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Learn about heuristic search strategies, including A* algorithm, pruning techniques, costs analysis, memory-bounded search, and comparing heuristic functions in AI. Discover advanced methods like IDA*, SMA*, backed-up values, combining heuristics, and finding heuristic functions through relaxed problems, subproblems, and learning experience. Engage with local search algorithms and optimize problem-solving efficiency.
Heuristics CPSC 386 Artificial Intelligence Ellen Walker Hiram College
Informed Search Strategies • Also called heuristic search • All are variations of best-first search • The next node to expand is the one “most likely” to lead to a solution • Priority queue, like uniform cost search, but priority is based on additional knowledge of the problem • The priority function for the priority queue is usually called f(n)
Heuristic Function • Heuristic, from Greek for “good” • Heuristic function, h(n) = estimated cost from the current state to the goal • Therefore, our best estimate of total path cost is g(n) + h(n) • Recall, g(n) is cost from initial state to current state
In A*, better h means better search • When h = cost to the goal, • Only nodes on correct path are expanded • Optimal solution is found • When h < cost to the goal, • Additional nodes are expanded • Optimal solution is found • When h > cost to the goal • Optimal solution can be overlooked
Pruning the Search Tree • In A* search, if h is too big, it will prevent the node (and its successors, grand-successors, etc.) from ever being expanded • This is called “pruning” (like removing branches from a tree) • Pruning the tree reduces the search below exponential • Only if a good heuristic is available
Costs of A* • Time • The better the heuristic, the less time • Best case: h is perfect, O(d) • Worst admissible case: h is 0, O(bd), i.e. bfs • Space • All nodes (open and closed list) are saved in case of repetition • This is exponential (bd or worse). • A* generally runs out of space before it runs out of time
Memory-bounded Heuristic Search • Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) • Like iterative deepening, but cutoff at (g+h)>max, rather than depth >max • At each iteration, cutoff is first f-cost that exceeds the cost of the node at the previous iteration. • Recursive BFS (see textbook, fig 4.5) • Simple Memory Bounded A* (SMA*) • Set max memory bound • If memory is “full”, to add a node drop the worst (g+h) node that’s already stored • Expands newest best leaf, deletes oldest worst leaf
Backed-up Values • The (real) f-value of any node in a path is the same as the f-value of the solution • Therefore, you can update f of parent to best f of a child. (This also helps when revisiting a node from a different parent) • If you have to “forget” deeper nodes, their consequences are remembered in the parent • (This concept is used more prominently in adversary games)
Comparing Heuristic Functions • An admissible heuristic function never overestimates the distance to the goal. • The function h=0 is the least useful admissible function. • Given 2 admissible heuristic functions (h1 and h2), h1 dominates h2 if h1(n)≥ h2(n) for any node n • The perfect h function is dominant over all other admissible heuristic functions • Dominant admissible heuristic functions are better
Combining Heuristic Functions • Every admissible heuristic is <= the actual distance to goal • Therefore, if you have 2 admissible heuristics, the higher value is closer to the goal. • If you have 2 or more heuristics, you can therefore combine them into a better one by taking the maximum value for any state. • Useful when you have a set of heuristics where no one is dominant
Finding Heuristic Functions: Relaxed Problems • Remove constraints from the original problem to generate a “relaxed problem” • Cost of optimal solution to relaxed problem is admissable heuristic for original problem • Because a solution to the original problem also solves the relaxed problem (at a cost ≥ relaxed solution cost)
8-puzzle examples • Number of tiles out of place • Relax constraint that tiles must move into empty squares, and that tiles must move into adjacent squares • Manhattan distance to solution • Relax (only) constraint that tiles must move into empty squares
Finding Heuristic Functions: Subproblems • Consider solving only part of the problem • Example: getting 1,2,3 and 4 of 8-puzzle into place • Again, exact solutions to subproblems are admissable heuristics • Store subproblem solutions in a pattern database, look up heuristic • # patterns is much smaller than state space! • Generate database by working backwards from the solution • If multiple subproblems apply, take the max • If multiple disjoint subproblems apply, heuristics can be added
Finding Heuristic Functions: Learning • Take experience and learn a function • Each “experience” is a start state and the actual cost of the solution • Learn from “features” of a state that are relevant to a solution, rather than the state itself (helps generalization) • Generate “many” states with a given feature and determine average distance • Combine information from multiple features • h(n) = c1 * x1(n) + c2 * x2(n)… where x1, x2 are features
Local Search Algorithms • Instead of considering the whole state space, consider only the current state • Limits necessary memory; paths not retained • Amenable to large or continuous (infinite) state spaces where exhaustive algorithms aren’t possible • Local search algorithms can’t backtrack!
Optimization • Given measure of goodness (of fit) • Find optimal parameters (e.g correspondences) • That maximize goodness measure (or minimize badness measure) • Optimization techniques • Direct (closed-form) • Search (generate-test) • Heuristic search (e.g Hill Climbing) • Genetic Algorithm
Direct Optimization • The slope of a function at the maximum or minimum is 0 • Function is neither growing nor shrinking • True at global, but also local extreme points • Find where the slope is zero and you find extrema! • (If you have the equation, use calculus (first derivative=0) but watch out for “shoulders”
Hill Climbing • Consider all possible successors as “one step” from the current state on the landscape. • At each iteration, go to • The best successor (steepest ascent) • Any uphill move (first choice) • Any uphill move but steeper is more probable (stochastic) • All variations get stuck at local maxima
Issues in Hill Climbing • Local maxima = no uphill step • Algorithms on previous slide fail (not complete) • Allow “random restart” which is complete, but might take a very long time • Plateau = all steps equal (flat or shoulder) • Must move to equal state to make progress, but no indication of the correct direction • Ridge = narrow path of maxima, but might have to go down to go up (e.g. diagonal ridge in 4-direction space)
Simulated Annealing • Figure 4.14, simulate gradual cooling to low-energy crystalline state • Algorithm is randomized: take a step if random number is less than a value based on both the objective function and the Temperature. • When Temperature is high, chance of going toward a higher value of optimization function J(x) is greater. • Note higher dimension: “perturb parameter vector” vs. “look at next and previous value”.
Local Beam Search • Keep track of K local searches at once • At each step, generate all successors and keep the best K • (Localized version of memory-bounded A*) • Stochastic: choose K states at random, but probability of state being chosen is proportional to its goodness
Genetic Algorithm • Quicker but randomized searching for an optimal parameter vector • Operations • Crossover (2 parents -> 2 children) • Mutation (one “bit”) • Basic structure • Create population • Perform crossover & mutation (on fittest) • Keep only fittest children
Example: “Hello, World” • Initial population is 2048 random strings of length 12 • Fitness of an individual is calculated by comparing each letter to its corresponding letter in the target phrase and adding up the differences • Top 10% of population is retained, remaining 90% is created by crossover of top 50% of population with 25% chance of mutation • Crossover: choose a random position and swap substrings • Mutation: choose a random position and replace by a random character Source: http://generation5.org/content/2003/gahelloworld.asp
Crossover and Mutation • Crossover • Parents: “Habxcq, oorld” and “Yellav,adjfd” • Children: “Hablav, adjfd” and “Yelxcq, oorld” • Mutation • Before: “Habxcq, oorld” • After: “Habxrq, oorld”
Genetic Algorithm: Why does it work? • Children carry parts of their parents’ data • Only “good” parents can reproduce • Children are at least as “good” as parents? • No, but “worse” children don’t last long • Large population allows many “current points” in search • Can consider several regions (watersheds) at once
Genetic Algorithm: Issues & Pitfalls • Representation • Children (after crossover) should be similar to parent, not random • Binary representation of numbers isn’t good - what happens when you crossover in the middle of a number? • Need “reasonable” breakpoints for crossover (e.g. between R, xcenter and ycenter but not within them) • “Cover” • Population should be large enough to “cover” the range of possibilities • Information shouldn’t be lost too soon • Mutation helps with this issue
Experimenting With Genetic Algorithms • Be sure you have a reasonable “goodness” criterion • Choose a good representation (including methods for crossover and mutation) • Generate a sufficiently random, large enough population • Run the algorithm “long enough” • Find the “winners” among the population • Variations: multiple populations, keeping vs. not keeping parents, “immigration / emigration”, mutation rate, etc.
Summary: Search Techniques • Exhaustive • Depth-first, Breadth First • Uniform cost • Iterative Deepening • Best-first (heuristic) • Greedy • A* • Memory-bounded (beam, mbA*) • Local heuristic • Hill-climbing (steepest, any upward, random restart) • Simulated annealing (stochastic) • Genetic Algorithm (highly parallel, stochastic)