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Establish a caring relationship between students and adults for future planning. Implement a comprehensive plan for education and career decisions, involving the whole school. Overcome obstacles and address FAQs.
TEACHERS AS ADVISORS Janet Hawkins Oklahoma Department of CareerTech
PURPOSE OF ADVISORY PROGRAM Is to establish a relationship of caring and understanding between at least one adult and every student. This adult assist students in planning and preparing for their future.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS. . . Students need help with career planning. Solution: Use everyone in school. It’s everyone's job.
TEACHERS AS ADVISORS What is it? Basic steps to implement program. What is required of the advisor? Obstacles . . . Frequently asked questions
WHAT IS IT? A comprehensive plan to provide students and parents with information to make decisions about education and work. Includes self-awareness, education and career planning, puts it in a managed time frame. Encourages students to make a career/educational goal which will entice them to remain in school.
WHAT IS IT? It insures consistent curriculum planning for all students. Improves relation between school, community, business/industry, as well as parents. Provides opportunity for shared responsibility for career and education development rather than one person being solely responsible (team approach) Helps them establish a career cluster.
BASIC STEPS TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAM Buy in from Administration, counselors, and teachers Person to oversee program. Committee Set advisor periods. Determine advisor groups. Place on school calendar.
WHAT IT REQUIRES OF ADVISORS? Every student will have an advisor. Meet monthly at a set date and time. Teach from a set curriculum. In the spring, meet with students and parents.
WHAT IT REQUIRES OF ADVISORS? Attend training. Provide information for the Plan of Study and Portfolio. Refer students to the counselor.
OBSTACLES Resistance to change Fear of the unknown Enough rooms for traveling or floating teachers
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do you get started? Am I going to be a counselor? Do I advise students outside of career development? How to reach parents who have not scheduled a time? Do I keep the same students each year? What do I do with them for 30 minutes?