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Detailed summary and reconciliation of the agriculture budget for 2003/04, including programme breakdown, standard item analysis, and branch allocations. Explore key expenditure areas and measurable objectives.

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  2. VOTE 26 : AGRICULTURE2003/04 - Reconciliation - Summary per programme - Summary per standard item - Budget compilation - Branch: Agricultural Economics and Business Development - Branch: Agricultural Production and Resource Management - Allocation to the ARC - Branch: Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation - Other Organisational Components - Allocations since 1994/95 - Measurable objectives - Charts

  3. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURERECONCILIATION R’000R’000 Budget 2002/03 944 578 Less: Non-recurring expenditure 13 000 931 578 Plus: - MTEF baseline adjustments 79 217 - LRAD support programme 10 000 - Regulatory services 20 000 - ARC 7 997 - Inflation ● Department 18 031 ● ARC 5 376140 621 Budget 2003/04 1 072 199* * Includes: - LandCare ● National 2 000 ● Projects 38 000 - Food security 10 000 - ARC 300 013 Science and Technology 30 000 330 013

  4. VOTE 26 : AGRICULTURE SUMMARY PER PROGRAMME: 2003/04 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % 1. Administration 157 231 153 091 (2,6) 2. Farmer support and development 130 327 146 349 12,3 3. Agricultural trade and business development 23 635 34 948 47,9 4. Agricultural research and economic analysis 20 187 23 725 17,5 5. Agricultural production 1 538 5 577262,6 6. Sustainable resources management and use 395 775 441 337 11,5 7. National agricultural regulatory services 147 405 185 408 25,8 8. Communication & information management 68 203 75 934 11,3 9. Programme planning, monitoring & evaluation ___ 277 __5 830 - Total 944 578 1 072 199 13,5

  5. VOTE 26 : AGRICULTURE SUMMARY PER STANDARD ITEM: 2003/04 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % Personnel expenditure 265 628 319 362 20,2 Administrative expenditure 93 866 109 896 17,1 Inventories 33 309 35 268 5,9 Equipment 37 512 35 472 (5,4) Land and buildings 27 679 15 340 (44,6) Professional and special services 89 205 126 234 41,5 Transfer payments 397 379430 6278,4 Total 944 578 1 072 199 13,5

  6. VOTE 26 : AGRICULTURE BUDGET COMPILATION: 2003/04 R’000 R’000 Total amount allocated 1 072 199 LESS: Transfer payments • Agricultural Research Council 300 013 • Farmer settlement 1 500 • Land use and soil management • (LandCare) 38 000 • National Agricultural Marketing Council 6 114 • Agricultural risk & disaster management 85 000430 627 * 641 572 *Of which Personnel expenditure 319 362 Administrative expenditure 109 896 Inventories 35 268 Equipment 35 472 Land and buildings 15 340 Professional and special services 126 234

  7. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE BRANCH: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % (A) FARMER SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT Management 888 931 4,8 Farmer settlement 13 484 27 532 104,2 Financial services and cooperatives 5 091 8 844 73,7 Food security and rural development 18 030 15 869 (12,0) Agricultural risk & disaster management 89 092 89 223 0,1 Registrar of cooperatives 3 742 3 950 5,6 Subtotal 130 327 146 349 12,3 (B) AGRICULTURAL TRADE AND BUSINESS DEVEL- OPMENT Management 1 011 987 (2,4) Agri-business promotion and industry relations 4 264 8 962 110,2 Domestic marketing 6 595 10 984 66,6 International trade 6 553 7 901 20,6 National agricultural marketing council 5 212 6 114 17,3 Subtotal 23 635 34 948 47,9

  8. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE BRANCH: AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % (C) AGRICULTURAL RE- SEARCH AND ECO- NOMIC ANALYSIS Management 962 1 012 5,2 Economic analysis 6 182 8 479 37,2 Statistics 13 04314 234 9,1 Subtotal 20 187 23 725 17,5 Total (A) plus (B) plus (C) 174 149 205 022 17,7

  9. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE BRANCH: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % (A) AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Management 420 993 136,4 Animal and aqua produc- tion systems 521 2 292 339,9 Plant production systems 597 2 292283,9 Subtotal 1 538 5 577 262,6 (B) SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND USE Management 781 1 462 87,2 Water use and irrigation development 50 850 53 846 5,9 Scientific research and development 1 275 958 (24,9) Land use and soil manage- ment 67 817 85 058 25,4 Agricultural Research Council 275 052 300 0139,1 Subtotal 395 775 441 337 11,5

  10. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE BRANCH: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % (C) NATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL REGU- LATORY SERVICES Management 1 009 997 (1,2) Food safety and quality assurance 28 670 30 931 7,9 Genetic resources 12 025 12 410 3,2 Plant health 7 466 10 794 44,6 Animal health 38 650 51 778 34,0 Import-Export control services 59 58578 498 31,7 Subtotal 147 405 185 408 25,8 Total (A) plus (B) plus (C) 544 718 632 322 16,1

  11. ALLOCATION TO THE ARC: 2003/04 R’000 1. Vote: Agriculture Baseline 271 140 SADC activities (ringfenced) 3 000 ISIS (ringfenced) 1 500 275 640 Adjustments 13 373 Total baseline 289 013 Plus: Leave gratuity 7 500 S A Studbook 1 500 Crop forecast 2 000 300 013 • Vote: Science and Technology National public assets (ringfenced) 30 000 • Total allocation 330 013 • Voted 2002/03 275 052 • Increase 54 961 20,0%

  12. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE BRANCH: PROJECT PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % (A) COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Management 545 978 79,4 Agricultural information services 12 241 11 271 (7,9) International relations 29 662 36 291 22,3 Agricultural education and training 5 423 7 239 33,5 Grootfontein agricultural development institute 20 33220 155(0,9) Subtotal 68 203 75 934 11,3 (B) PROGRAMME PLANNING MONITORING AND EVALUATION Programme management - 2 915 - Monitoring and evaluation 2772 915 - Subtotal 277 5 830 - Total (A) plus (B) 68 480 81 764 19,4

  13. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE OTHER ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENTS 2002/03 2003/04 R’000 R’000 % Minister 691 746 8,0 Deputy Minister 562 607 8,0 Management 22 395 26 653 19,0 Corporate services 105 904 109 745 3,6 Capital works 27 67915 340 (44,6) Total 157 231 153 091 (2,6)

  14. VOTE 26: AGRICULTURE ALLOCATIONS SINCE 1994/95 Financial year R’000 Nom % Real% 1994/95 1 139 000 - - 1995/96 820 870 -27,9 -33,7 1996/97 814 212 -0,8 -7,6 1997/98 808 435 -0,7 -8,5 1998/99 718 854 -11,1 -16,8 1999/00 662 540 -7,8 -12,3 2000/01 719 644 8,6 3,1 2001/02 775 177 7,7 2,0 2002/03 944 578 21,9 14,6 2003/04 1 072 199 13,5 -

  15. VOTE 26: AGRICULTUREMEASURABLE OBJECTIVES Programme 2: To enhance equitable access and sustained participation in the agricultural sector in order to eliminate skewed participation and inequity in the sector. Programme 3: To increase market access for agricultural products, domestically and internationally, in order to maximise growth, employment and income in agriculture. Programme 4: To provide timely agricultural economic and statistical information to relevant stakehol- ders and other interested parties to improve decision making. Programme 5: To provide information and technology on agricultural production systems in order to increase productivity and profitability. Programme 6: To provide management systems for the sustainable use of agricultural resources and for research in agriculture. Programme 7: To maintain and improve management sys- tems to mitigate risks associated with food, agricultural pests and diseases and genetic resources. Programme 8: To develop and implement and effective stra- tegy and structured plan for internal and exter- nal communication and information manage- ment. Programme 9: To support the design and monitor the imple- mentation of the Department’s strategic plan to ensure improved organistional performance.

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