazy C- zany D- unwise 500 D- unwise Scores Return

  29. Is it lunch time yet? I didn’t have breakfast and I am famished! Famished means: tired hungry cranky stuffed 100 hungry Scores Return

  30. My sister is afraid of spiders. If she sees one, it will terrify her. Terrify means: see know show scare 200 scare Scores Return

  31. My mother frets when I’m not home on time, because she thinks I might be lost. Frets means: yells smiles writes worries 300 worries Scores Return

  32. You could hear the loud screech of the monkey all over the zoo. Screech means: speech scream squat whisper 400 scream Scores Return

  33. He had a distinguishing mark on the left side of his face. Distinguishing means: distinctive distance disconcerting dejected 500 distinctive Scores Return

  34. Which word is an ANTONYM for dry? wet water hot sweaty 100 wet Scores Return

  35. Which word is a SYNONYM for stop? quit begin continue fire 200 quit Scores Return

  36. Read this sentence: ______ is my ______ purse? Which pair of words makes this sentence correct? Wear, blew Wear, blue Where, blue Where, blew 300 Where, blue Scores Return

  37. I like kids who _____ how to _____ boats. Which pair of words makes this sentence correct? no, sail know, sail no, sale know, sale 400 know, sail Scores Return

  38. I ________ my bike on the __________ side of the road. Which pair of words makes this sentence correct? road, wright rode, write rode, wright rode, right 500 Scores rode, right Return

  39. Daily Double To Question

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