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Economic Assessment of Solar Heat for Industrial Process in Tunisia Filip Schaffitzel

This study evaluates the economic potential of solar heat for industrial processes in Tunisia, considering framework conditions, policy instruments, and reference case sensitivity analysis. The findings highlight the need for grants and bonus payments, targeting industries using fuel oil, and exploring energy audits and ESCOs as solutions for economic feasibility.

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Economic Assessment of Solar Heat for Industrial Process in Tunisia Filip Schaffitzel

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  1. Economic Assessment of Solar Heat for Industrial Processin Tunisia FilipSchaffitzel Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  2. Content Potential Framework Conditions in Tunisia Reference Case SensitivityAnalysis Policy Instruments Conclusion Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  3. 1. Potential Economic Potential? Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  4. 2. Framework Conditions in Tunisia Energy Prices Policy Instruments Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  5. 3. Reference Case Methods of Investment Appraisal • Net Present Value (NPV) • Internal Rate of Return (IRR) • Static Payback Period (SPP) Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  6. 3. Reference Case Assumptions – Cash Outflows Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  7. 3. Reference Case Assumptions – Cash Inflows Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  8. 3. Reference Case Flat Plate Collectors withoutgrants currentgrants at 16.25% Natural Gas Fuel Oil NPV: -118,725 EURIRR: 4.9 % NPV: -178,518 EURIRR: 2.8 % Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  9. 3. Reference Case Evacuated Tube Collectors withoutgrants currentgrants at 13% Natural Gas Fuel Oil Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  10. 3. Reference Case Concentrating Technologies withoutgrants currentgrants at 11.8% Natural Gas Fuel Oil Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  11. 4. Sensitivity Analysis Concentrating Technologies Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  12. 5. Policy Instruments Grants Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  13. 5. Policy Instruments Soft Loans • Interest rate: 7.0% • Grace period: 0 years • Repayment period: 5years NPV: -178,518 EURIRR: 2.8 %SPP: 16.7 a • Interest rate: 5.5% • Grace period: 3 years • Repayment period: 12 years NPV: -134,555 EURIRR: 2.36 %SPP: 17.9 a Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  14. 5. Policy Instruments Bonus Model Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  15. 6. Conclusion • Current grants are not sufficient for economic feasibility • Combination of grants and bonus payments should be considered • Policy instruments should be directed to industries using fuel oil • Identification of most promising industries by energy audits • Maximum payback period five years is large barrier  ESCOs, awareness-raising, demonstration plants • … Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  16. Gas Price Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  17. Energy Subsidies and Public Savings Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  18. System Costs Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  19. Solar Irradiation Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  20. Detailed Economics Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

  21. Sensitivity Analysis - Ranges Economic Assessment of SHIP in Tunisia

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