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Extreme Mental Math

Extreme Mental Math. 36. The value of 4 quarters, minus the number of ounces in a pound, divided by 7, times 3. 1. 30. Two dozen, divided by a half dozen, raised to the power of two, divided by 8, times 15. 2. 44.

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Extreme Mental Math

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Extreme Mental Math

  2. 36 The value of 4 quarters, minus the number of ounces in a pound, divided by 7, times 3 1

  3. 30 Two dozen, divided by a half dozen, raised to the power of two, divided by 8, times 15 2

  4. 44 The value of 6 dimes, divided by 10, times 9, minus 20, plus a half dozen, divided by 10, multiplied by 11 3

  5. 4 The value of 3 dimes and a nickel, doubled, plus the number of hours in a day, plus the square root of 36, divided by 25. 4

  6. 96 The number of quarters in a dollar, times 10, divided by the number of sides on a pentagon, multiplied by a dozen. 5

  7. 10 The number of sides on a hexagon, multiplied by 8, plus 2, divided by the value of a nickel. 6

  8. 99 Five dozen, divided by 6, times 4, plus the number of inches in a foot, minus 2, doubled, minus 1 7

  9. 14 The number of centimeters in a meter, divided by 5, times the number of feet in a yard, minus the value of a quarter, divided by 5, times the number of cups in a pint. 8

  10. 90 The number of weeks in a year, subtract 2, doubled, divided by 10, times 9 9

  11. 65 The number of inches in a yard, divided by 3, times 4, plus 20, minus 3 10

  12. 3 The number of hours in a day, doubled, divided by 4, times 6, plus 3, divided by the value of a quarter 11

  13. 100 The number of ounces in a pound, plus 4, times 5 12

  14. 32 Six dozen, minus 2, divided by 7, times the number of sides on a triangle, plus 2 13

  15. 81 Perimeter of a square with a side of 10 inches, divided by 4, times 8, plus 1 14

  16. 56 The value of 5 nickels, doubled, divided by 10, times 11, plus 1 15

  17. 20 The Four squared, minus 1, doubled, plus the value of a dime, minus 20 16

  18. 50 The square root of 144, times 3, divided by 9, times the value of a quarter, split in half 17

  19. 88 3 raised to the third power, minus 2, times 3, plus 5, plus 8 18

  20. 7 The square root of 121, times 6 plus 4, divided by 10 19

  21. 107 The number of minutes in an hour, minus 10, times 2, plus 7 20

  22. 97 9 squared, plus 4, plus the value of a dime, plus the number of pints in a quart 21

  23. 35 The number of deciliters in a liter, times 4, plus 5, divided by 9, times the number of days in a week 22

  24. 8 The square root of 100, times 9, minus 20, plus the number of months in a year, minus 2, divided by 10 23

  25. 15 The number of days in a year, minus the number of cents in $3.00, plus 10, minus 60 24

  26. 85 The area of a rectangle that is 3 by 11, doubled, minus 1, plus 20 25

  27. 18 7 squared, minus 4, divided by 5, times the number of cups in a pint 26

  28. 46 The square root of 121, times 4, minus 20, doubled, minus 2 27

  29. 31 Nine dozen, minus the value of a half-dollar, minus 3, divided by 11, times 6, plus 1 28

  30. 49 The perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 5 by 2, divided in half, squared 29

  31. 9 The number of dimes in a dollar, times 7, minus 40, plus 3, divided by 11, squared 30

  32. 92 The number of inches in a yard, divided by 12, squared, times 10, plus 2 31

  33. 48 The number of years in a decade, squared, divided by the value of a quarter, times a dozen 32

  34. 36 The number of degrees in a right angle, plus 9, divided by 11, times 4 33

  35. 5 11 squared, minus the value of 4 quarters, divided by 3, minus a half dozen, square, times 5 34

  36. 60 The square root of 64, doubled, minus 1, times 4 35

  37. 16 The number of degrees in a right angle, split in half, minus 5, divided by 10, squared 36

  38. 66 The number of weeks in a year, plus 3, divided by 5, times a half dozen 37

  39. 26 The area of a square with 7-inch sides, minus 5, divided by 11, squared, plus 10 38

  40. 12 The number of sides on an octagon, squared, minus 4, divided by 5 39

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