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WebTP A New Transport Architecture for the Web

Explore the new cross-layer architecture of WebTP project to optimize web transport protocols beyond TCP/HTTP for improved user satisfaction and utility generation. Discover the architecture, protocol design, research areas, and user utility characterization to redefine web browsing experience.

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WebTP A New Transport Architecture for the Web

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  1. WebTPA New Transport Architecture for the Web Rajarshi Gupta Wilson So UCB EECS

  2. FACULTY Venkat Anantharam Steven McCanne David Tse Pravin Varaiya Jean Walrand STUDENTS Ye Xia Wilson So Rajarshi Gupta Yogesh Bhumralkar Jeng Lung Richard LaPost Doc David Starobinski Team Members

  3. Motivation • World Wide Web today is vast and vital • Mostly runs Web transport (http) over TCP • TCP and UDP sub-optimal for many applications • Attempts at incremental improvements • Need a comprehensive solution, without trying to “fit in” with TCP/HTTP • Web Applications important enough to motivate new cross-layer architecture • WebTP is the answer ?

  4. WebTP Project Work Items • User utility characterization • WebTP architecture and protocol (motivation & design) • Active research areas

  5. WebTP Project Work Items • User utility characterization • WebTP architecture and protocol (motivation & design) • Active research areas

  6. Conceptual View interaction Server Network Client Display Satisfaction Document Resources User Rules Utility Function

  7. S = f (D , C , N , U) • S = User Satisfaction • D = Document Descriptor • C = Client Set of Rules • N = Observed Network State • U = Utility Function Client Rules C Network State User Preferences Document D Document D’ Satisfaction

  8. Utility Function U • Measure of utility generated by the objects on the page • Simple additive form, or more complicated • Utility depends on Arrival, Browse Time • Experimental work to characterize utility

  9. WebTP Transfer • Given • a set of objects to transfer • current network state • We find an Optimal Transfer Schedule • Optimal order of transfer • Optimal subset of objects (dynamic programming) • Universal delay constraint • Browse time constraint • Optimal ? • Maximizes user utility

  10. Sample page (CNN Digest) www.path.berkeley.edu/~guptar/SAMPLE/index.html Quantitative metric for comparison of utilities Comparison of transfers in terms of utilities Experimental Setup WebTP Normal WebTP vs Normal Web Transfer (example)

  11. WebTP Project Work Items • User utility characterization • WebTP Architecture & Protocol (motivation & design) • Active research areas of WebTP

  12. WebTP Design Philosophy • Consider the web browsing process as a whole. • Bring the user into the loop of decision. USER APP PROTOCOL NETWORK

  13. Today’s Focus: Transport • Requirements of the transport protocol • Overview of WebTP transport architecture USER APP PROTOCOL (TRANSPORT) NETWORK

  14. Assumptions For Today’s discussions, we assume: • Network provides best-effort service only • Optimize at end-hosts, not within the network • Design a new transport, but leave the network layer (IP) intact

  15. Transport Requirements • Scenario #1: browsing a static web page composed of text, graphics, and pictures. • What are the requirements of the transport layer imposed by this application?

  16. Transport Requirements • Application specify the download order of different objects • Allow progressive delivery of objects (e.g. progressive JPEGs) • Send data in small chunks (a paragraph or 1 scan of an img) 3 2 1

  17. Transport Requirements • Scenario #2:User browses through supplementary information while watching a video stream

  18. Transport Requirements • Allow user/application to decide how to allocate the available bandwidth to different connections • Notify application of the currently available bandwidth 28.8 Kbps leftover

  19. Transport Requirements Summary • Data should be transferred in small chunks that can be processed & displayed independently (Application Data Units) • App specifies transfer order of ADUs within a connection and bandwidth allocation among different connections • Transport informs each app of how much bandwidth it gets; each app decides how to best use it

  20. Quoted from Requirements of Unicast Transport Sessions (RUTS) BOF from Orlando IETF, Dec 1998: Quick connection establishments Application Level Framing Congestion control App control over reliability TCP Slow-start/slow restart hit for interactive traffic Transport Requirementsfrom RUTS BOF ‘98

  21. Preliminary Design App 1 App 2 Connections Connections Pipe(to IP A) Pipe(to IP B)

  22. Preliminary Design • ADUs: each object is composed of ADUs • Connections: light-weight objects corresponding to an application-level conversation. Should be able to open one connection per object transfer. • Pipes: one pipe per destination; multiple connections to the same destination (IP) are muxed onto a single pipe.

  23. Connections low overhead: app can open as many connections as it wants allow fine-grained reliability control on a per ADU basis allow app-controlled bandwidth allocation Pipes Integrated Congestion Management Architecture proposed by Hari Balakrishnan et al. allow connections to cooperate to find out the available bandwidth Why Separate Connections and Pipes?

  24. WebTP Architecture • ADU fragmentation & reassembly • Reliability Control • Flow Control • Min buffering in WebTP ConnectionManagement • Mux/Demux packets • Bandwidth allocation Bandwidth Management • Loss detection/Ack • Congestion control • Network monitoring Congestion Management

  25. 1. Server listens on a well-known port 2. Client opens a new connection 3. Client side transport opens a new pipe because none exists yet 4. Client side initiates 3-way handshake 5. Handshake finishes, client sends ADU 6. Client opens another connection to the same server 7. The existing pipe is reused WebTP Protocol Example

  26. WebTP Packet Header 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Packet number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Acknowledgment number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Acknowledged Amount | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ADU number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Segment Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

  27. WebTP Transport Header | Source Port |U|A|R|S|F|R|E|F| | |R|C|S|Y|I|E|N|A| | |G|K|T|N|N|L|D|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Destination Port | C | | | | L | RES | | | A | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Data | | | | Offset| RES | Window | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Checksum | Options | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Options | Padding | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | data | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

  28. WebTP Project Work Items • User utility characterization • WebTP architecture and protocol (motivation & design) • Active research areas

  29. ACK Scheme • Some ADUs are reliable; some are not • Lost packets of reliable ADUs should be retransmitted automatically • But all pkts are muxed onto the same pipe • Problem: Cumulative ACKs doesn’t work!

  30. Ack Scheme • TCP style cum-ack doesn’t work for reliable/unreliable mix!! • Assume 1,2 belongs to reliable ADU X; 3,4 belongs to unreliable ADU Y; 5,6 belongs to reliable ADU Z • Packet 3 & 4 are lost • Receiver doesn’t know if 3,4 are unreliable, so it can only ack 2 upon receiving 5 and 6 using Cum-Ack 1 2 3 4 5 6

  31. Ack Scheme • Solution #1: Use separate sequence number spaces for reliable and unreliable packets. • Use cumulative acks for reliable packets • Use selective acks to ack the last consecutive run of unreliable pkts received 1 2 3 4 5 6 • E.g. ack sequence (1,1) , (1,2), (5,5), (5,6) • Disadv: 2 logically separate ack stream => can’t easily infer loss from another ack stream • Solution #2: Use a bit vector to selective ack both reliable and unreliable packets • Disadv: high speed long haul links => long vector (large window)

  32. Fast WebTP SYN • For interactive traffic, pipe setup delay can be annoying. Can we get rid of the 3-way handshake for setting up a pipe? • Yes, BUT we might get duplicate data from previous incarnation of a pipe. RTT Pipe setup delay SYN-ACK ACK Data

  33. Fast WebTP • If application can detect duplicate ADUs, or if duplicate ADUs doesn’t do any harm, 3-way handshake is redundant! • E.g. Duplicate HTTP requests for static objects doesn’t adversely affect the client or the server. • Problem: how to seamlessly integrate the regular WebTP(w/ handshake) and Fast WebTP(w/o handshake) protocol?

  34. Fast WebTP Example Client Server(accepts Fast WebTP) 1. Client sends FAST ADU SYN+data 2(a). Data delivered to app; continues handshake SYN-ACK 3. Sends ACK 2(b). App chooses to accept data ACK 4. Handshake finishes Data-ACK 5. Acks data 6. Sends more new data Data

  35. Fast WebTP Example Client Server(rejects Fast WebTP) 1. Client sends FAST ADU SYN+data 2(a). Data delivered to app; continues handshake SYN-ACK 3. Sends ACK 2(b). App chooses to REJECT data ACK 4. Handshake finishes 5. Don’t ACK data (or explicitly reject) 6. Ack timeout;Resend 1st ADU Data

  36. Traffic Classification • Web-related traffic can be roughly classified as one of the following categories: • Interactive: bursty traffic, delay sensitive • Bulk: high volume traffic, delay insensitive, reliable • Realtime streams: multimedia streams, extremely sensitive to delay and jitter, tolerate loss • Buffered streams: multimedia streams playback, less delay sensitive, tolerate loss

  37. Bandwidth Allocation • Long-term bandwidth allocation is dependent on user’s specification of rates. • APIs are available for querying available rate, current rate, and for setting preferred rate. • Short-term bandwidth assignment is dependent on traffic classes.

  38. Bandwidth Allocation and Window Size • TCP-style congestion control gives us a time varying congestion window size per pipe • How do we allocate this window among different connections of different classes? Connections Pipe

  39. Flexible Software Arch. How to build a flexible software framework so we can easily experiment with different kinds of control algorithms in our transport protocol? ConnectionManagement Bandwidth Management Congestion Management

  40. Conclusion • Most important idea: allow user preferences to determine how to best use the available bandwidth • Look at the web browsing process as a whole, design a transport protocol that caters to the needs of the user/application • Leads to the design of connections muxed on top of pipes

  41. Conclusion • Although muxing isn’t entirely novel, the explicit separation of congestion and reliability control is. • Decision to allow flexible reliability control on a per ADU basis and the addition of Fast WebTP introduce many new challenging research problems • The need to experiment w/ different algs requires a flexible software framework

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