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Classroom Rules and Lent Reflections

Classroom rules collaboration and reflection on the Prodigal Son parable during the 3rd week of Lent in Coptic Language. Incorporates Gospel, prayers, and spiritual insights.

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Classroom Rules and Lent Reflections

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  1. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. Alleluia.

  2. Abolution

  3. Holy, Holy, Holy. A passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. Amen. Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘‘You are the Son of God!'' But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Christ. Glory Be To God Forever, Amen

  4. *Prostration*

  5. Personal Prayers

  6. Classroom Rules • Let’s agree on some rules together, among them shall be: • When one person is speaking the rest should be respectful. • No bathrooms or water breaks during class.

  7. Consequences • Warning • Sit outside of class for 5 minutes • Sent to the social hall for the entire time and call parents.

  8. 3rd Week of lent: Prodigal Son • -Spiritual enlightenment, what does it mean? • We can say that the prodigal son understood it when he thought to return back to his father. But does it stop there at the thought? • He could have chosen to still not return and to ignore that enlightenment. Do you think we do that sometimes too? • Maybe even on his journey home, he had some doubts and some fears. Do we have some doubts and fears after we have made a decision to change our life? • Now can you imagine what it was like for the prodigal son to finally meet his father on the road, to see his father running towards him and embracing him? Now his enlightenment is no longer just a thought, but an actual experience! • Even when they walked back TOGETHER towards the house, he continued to get rid of all his fears and doubts, and grew into becoming ONE with his father. His father’s gifts to him were an affirmation that his journey was worth it to his father. Does your heavenly Father do the same you think?! • Our desire for enlightenment has to be a desire for God, within the guidance of the church; other wise, like Adam and Eve who wanted to be enlightened, but they wanted it without God, we can be deceived. • How does this path of enlightenment in the parable resemble our own walk with God?

  9. WINK

  10. Coptic Language

  11. Coptic Language

  12. Ooniati entho maria: tisave owoh ‘ensemne: timah enesnoti eneskini : pi’aho emepnevmatikon Titshrompishal enkatharos: thetacmoti khen penkahi: owoh asfiri nan evol: enokarpos ente piepnevma Doxology for St Mary (Matins) Wounia] `n;o Mari`a@ ]cabe ouoh `ncemne@ ]mah`cnou] `n`ckyny@ pi`Aho `m`Pneumatikon. + }[rompsal `nka;aroc@ ;yetacmou] qen penkahi@ ouoh acviri nan `ebol@ `noukarpoc `nte pi`Pneuma.

  13. Pi epnevma emparakliton: fietavi ejen peshiri: Hijen nimo’u ente piorthanis: Kata eptipos enoe Tetshrompi ghar ete emmav: Enthos achishenofi nan: entihirini ente efnoti: theacshopi sha niromi Doxology for St Mary (Matins) Pi`Pneuma `mparaklyton@ vy`etaf`iejenpeSyri@ hijennimwou `ntepiIordanyc@ kata `ptupoc `nNw`e. + }[rompi gar ete `mmau@ `n;ocachisennoufi nan@ `n]hiryny `nte V]@ ;yetacswpisanirwmi. `

  14. Entho hoi o tenhelpis: titshromepshalenoite: areiniempinai nan: arefaikharofkhenteneji EtefaipeIsos: pimicievolkhenefiot: avmacf nan evolenkhit: aferpengenocenremhe Verses of the Cymbals(Watos) • N;o hwi `w tenhelpic@ ][rom`psal `nno`yte@ are`ini `mpinai nan@ arefaiqarofqenteneji. • + Etevaipe I=y=c@ pimici `ebolqen `Viwt@ aumacf nan `ebol `nqy]@ aferpenjenoc `nremhe.

  15. Verses of the Cymbals(Watos) • Vai gar marentaouof@ `ebolqenpenhyt `nsorp@ menencwc on qenpenkelac@ enws `ebolenjw `mmoc. • + Je pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ ma;ami`onak `n`qryi `nqyten@ `nou`ervei `ntePek`Pneuma =e=;=u@ eu]doxologi`anak.

  16. Verses of the Cymbals(Watos) • <ere ne `w }par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `ntepengenoc@ `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl. • + Ten]ho arepenmeui@ `w ]`procatatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef.

  17. Ere epsol-sel em-mariam: khen ni-fee-owi etsa-epshoi sa-owi-nam emp-ecmenreet: estovh emmof e-ehri egon. Kata e-freeti etavgos: enje Daveed khen pi-epsalmos: je as-o-hee erats enje tee-oro: sa-owi-nam emmok epouro. St. Mary's Doxology (Vespers) • Ere `pcolcel `mMariam@ qen nivyou`i e`tca``pswi caou`inam `mpecmenrit@ `ectwbh `mmof `e`hryi `ejwn. • Kata `vry] `etafjoc@ `nje Dauid qen pi`'alomc@ je ac`ohi `eratc `nje ]ourw@ caou`inam `mmok `pOuro.

  18. Solomon mooti eros: khen pi-go ente ni-go: je tasoni owoh ta-eshveeri: tapolees emee yerosaleem. Afteemini ghar eros: khen hanmeesh enran ev-echosi: je amee evol khen pek-epos: oo thee-at-cotp en-aromata. St. Mary's Doxology (Vespers) • Colomwn mou] eroc@ qen pijw `nte nijw@ je tacwni ouoh ta`sveri@ tapolic `mmyi Ieroucalym. • Af]myini gar `eroc@ qen hanmys `nran eu[oci@ je `amy `ebolqen pek`ypoc@ `w ;y`etacwtp `n`arwmata.

  19. Shere ne oo ti-parthenos: tee-oro emee en-aleetheni: shere epsho-sho ente pen-genos: ari-egvo nan en-emanoeel. Tenti-ho ari-pen-mevi: oo ti-eprostat-es eten-hot: nahren penshois esos pi-ekhristos: entefkan nennovi nan evol. St. Mary's Doxology (Vespers) • <ere ne `w ]Par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl. • Ten]ho `arepenmeu`i@ `w ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

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