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Learn about the characteristics of electric current, current density, Ohm's law, Joule-Lenz law, electrical conductivity of tissues, and applications in galvanization and electrophoresis treatments. Understand the effects of pulsed current in electrotherapy procedures.
Characteristics of electric current. Amperage is determined by the ratio of the charge , which is transferred through the cross section of the conductor, the length of time over which this charge is transferred:
Characteristics of electric current. Current density - a quantity which is the ratio of current to the cross-sectional area of the conductor through which this current passes.
Characteristics of electric current. In the case of direct current density will be determined by the formula:
Ohm's law in differential form: current density is proportional to the electric field, and it has the same direction. Here - resistivity - electrical conductivity.
Joule-Lenz law in differential form Skip electric current through biological tissue is accompanied by heating. The amount of heat that is released at the same time:
Joule-Lenz law in differential form Heat capacity per unit volume: formula of heat and power per unit volume is expressed Joule-Lenz in differential form.
Electrical conductivity of tissues. Many biological environments are electrolytes. Carriers in electrolytes are positively and negatively charged ions that result from electrolytic dissociation.
Electrical conductivity of tissues. The directed movement of ions in the electrolyte can be considered uniform, and the electric force is balanced with the force of friction where - coefficient of friction - velocity of the ion.
Electrical conductivity of tissues. where - the mobility of ions.
Electrical conductivity of tissues. The mobility of ions is numerically equal to the velocity of ordered motion in the electric field of intensity:
Electrical conductivity of tissues. The electrical conductivity of electrolytes is given by: Here - the coefficient of electrolytic dissociation - ion concentration.
Electrical conductivity of tissues. Current density in the electrolyte is:
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Apply a small direct current power (50 mA) and voltage of 30-80 V with the purpose of treatment is called galvanization. Medical electrophoresis - combined effect of direct electric current and the drug substance administered with it.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Conducting electrophoresis procedure
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Apparatus for galvanization and electrophoresis STREAM-1
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Galvanization and electrophoresis of drug dosing in current density (the number of current active electrode area 1 ), time and number of procedures per treatment. Therapeutic current density in the oral cavity is 0.1-0.5 mA / children 0.05 mA / time of 20-30min, per treatment and 30 treatments.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Ingestion medical substance in tissues (galvanization)
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. There are three types of electrophoresis: • frontal, • zonal, • continuous.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. In frontal electrophoresis macromolecules found throughout the bulk solution and the mobility determined by shlirenovskoyi optics as a function of time.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. In the zonal electrophoresis sample micropipette applied as spots or stripes (zones) on the surface of the carrier and move microparticles in solution at different rates according to their electrophoretic properties.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. With continuous electrophoresis sample is applied as a band, but it add all the time.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. Types of zonal electrophoresis: • Electrophoresis on paper; • Electrophoresis on cellulose acetate; • Thin-layer electrophoresis; • Gel electrophoresis.
Galvanization and electrophoresis treatment. The movement of molecules during the electrophoresis.
Pulsed current and its characteristics. Electrical impulses called short-term change in amperage. Pulses, called repetitive pulsed current.
Pulsed current and its characteristics. Typical plots of momentum are: 1-2 front, top 2-3, 3-4 cut (front or rear), tail 4-5.
Імпульсний струм та його характеристики. The period of pulse current - Is the average time between the start neighboring pulses.
Pulsed current and its characteristics. Reciprocal of the period is called the frequency of pulse spacing:
Effects of pulsed current to the tissue. • Irritating effect stumu directly proportional rate of growth of current, ie the steepness of the front pulse. • In certain limits irritant effect is proportional to the pulse duration. • Physiological effects of pulsed current depends on the duty cycle (fill factor).
Electrotherapy. Implementation procedures electrosleep.
Electrotherapy. Apparatus for the treatment of electrosleep-ES-10-5 "Electrosleep"
Electrotherapy. Radius Cranio-01.
Electrotherapy. The device “Radius Cranio-01" implemented basic types of transcranial electrotherapy (TET), which are widely used in medical practice.
Alternating current. In the broadest sense alternating current - is any current that varies with time.
Alternating current. Amperage in a circle with a resistor will vary in phase with the applied voltage:
Alternating current. Current strength in terms of the inductor will fall in phase from applied voltage to :
Alternating current. Current strength in terms of the capacitor will outperform the phase voltage at :
Impedance alternating current at stake. - full resistance range of AC is called impedance.
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Electrotherapy device "Radius-01".
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Portable single-channel device "radius, 01" for the treatment of various diseases using low frequency electrotherapy currents. Beneficial combines the functions for: • - galvanization and electrophoresis; • - diadynamic therapy; • - extended amplipulse therapy.
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Device for electrotherapy currents of low frequency "Radius-01 FT»
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Portable single-channel device "radius FT-01" is designed for the treatment of various diseases using low frequency electrotherapy currents. Beneficial combines the functions for: • - galvanization and electrophoresis; • - diadynamic therapy; • - extended amplipulse therapy; • - fluctuarization; • - electrical stimulation; • - elektrosleep.
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Amplipulse therapy - a method of electrotherapy in which the patient is influenced variable sinusoidal modulated currents low power. They combine the advantages of high currents and low frequencies.
Electrotherapy low frequency currents. Fluctuarization - use for therapeutic purposes AC, partially or fully rectified current low voltage (100 V) with frequency (up to 2000 Hz) and amplitude (up to 3 mA/sm2) that vary randomly.
Electrotherapy high frequency. Darsonvalization - use for therapeutic purposes high frequency current (IN kHz) and voltage (20-30 kV) at low power (up to 5 mA) current modulated by a series of oscillations lasting 100 ms following a frequency of 100 Hz. The method derives its name from the author - French physicist, physiologist and physician Jacques D'Arsonval.
Electrotherapy high frequency. Apparatus for local darsonvalization Crown (3 electrodes).
Electrotherapy high frequency. Проведення процедури дарсонвалізації.