2. Learning disabilities are specificneurological disorders.
Motor skills
13. a few common disorders: Dyslexia affects how language is processed
Dyscalculia affects math skills
Dysgraphia affects written expression
Dyspraxia affects fine motor skills
14. Average to above average intelligence More common in boys
Tends to run in families
15. Accommodations Tape recorders
Smaller amounts of work
Extra space for writing/math
Flexible work time
Provide outline or overview of info
Allow tests to be retaken orally
16. DID YOU KNOW? 75% of children with LD have social skills deficits
A child can have a LD and be gifted
Tom Cruise, John Lennon, Walt Disney,
Whoppi Goldberg and Beethoven all had a
SLD (Specific learning disability) is the term used in Fed. law for any LD
17. GREAT RESOURCE!(for kids!)
“Where no two brains spark alike”
18. A REAL VOICEfrom a friend who is dyslexic “I knew I had a learning disability by the time I was in 4th grade.”
“It took me 3 hours to do what others could do in one.”
“ I still don’t know my times tables”.
“Timed tests! Forget it!”
“ I would cry over homework.”
“ I can remember getting a test back with a 26%.”
19. Her advice to teachers:
If you notice a student is struggling, do something about it!!!
22. Works Cited Child Development Institute. (2007). About learning disabilities. Retrieved January 26, 2007 from http://www.cdipage.com
LD Online.(2007). What is a learning disability? Retrieved January 22, 2007 from http://www.ldonline.org
Mercer, Cecil D. & Ann. R.(2001). Teaching students with learning problems. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
National Center for Learning Disabilities.(2007). What you should know about learning disabilities. Retrieved January 26, 2007 from http://www.ncld.org
Pierangelo, R. & Giulani, G. (2001). What every teacher should know about students with special needs: Promoting success in the classroom. Champaign, IL: Research Press.
Raskind, Marshall H., Margalit, Malka, & Higgins, Eleanor L. (2006). “My LD”: Children’s Voices on the Internet. Learning Disabilities Quarterly. Fall 2006. pp253-268.
Reif, Sandra F. & Heimburge, Julie A. (1996) How to reach and teach all students in the inclusive classroom. Paramus, NJ: The Center for Applied Research in Education.
Thompson, Julia G. (2002). First-year teacher’s survival kit. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.