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Eco-Friendly Eliminator for Home, Garden & Pets

Manufacturer of environmentally safe Eliminator for pests & molds. Achieve higher yields with this non-toxic, sustainable solution. Instructional tips and application guide included.

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Eco-Friendly Eliminator for Home, Garden & Pets

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  1. Manufacturer of ecologically friendly products for your home, pets, and garden. Our number one seller is “Eliminator”, for pest and fungal control in your indoor or outdoor garden. The Amazing Doctor Zymes Garden Naked

  2. Why Eliminator? How many times have you had to throw away your hard work because of damage to your crops? Not anymore. Eliminator keeps the money in your pocket and pays for itself when used as directed and throughout the entire growing season from seed to post-harvest.

  3. Benefits • OMRI listed • 100% Environmentally Friendly • Food-Grade Ingredients • Non-Toxic • Biodegradable • Gluten Free • Non-GMO • Bacteria Free • No Chemicals • Can be used from start to finish with no set-backs!

  4. How Does it Work? • The citric acid derived from our proprietary formula breaks down protein and organic matter. • For insects, Eliminator disrupts their ability to breathe. • For molds and mildews, it breaks down and digests the host. • Eliminator is a mechanical action to which pests, molds and mildews cannot become immune.

  5. Increased Yields • Eliminator is oil-free which prevents the clogging of the stomata, resulting in increased photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration. • It increases yields when used as a preventative by keeping pests, molds and mildews off your plants, fruits, and vegetables.

  6. A Little Info… • Eliminator’s proprietary formula is made in handcrafted batches to ensure maximum quality control. • We get calls from stores and online retailers telling us that Eliminator is #1 in customer satisfaction. • Many customers have also told us that if they had to select only one product on the market to meet their needs, it would be Eliminator.

  7. Basic Dos and Don'ts Some things to note: • Do not use in temperatures over 80 degrees Fahrenheit or when light is on the plant. If using for outdoor plants, ensure spraying happens in the evening when the sunlight is not on the plant. If used improperly, Eliminator can cause phytotoxicity. • Do not combine with other pesticides, fungicides, or nutrients. We cannot ensure efficiency of The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator if combined with other products. Combining with other products also increases the likelihood of phytotoxcity. • Before adding Eliminator, ensure the pH of your water is between 6 and 7 for optimal results. • Use warm water between 75 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit.

  8. Tips for Success • When spraying indoors, make sure you use during the dark cycle to avoid phytotoxicity. Do not spray under HID lights. If plants still are wet from spraying you can use a small fan to dry leaves before turning on HID lights. • When spraying outdoors, spray in evening and in temperatures under 80 degrees. • Test each strain before using, some strains may be more sensitive than others. • This is a contact product, so make sure you spray insects thoroughly and that you spray the entire plant including the stalk. Spray the top of the soil and around the pots as well as underneath where pests may reside and hide. • Introduce beneficials once Eliminator has dried.

  9. Seeds • Soaking seeds overnight in The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator to kill any mold spores is an excellent way to begin the season. Seed soak dilution rate: • Use ¼ cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water for an overnight seed soak. • The Soil King has a great (short) 3-part YouTube series on how to properly soak your seeds for germination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPY4x0KKb2s https://thefarmco.com/marijuana-seeds-for-sale/

  10. Clones • Upon receiving your clones, ensure you remove any detritus, mold spores, or insects that may be hiding on your plant by using a mild solution of Eliminator. Clones Application Rate: • 1/4 cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water. • Foliar spray & soil drench http://realtag.net/user/cannaclones-6203624606

  11. Soil Drench • We also recommend a soil drench before planting to kill off any molds, mildews, or pests that may already be lurking in the soil. • Applying compost tea after a soil drench is a good way to ensure your soil has an enriched microbiology before planting. Soil drench application rates: • Add 1 to 2 cups of Eliminator per 5 gallons of warm water between 75 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. Water after application for further soil penetration. http://www.frankieflowers.com/grow/gardening-checklists

  12. Maintenance • Prevention is the best solution! • Spray weekly with a mild solution to ward off pest and mold issues. Ensure you spray throughout the entire growing process, from seed (or clone) until right up to harvest. • If you use The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator properly throughout the entire gardening cycle, you should be able to prevent any pest or mold issues. • When applying The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator to your plants be sure to completely saturate your plant from top to bottom using a sprayer. Ensure the stalk is also saturated. If necessary, climb up on a ladder to spray down the plant to saturate the tops of the leaves. Step up under the plant and spray up to saturate the bottom. Walk around the plant, spraying completely to ensure saturation of the outside of the plant. Weekly Foliar Spray Application: • 1/4 cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water between 75 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit

  13. Russet Mites • Russet Mites are an extremely difficult infestation to handle. However, The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator can help! • Make sure to saturate not only the plant itself but also the soil, the smart pot (paying special attention to the seams, as they like to hide in there), and the surrounding ground around the pot. If your leaves have already begun to curl with Russet Mite damage, be sure to spray into the curled leaves to kill the eggs and larvae. Click on the link below to learn more about Russet Mites and how to deal with a severe infestation: http://skunkmagazine.com/russet-mites-invisible-plague/ Application Rate: • 1/2 cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water. We recommend spraying every day for three days, then every third day for two weeks, then down to once every 5-7 days. • Soil drench as well. https://www.occnewspaper.com/3135-2/

  14. Powdery Mildew Application rate: 1/4 cup per gallon of warm water Foliar spray & soil drench http://www.215street.com/get-rid-of-powder-mildew-powdery-mildew/

  15. Mold Application Rate:1/2 cup Eliminator per 1 gallon of warm water Foliar spray and a soil drench and cut out any mold-infested areas https://www.greencultured.co/botrytis-cannabis-grey-mold-aka-bud-mold/

  16. Fungus Gnats Application rate:¼ cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water. Foliar spray & asoil drench Click the link below to learn about how a fungus gnat infestation may actually be the symptom of a bigger problem: http://skunkmagazine.com/fungus-gnats-friends-or-foe/ https://www.maximumyield.com/fungus-gnats-the-cause-the-problem-and-the-answer/2/2087

  17. Spider Mites Application rate:1/2 cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water Foliar spray and soil drench https://www.thespruce.com/getting-rid-of-spider-mites-847770

  18. Thrips Application Rates:1/2 cup Eliminator per gallon of warm water Foliar spray and soil drench http://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-thrips

  19. Aphids Application Rate:1/2 cup Eliminator per gallon of warm water Foliar spray and soil drench https://www.cropscience.bayer.us/learning-center/articles/aphids-wreak-havoc-potato-fields

  20. Stalk/Bud Rot Application Rate:1/2 cup Eliminator per gallon of warm water Foliar spray and soil drench Scrape out any rot in the stalk then foliar spray http://www.mrnice.nl/photos/showphoto.php/photo/34759/title/bud-rot/cat/500

  21. Harvest • It is a good idea to spray plants the evening before harvest to remove any remaining bugs, animal droppings, or other detritus. • Spraying the night before will help to ensure your plants test clean (so long as you have practiced clean growing habits and used The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator throughout your growing process). • It will also help prolong the shelflife of your product. Application rate:1/4 cup of Eliminator per gallon of warm water http://www.ministryofcannabisblog.com/2016/04/19/7-questions-answered-about-cannabis-harvest/

  22. Test Clean! • Spraying weekly with Eliminator will help to ensure you test clean! • We have had many customers, including those that have placed in the Emerald Cup and the Cannabis Cup, tell us they tested clean because of The Amazing Doctor Zymes. • As testing regulations become more and more stringent, The Amazing Doctor Zymes continues to provide clean testing results. Some examples of what The Bureau of Cannabis Control in California tests for are: • Mycotoxins, any toxic substance produced by a fungus: Eliminator eradicates fungus on your plant • Microbial Impurities such as A. fumigatus, A. flavus, and A. terreus: all fungus strains that Eliminator combats • Residual pesticides: Eliminator leaves no residues • Residual solvents and processing chemicals: Eliminator is completely organic and leaves no residues • Heavy Metals: Eliminator contains no heavy metals

  23. Publicationand Awards • We have been published in Skunk Magazine for our articles such as combating Russet Mites and another on Fungus Gnats. • We were voted Best All NaturalInsecticide and Fungicide byThe Soil King

  24. Customer Testimonials • "Hey Doctor Zymes, Used your Eliminator on a fungus gnat problem I had.  I use a coco medium and it stays moist so it is a drag always having to fight fungus gnats.I first used it as a drench and sprayed the plants with low intensity light.  I set up a sticky trap to make sure the product was working, IT DID. I now put it in my recirculating system regularly and no more fungus gnats.  The root system looks so white and healthy, the plants love it. Thanks for a great product." M. R. - Trinity Alps, CA • "This last year was an epidemic with mites tearing through peoples gardens. Everyone was trying everything but nothing was working. A colleague recommended The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator to me and it ended up saving most of my customer’s yields.” “I fully stand behind this product. It works like nothing I've ever used.”  Store Owner - Chico, CA • "I Thought I had a nutrient deficiency, my friend told me it was probably Russet Mites and to call the The Amazing Doctor Zymes.  He said he had battled these things for 6 months before he used Eliminator.  I called them, described what I was seeing and they also told me I had probably had Russet Mites.  They told to to get a 100x magnifying scope to verify.  I did what they said and I called back to tell them they were right (and my friend too).  The infestation was bad.  They told me what to do and how to keep them off my plants.  I followed everything they said, IT WORKED after only 2 applications.  NO MORE MITES.  Thank you for such a great product."Customer - Hayfork, CA

  25. Where to Get Products We sell through these great distributors: • Hawthorne Supply • Sparetime Supply • Hydrofarm • The Soil King Or buy direct through www.doctorzymes.com

  26. Contact Us Website: • www.doctorzymes.com Email: • info@doctorzymes.com (general inquiries) • orders@doctorzymes.com (orders) Facebook: • https://www.facebook.com/amazingdoctorzymes/ Twitter: • https://twitter.com/AmazingDrZymes Instagram: • https://www.instagram.com/theamazingdoctorzymes/ Phone: • 707-984-6094 (Samantha Saddler, administrative help & social media) • 707-841-0907 (Genevieve Bonnet, sales support)

  27. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about The Amazing Doctor Zymes Eliminator, and Happy Gardening!

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