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This tool was developed by the NECN and GSK on behalf of the Pharmaceutical Industry Partnership Group (PIPG). New Drug Capacity Calculator. An Excel-based tool for estimating the resource required to deliver newly approved chemotherapy drugs. Instruction Manual.
This tool was developed by the NECN and GSK on behalf of the Pharmaceutical Industry Partnership Group (PIPG) New Drug Capacity Calculator An Excel-based tool for estimating the resource required to deliver newly approved chemotherapy drugs. Instruction Manual ZINC Code : UK/ONC/0013/13d(1) Date of Preparation: February 2015
Sheet 1 - Cover Click on the “Enter the model” button or use the tab at the bottom of the worksheet to go to the “Introduction” sheet.
Sheet 2 - Introduction This worksheet has been designed to introduce the user to the New Drug Capacity Calculator and allows the user to navigate directly to specific sheets in the tool using the blue buttons.
Sheet 2 - Introduction Functionality Use arrows or blue navigation buttons to move to next page. Please read the disclaimer. No data input is required on this sheet.
Sheet 3 – Chemotherapy Pathway This sheet has been designed to introduce the user to the Chemotherapy Pathway, as described in the draft NHS Standard specification template for adult systemic anti-cancer therapy services (December 2012). Although the pathway may vary slightly according to local practice, the general flow of the patient through this pathway should be similar in different parts of the country.
Sheet 3 – Chemotherapy Pathway Functionality Green boxes represent areas of the pathway where capacity is being calculated. Click home button to return to the Introduction sheet. Reference for document that describes the pathway. Describes the service area where capacity calculation will be shown in the summary.
Sheet 4 – Treatment Plan (1) This sheet allows the user to put together a treatment plan for a cohort of patients. The delivery time for delivering a new drug regimen to a cohort of patients is calculated on the basis of the input data.
Sheet 4 – Treatment Plan (2) Input the number of treatment cycles and the number of patients in this section of the treatment plan worksheet.
Sheet 4 – Treatment Plan Functionality Follow the instructions in Steps 1, 2 and 3. The headers for tables 1a and 1b contain information in the comments boxes. Use drop-down buttons to input details of the regimen. Input data manually in the white boxes that do not contain drop-down lists. Select “None” in “Drug type” “Route” or “infusion type” to blank out rows. Sum of infusion and observation times for specified number of cycles for the whole cohort of patients. Throughout the tool some cells contain additional information in the comments box (as denoted by a red triangle). Hover your mouse over the red triangle in the corner of the cell to view the information.
Sheet 5 – Pharmacy Capacity This sheet allows the user to calculate the pharmacy capacity needed to deliver the newly approved medications. It calculates the time needed for items that require aseptic preparation and those that are pre-filled items. The output is expressed in Whole Time Equivalents (WTE) days for pharmacy staff and the isolator time needed to deliver the regimen to a cohort of patients.
Sheet 5 – Pharmacy Capacity Functionality Use the drop-down buttons to input data on the variable time activities. Data on the number of patients, cycles and items is drawn from the “Treatment plan” sheet. Select hyperlink to “local Assumptions” sheet to whole time equivalent (WTE) figure which is set at a default figure of 5.4 hours. Select hyperlink to “Pharmacy References” sheet to change or review fixed times. Input data manually in the white box for isolator cleaning time multiplier.
Sheet 6 – Nurse Capacity This sheet allows the user to calculate the nurse capacity needed to deliver the newly approved regimen. It calculates the time needed for the nurses to deliver the specified regimen for a cohort of patients. The output is expressed in WTE days of nurse staff resource needed for delivery of the regimen.
Sheet 6 – Nurse Capacity Functionality Use the drop-down buttons to input data. Nurse activities that require chair time and those that do not, need to be entered in different sections of the table. Input the total time per patient for the activities described in steps 2, 3 and 5. Cycle 1 data may be entered separately from that of subsequent cycles. Nurse resource that requires chair time and total nurse resource is calculated.
Sheet 7 – Chair Capacity This sheet shows the chair capacity needed to deliver the newly approved regimen for a cohort of patients.
Sheet 7 – Chair Capacity Functionality Shows the different drug types that need to be delivered for the new regimen in the chemotherapy unit. Data is drawn from the “Treatment plan” and “Nurse Capacity” sheets. The default setting is that each chair is bookable for 7.5 hours/day No data input is required on this sheet.
Sheet 8 – Pathway Results This sheet collates the capacity information on resources needed to deliver the newly approved regimen. It is designed to act as a snap-shot of the collated resources and may be used to provide an overview of the overall capacity needed for delivery of a newly approved drug regimen. As it draws on the inputs from previous sections, the previous worksheets have to be completed before the overview can be generated.
Sheet 8 – Pathway Results Functionality Grey boxes indicate which capacities have been calculated. The totals on the Pharmacy , Nurse and Chair Capacity worksheets are summarised here.
Sheet 9 –Results Table The results are tabulated on this worksheet. No inputs are required.
Sheet 10 – Local Assumptions Functionality To change the number of hours that the chemotherapy unit is open, input the number of hours manually into the white box. Time available for performing fixed time tasks. For details of the actual times used in the fixed time calculations, refer to the “Pharmacy References” page. To change the WTE, input the number of hours/day manually into the white box. This sheet shows the information on the local assumptions that are used in the Capacity Calculator tool. The assumptions currently used are derived from the data that has been provided by the Newcastle Cancer Centre.
Sheet 11 – Pharmacy references This sheet gives details of the aseptic preparation fixed times used in the pharmacy capacity calculations. The times that are currently in the tool are derived from the data that has been provided by the Newcastle Cancer Centre. If local data needs to be used, the data in the white boxes can be changed manually.
Sheet 12 – Activity Tariffs This sheet shows the likely tariff costs for delivery of the new chemotherapy regimen.
Sheet 12 – Activity Tariffs Functionality Select “Yes” in Step 1 if the new regimen is comprised totally of oral drugs. Use hyperlink to review national tariff Information. For parenteral drugs select “Yes” once in this section. Use this section of the worksheet for activities that are not on the national tariff list. Manually input the tariff in the white box.
Sheet 13 Tariff Information Details of the HRG codes and tariff costs used in the calculation of the activity tariffs are given on this sheet. The reference is also provided.